Im interested in adding adsense to my blog but appearance is a really important aspect to my website therefore the money made must be worth the sacrafise.

I understand earnings aren't the same in everycase but it'd be nice to get some info.
Please post:

How long you've been using Adsense:
How much you earn:

Many thanks

i have used Adsense on a blog and though I did not make much, I did learn some lessons like:
1. you need to drive relevant traffic to your site who will click!
2. you need to bring constant traffic to your site.

Really its a tough process to get approve for adsense, i have applied for more than 5 times, but still i could not able to get approve.

I have used Adsense for my webiste and got some revenue out of it when I started to increase my site traffic.

So to earn money from Adsense first you have increase your site traffic.

btw do u know any other company like google adsense?

I have used adsense for my blogs, and I noticed a pattern. The revenue generated is dependent on BOTH visitor and host. No matter how much traffic I get for the blog in a month, but if I didnt write in that month (read , lazy) there isn't any revenue for me. However, when I started writing again the next month, voila, revenue for me. So I think its dependent on BOTH traffic and site activity.

had been trying to reapply... google had ban my account.. :-(

I have used Adsense for my webiste and got some revenue out of it when I started to increase my site traffic.

So to earn money from Adsense first you have increase your site traffic.

totally agree with you. But one question
how to increase our traffic for without spending a dime?

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