2,452 Topics
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Hi, I have to make a script with parameter that limits the character. This is the code snippet So script.pl -teacher [string] where teacher should only be allowed of [A-Za-z0-9_-]# , if not, print error message which is "error". Other thing is that, the parameter -teacher have to follow the … | |
Hey all, I am a beginner for Perl and looking for some kind of project ideas that can be solved easily using perl. It could be anything. from daily life to bio informatics!!!!! Please help...My mind is blank!!!! Thanks | |
Hi I trying to create a script for creating a simple folder and subfolder. So basically i am in directory \home\ and want to create folder1, and afterwards subfolder 'folder2'. so at the end, I am expecting to have a simple \home\folder1\folder2. This is what I did [CODE]#!/usr/bin/perl -w use … | |
I have a Perl parsing problem. I have to find a keyvalue for a KEYWORD KEYNAME. I have a file containing KEYWORD KEYNAME on a line followed by keyvalue on a subsequent line An added problem is that the file allows perl & shell type comments using # – e.g. … | |
Hi, I have two files and each consists of modules and in turn modules consists of some verilog data and instances.i have to search for module name in the two files and comapare the contents of the modules in the two files. i have code it does module search,extract the … | |
Hai Friends, I am new to perl programming. I don't know how much it is goood i mean how it's scope.. Any one can say which are the companies using perl.. | |
Hai Friends, I am very new to perl Scripting... but my task is somewhat tricky.. Actually i want to connect remote machine from local.. I think it is possible using [B][COLOR="Green"]Net-SSH-Perl [/COLOR][/B]but i unable to install in windows platform. if anybody have answer? Please give some idea about connecting remote … | |
Hello, I have a div (#disclaimer) that has the css property of "display:none." The following jquery script is supposed to show it when the #test select option is clicked. The #quest,#comp,and #other divs are supposed to hide it again. It works fine in FF but does not work in IE. … | |
Hello! I need help whith perl. I have 2 files, i whant to open them compare une colun and if they iqual i whant to write at the 1ª file some coluns of the secund file. Exemple: File 1 2; apartamento; T2; manuel; 120.000€; Activo 4; moradia; V4;José; 250.000€; Suspenso … | |
The idea here is I want the initial hash to be run into the child function, have changes made, send the changes back to the parent. Then send the changed hash into the child for more changes to take place. I've been making a poker program to help me learn, … | |
Hi, Im trying to create three pages for Inserting, deleting or viewing database contents. On my main or home page the database contents are shown. I want to create a "Delete" hyperlink in the last column of every row so that the specific record is deleted on clicking that. I … | |
I'm learning perl, been reading some pdfs and such which doesnt really help sink the info. So i decided to do what I did to help me with python, build something of a poker game. The cards are successfully dealt, now im working on splitting up the card terms to … | |
Hi PERL-fans, I have a problem with an array while coding a histogram: The data is in an array [code=perl]@data[/code] I initialise my histogram array like: [code=perl]@histo=();[/code] Then, I loop over the datapoints and at each point compute in which bin that point would be: [code=perl] for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@data); $i++){ … | |
Im following a perl book, and one exercise has you enter a number, sum them up until you type 999(the exit code). Their example works, but when I try using use strict, I cant figure out how to get the variable in the while loop to go global Here's what … | |
hello i m new to drupal. i hav learn how to configure themes into it. Every thing was perfect but.. ....dont knw what happen suddenly.....show of my page has gone and it is coming in linear text form...no pitchure is comming,no graphics.. I dont understand what does going wrong...plezz suggest … | |
Hi all, i need some help to carry the data to another page..this is my code to carry the id [CODE] <ASP:HYPERLINK ID="lnkDetails" RUNAT="server" NAVIGATEURL='<%#"Company_vd.aspx?comp_code=" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"CmpCode")%>' TEXT="Details"></ASP:HYPERLINK> [/CODE] it works but i dont know how to use the comp_code on the other page to retrieve other data based on … | |
Hi there...... I have received a domain from a customer which is showing me very strange things..... When I tried to login via FTP it showed me empty directory.... The server is apache and when I try to login via cpanel it gives me this error "Not Found The requested … | |
Hi, I am working on a way to draw a graph with AS3. I have just put my code into different classes. I have a function that draws the graph axis but it doesn't seem to work properly. You will see what I mean in a min. [CODE] public function … | |
I'm new to perl, some experience in python. I've been tasked to create a script to remove comments in files. So basically id like to remove <!-- comment here --> from every line that has it in an assortment of files in a directory tree. Some comments may span multiple … | |
Hi All, How do I generate random numbers using arrays in PERL. Thank you, | |
we get module1 and module 2 from the two files which i have uploaded. But actually the problem is i was not listing differences correctly i have uploade the output image also but actually that number of differences are not there. only 6 to 8 diifferences are there so how … | |
Hopefully someone can help me with my CD drive. It's not reading some of the CDs I put into it. My CD writer / DVD ROM combo drive is reading and running CD-RW disks but not reading normal CD-R disks. It also varies with programs & games. My drive will … | |
Hello, please try to help the fresher i was a beginner in perl .but gave me critical work. my task looks simple!But not.i was trying for 4days. i have two text files each contain code in modules. my task i have to take module name from the user and search … | |
Hi This may seem pity stupid but I am somehow stuck in this: I have got a file containing years like this : 1913 1913 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1955 1955 now this is just a part of a file containing almost 50000 years. What I want to do … | |
I am frustrated to no end. I absolutely cannot find the solution to paginating a search result that pulls info from two tables. Everything seems fine at the start. I get a page with the correct number of results (2) and the correct number of page links on the bottom … | |
Hello, please try to help this fresher i was a beginner in perl .but my TL gave me critical work. my task looks simple!But not.i was trying for 4days. i have two text files each contain code in modules. my task i have to take module name from the user … | |
Hi all, I'm using netbeans 1.6 ide to develop my project. When I build my project, netbeans create .jar file. but when I run it it also runs but not like When I run it from ide's run button. Some parts of application do not work example a button click … | |
Hi Guys How to convert number of days to number of year and month in Perl. | |
Hello, I am trying to create a script that will compare two identical pieces of hardwares configuration files (that are added via a GUI provided as part of the device) and to synchronize the two devices configurations. I currently have a shell script that connects to and downloads the configuration … | |
I have a series of data (x,y) as below. I want to use this data to create a bell curve (normal distribution) with perl. How can I do this? x y 1 2 2 50 3 40 4 300 5 70 6 80 7 8 8 10 9 25 10 … |
The End.