We know that facebook is very famous networking website and we can get huge traffic through facebook but could you tell me please that we can get only traffic for the our website or we can also get some business. if we have 1000 daily traffic from facebook then it is useful if we are getting business.

I know most of them is useless what you say about it....

I think with Facebook it's really a matter of quantity over quality most of the time. At Facebook they go to a lot of effort to gain statistical information from their users to ensure that their paid advertisers are targeting the right sort of people.

Having said that, it's still possible. What you need to do is target your viewers too.

Opening business-specific pages or groups on Facebook allow users to find you, then connect to your website and hopefully result in a sale. Getting your name out via Facebook requires you to connect with similar groups or fan pages and interacting with those who are interested in the area of your business.

For example; if you're a online retailer for shoes and you're looking at moving into online media and social networking. You might start by creating a group for your business and then look at connecting with other shoe retailers or via fan pages of those that say they love shopping or shoe shopping.

It's really beneficial to make as many relevant connections as possible.

Thanks for sharing information and issues. A friend of mine is an expert on the subject.

Its funny, we've been using social networks to help boost our Google Rankings. But the direct hits from the various social platforms are becoming more valuable to us than Google search terms.

Its funny, we've been using social networks to help boost our Google Rankings. But the direct hits from the various social platforms are becoming more valuable to us than Google search terms.

That's not surprising. People have found you on Facebook via a network, far more targeted than a once-off Google search. Not to mention the good old "my friend likes it therefore I like it too".

I agree with jahnavi, Facebook etc are part of SMO and it is also a part of SEO. From SMO we can generate traffic or boost our ranking, not business.

Facebook is use for increase traffic and boost the ranking, not for business.

Getting traffic from Facebook is good for business if the traffic is channelized and relevant. You find relevant to research on niche business network groups. Those groups seem to promote their product. At least 200 relevant, targeted visits as getting too many non relevant traffic may prove more beneficial than getting thousands.

Face Book gives traffic but that traffic works only if that provides you business. Face Book is not a search engine my experience is that its traffic bounce rate is always at a higher site mean very less chances to get useful traffic that brings business.

FB is good place to advertise your site and the content
If you have 1M follower, you can spread any info to them

Now, how about twitter traffic? Are we have traffic benefit too?

All of us use facebook for generating traffic to our websites and for social networking. Their might be chances of getting business via facebook.


I am agree with you, facebook is a social community through which you can give traffic to your website by inviting your contacts and friends to it. Direct hits from the various social platforms are becoming more valuable to us for getting high PR.


Yes Facebook is good enough for online business because it drive lots of traffic so it increases the conversion rate.

Its funny, we've been using social networks to help boost our Google Rankings. But the direct hits from the various social platforms are becoming more valuable to us than Google search terms.

Getting traffic from Facebook is good for business if the traffic is channelized and relevant. You find relevant to research on niche business network groups. Those groups seem to promote their product. At least 200 are as relevant and targeted visits are getting too many non relevant traffic may prove more beneficial than thousands.

Well i think twitter is very close to facebook, both facebook and twitter combined have more traffic than google, so be advertising on these websites you can get immense number of viewers to your website!

Well i think twitter is very close to facebook, both facebook and twitter combined have more traffic than google, so be advertising on these websites you can get immense number of viewers to your website!

I use both Facebook as well as twitter, I think it depends on the type of followers you have the more you have close to your niche more is the chances that they'll get attracted by the tweet or post you provide on your wall..So there will be more chances that the traffic that you get will be useful for your site.Always try to make it interesting IMO..(^_^)

Yeah is true facebook pages is a very good tool to drive visitor tou your website. Is not a secret that Google loves facebook pages.

Social network is highly use to generate traffic and site popularity. It ain't generating any backlink. They are all nofollow link and it will help to generate traffic and updates visitors regarding product and services.

facebook is good for advertising your website.if you have large group of friends on facebook than it is benificial.twitter is also like as facebook .but it depends on how much follower you have.

Dear friend all socail networking websites we used for increase the traffic not for to getting the business, but if you are getting good traffic then its sure you will get good queries too for your business.And i know some business are going on simple facebook like online deal. This type of total business is going on from social networking websites only.....

Hi friends,

Do you know about any social community other than facebook that can give more traffic to your website, anyone has any idea about it?

Hi @caryrobert you can get ton of threads on Social Networking sites from which you can generate traffic to your site, you just need to find them in this site.

Facebook can be a good way to advertise your site, but you pay for ads, but his greatest chat site on the planet, it is not, so he must be good for ads.

Facebook is the most popular social networking website to generate huge traffic. It's helps in getting business when you open business-specific pages or join related groups and allow users to get in touch with you and connect your website to get sale's results.

Facebook is a widely used by people. It is a great way to promote a business. Large number of people used Facebbok.

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