2,452 Topics
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Hello guys, I need your help. Newbie here! I want to know how to get response.redirect in hyperlinkfield. Example: When I click the the link, it response to the next page and the column of my gridview appears but how can I get the labels and tables? Thanks in advance | |
How would I go about writing a Perl Progam that can take user entered lines from the keyboard and then store them in an array? Whenever the user enters "QUIT" the program will print out all of the lines sorted. THen you must change the program so that it will … | |
Hi Danimates, Recently i faced a problem while running the program... I had a site called.... SNIP This is POST method website....i written all REGEX parts well.. But writing in Program in content(" ") v should copy the content... But from that site i [B]didnt find the content of that … | |
How to write a Perl program that adds up the numbers in a file and prints out their sum, average, max and min. There is one number per line. You must print the average out showing two digits after the decimal point. The numbers are: 50 20 3 4 5 | |
Hi,i was a beginner in perl .please try to help m ein these areas. If i use [CODE]du -sh[/CODE] in my perl script i was getting output as 54M /home/abhinav/compare or 569M /home/abhinav/debug But i want only the size that is either like 54m or 569m and i dont want … | |
I have a code which parses/validates all the fields present in i/p weblog file. My first field is ip_address & currently can have a value like Now I have a change where ip_address can be a dummy value something like $10.00 or $23.123.34. or $12.233. How should I change … | |
Dear fellow members, I'm developing a Perl program that can be used on Linux hosts to perform certain tasks. Planning to release a premimum version of the program that will be run on servers with public IP address for a low price. How can I setup a license system incorporated … | |
Hi Experts,I have 2 pages with the name farmmgmt.php and assigndoc.php. In farmmgmt.php I insert certain fields like cowid and then get redirected to assigndoc.php for assigning doctors. After assigning when I update the table it does not do so.. I want to update the table for the recently inserted … ![]() | |
Hi, Currently I have two files: (I've labeled the columns to help with the explanation) mature.txt [0m] [1m] [2m] [3m] [4m] [5m] [6m] [7m] scaffold1088 121550 D 18 ppy mi 164g 88.6 scaffold1141 262270 D 18 ppy mi 896 90.2 scaffold1168 54635 D 18 peu mi 2138 87.5 scaffold1168 56190 … | |
Hello All, I am getting the infamous Argument ___ isn't numeric in sprintf. I've looked around but I can't seem to fix the issue. It seems to occur if it has a 0. in front of the numeric pattern that causes it. Does anyone have any idea of what I … | |
Hello All, I am trying to find where the error is when I compile this Perl script but I can't seem to locate it. It is stating that it "Can't find the string terminator "FOOTER" anywhere before EOF at reddrill.pl line 54. I have went through and checked for extra … | |
I'm trying to perl -w the following: [code] #bonus.cgi - calculates a bonus amount and rcreates a dynamic web page which contains form data & a bonus amount print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; use CGI qw(:standard); #prevent Perl from creating undeclared variables use strict; #declare variables my ($name, $sales, $rate, $bonus); #assign … | |
I think this should be easy but I'm not a techy. Problem: The checkout screen on my site allows the logged in user to change their address details but doesn't appear to update the stored data before sending them off to the payment service provider. The code on the CGI … | |
I have a perlScript form that asks for a file e.g. [CODE] <%@LANGUAGE='PerlScript'%> <% $Response->Write(" <html> <head> </head> <body> <form action='editRST.asp' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post'> <p> Please specify a file:<br> <input type='file' name='file' size='35'> </p> <div> <input type='submit' value='Send'> </div> </form> </body> </html> "); %> [/CODE] and another to gather the data … | |
I received the following error, but I don't understand how to fix it. Help? "readline() on closed filehandle IN at transcribe.pl line 21." [CODE]#!/usr/bin/perl #transcribe.pl #convert DNA to RNA (T to U) use strict; use warnings; #TASK: Read DNA sequences from ‘DNAseq’ input file – #there is one sequence per … | |
I need to keep track of the number of times a user visits a website. I have the code done but I don't think I am counting the correct way as the dynamic web page keeps showing the same number of visits. Any tips would be so helpful! [CODE]#!/usr/bin/perl use … | |
I am very very new to perl and am not even sure if awk is what I should be using instead. Hopefully someone out there can help me put together a script for this problem. Here is some sample data (it is tab delineated in my file): 20 scaffold189_125 13634 … | |
I'm currently designing a new website for the company I work for. I get the page to display properly in Firefox. The banner lines up properly with the backdrop banner I have set as the background image. However in IE7 everything gets misaligned. I can't quite figure out why it's … | |
How do you write a perl script to determine the number of measurements, average, variance, standard deviation? This is the script that I have so far and it is not working. my @data = (6, 9, 7, 23, 30, 18); my @data2 = (10, 5, 8, 11); my @data3 = … | |
Hi all, I'm relatively new to Perl and particularly new to regular expressions. This is really simple script I've just mocked up. All it does is to take the input string and check if it's in the correct format or not. Here are some examples of correct format (will always … | |
How do you create a Perl Program that asks a user to enter two numbers and assign those numbers to selections in a text and then reverse the text? I think I am supposed to use splice array and the reverse function but it is not coming out properly. print … | |
Hi all, I am attempting to use the LWP::UserAgent to request a Soap call, and in the response the request returns a TIFF image. When I write the contents out to a file(binary mode), the file also contains header information. How would I go about extracting just the body(TIF image) … | |
Hi, I have a perl cgi script as follows: [CODE] $|=0; close(STDERR); open(STDERR, "> E:\\output.err"); # instantiate a new CGI object my $cgi = new CGI; my @params = $cgi->param(); my $length = @params; my $calc= $cgi->param($params[0]); print "something on the browser" print "tell the user that so and so … | |
Hi, I am new to the perl scripting and need your help regarding one issue. I have a piece in my perl script which looks something like below - if ($rec{user} =~ /Major |Minor |Low |High /oxi ) { print "Reject" . $_ . "\n"; next; } Now the list … | |
Hi, I have some problem with my website. I design/code and testing the site with Firefox. But when I try to display the website using IE, Opera and even Chrome, the website is mess. The layout seems to be out of order, but doing fine in Firefox.. URL: [url]www.robofair.com/event[/url] Hope … | |
Hi, I have one problem in perl script development. I have big logic executing in script and finally should save in directory structure specified. directory structure is created at runtime dependind on user runtime arguments by argv my MAKEPATH.the script works if i gave destination directory as /home/abhinav/direc1/ (/home/abhinav/) is … | |
![]() | Hello all! I'm a newbie to Javascript and I have what seems to be a simple task that has stumped me. I have a parent/child scenario where the child is a pop-up "control panel" with hyperlinks that control the parent page. The idea is to click a link and it … ![]() |
Hi all, There are not too many threads that I start, but I wanted to share with you all something I discovered last week that saved me tons of time. I have a program, which is way to long and complex to post here, that basically opens excel, reads data … | |
We have a routine on our website that needs to pull information from a text file. The file is a tab delimited file with double quotes surrounding the text. The routine needs to compare these values to another imported list of values that do not have the double quotes around … | |
Hello Everybody Specially for php How can i extract hyperlink URL from exel sheet I want to know How can i extract hyperlink URL from exel sheet cells. |
The End.