2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for koushikG
Member Avatar for Makailah

Good day, I am new to the site and would like some help on a code. I must write a perl program that gets the average of each column of numbers in any file? The format is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 4 4 2 3 4 …

Member Avatar for yuvanbala
Member Avatar for tones1986

I have no good regex experience -- its all pretty new and confusing to me. I understand some of the VERY basics, but to do what im looking for...is way past me! I have the following text i would like to parse, pulling out the highlighted section everytime. Unknown Trap …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Makailah

I must find the restriction maps in a FASTA file and then for every sequence print out a graphical display of the cut sites in the restriction map by printing the sequence and labeling the recognition sites with the enzyme name. I also must use a hash to store the …

Member Avatar for selicon.valley

i m developing website in asp.net n page name is 1.aspx i want to show records in table form but my requirement is that it should be hyperlink username when ever visitor clicks on that.next page will come n the username passed to another page <td><%#Container.DataItem("[COLOR="DarkRed"]user_name[/COLOR]")%> </td>

Member Avatar for peachy0685
Member Avatar for AngelicOne

I have a pair of questions.. I am quite new to this gridview in asp.net using C#.. I have used the following code to bind the sql database table from my gridview. [CODE]SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select customerid, customername from table",con); ds.Clear(); da.Fill(ds); gridview.datasource=ds; gridview.databind();[/CODE] And set the autogenerate columns …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for Jesi523

OK, here's my last problem for this project I am working on. This may seem very simple to most of you, but I cannot figure it out. I have a simple confirmation page that reads something like: You have successfully created your event, the link for people to signup for …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for Anthony Cameron

Hello, I am parsing a rebase file and using different subroutines from the BeginPerlBioinfo module. I have used the subroutines I think I need but I keep on getting the message"use of initialized value $site in concatenation or string <$fh>. [CODE]use strict; use warnings; use P4; # Declare and initialize …

Member Avatar for Anthony Cameron
Member Avatar for jv_web

Im sure this is real easy... Please forgive my limited .Net abilities... The script below genereates the correct value I need... I just want ot place the value obtained by dblTotal into a flash param... the param below is what I imagine it would look like. [code=c] <script Language="c#" runat="server"> …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for Anthony Cameron

Hello, I would like to know if I need to use a regular expression to match the desired substring in order to print out 10 characters of the start codon ATG. My dna sequence is "CATAGAGATA" Thanks for any advice.

Member Avatar for Anthony Cameron
Member Avatar for terabyte

How can I print some numbers during a loop for example I have a while loop, and while the loop is running i want to print the numbers of times the loop has been repeated.

Member Avatar for terabyte
Member Avatar for d5e5

Someone mentioned in another thread they had found and downloaded [URL="http://search.cpan.org/~adamk/ORLite-1.45/lib/ORLite.pm"]OrLite[/URL], presumably to consider using it to access data in an SQLite database. Since, to use OrLite you need to have the DBI and DBD::SQLite modules installed on your computer as well, I think you could just use DBI to …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for bio-grad

I need some help setting up a perl script which will provide the statistics on some data I have in an excel file. My plan was to copy the excel file into a text file (with tab delineated columns) and run the script off of that. I downloaded a simple …

Member Avatar for anushaahenry
Member Avatar for shanenin

I had a website that was made for me a while back. I am trying to update the info. I am doing my best to make changes to the code. It renders fine in all the major browsers except IE. This page in particular does not work, [url]http://brighteyedcomputer.com/test/site/contact[/url] . The …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for stharmon

Hello, I have written a script to automate a software install. I am running the script as root, but need to su to another user to configure and complile the program properly. Whenever I do the shell script su's to the user properly but the scripts stops executing until I …

Member Avatar for rehm
Member Avatar for d5e5

I know next to nothing about statistics so tried Statistics::Basic because it seemed easy to use. Then I tried Statistics::Descriptive because it has functions that Statistics::Basic lacks. What I did not expect was to get a different result when calculating Standard Deviation using Statistics::Descriptive than when using the other module …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for terabyte
Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for terabyte

I am starting to learn Perl and I have coded few tools (converters, calculators, etc.) to get some practice, I easily included these tools into my website just changing the extension .pl to .cgi and adding this line: [CODE]print "content-type: text/html \n\n";[/CODE] so..when should I start using catalyst and why? …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for sedalnas

Hi , i'm trying to add a hyperlink in the php code , the "href" of the hyperlink is the books names generated from the db but i want to the clicked link to show the relative book description and the book's image in another page but i don't know …

Member Avatar for cossay
Member Avatar for selicon.valley

dear friends developing data driven website with asp.net n access database 1)plz provide the detail code with inheritence n also import classes i want to execute insert query in asp.net +vb syntax on submit button 2) if data is store i want to show in table with pages count eg …

Member Avatar for prashant_

Perl/apache if we run the Perl script on apache for display the result of Linux command it is not able to execute the Linux command and not display it into the browser. eg. We want to display the result of "ping" command but not able to identify what is the …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for terabyte

I have been coding in Perl without using "my" before the variable name.. when should I use MY and why?

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for choosenalpha

Hi All, I am getting the following error below when running my CGI script. I have went through the code but can't seem to sift where exactly it is saying on each of the respective lines. For the error on line 65 is it because I have a localized variable …

Member Avatar for choosenalpha
Member Avatar for Xtremefaith

So I received awesome help from here before but forgot to ask at the time about one small thing. He taught me how to exclude my "ID" field displaying and about the implode function in PHP but if I display my data using it is there a way to make …

Member Avatar for Xtremefaith
Member Avatar for Anthony Cameron

Hello, I have a perl program where I must mutate a DNA sequence while maintaining the same base pair distribution and then randomly mutate the sequence 10 to 20 times and find the similarity between the mutated and original sequence by calculating an adhoc score. This is what I have …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for zyzagy

Hi, I am kind of new to PHP, learning through books and online resources but I am having difficulties with what seems like an easy problem. [CODE]if($pageid == 1){ echo ""; } else { [COLOR="Green"]echo '<form action="delete_ad.php" method="post">'; echo '<input name="deleteid" type="text" value="" id="deleteid" hspace="10"/>'; echo '<input name="delete" type="submit" value="Delete …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for The_Result

Hello, I've been teaching myself on how to code with perl. My current project that I am working on is socket programming. I would like to transmit a message from one server to another. When I attempt to execute my client code, the following error displays, "send: Cannot determine peer …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for callyvan

I am hurting here, been tasked with trying to add a bunch of new content to this script, but since it was written 10 years ago and continuously patched up badly since then, I have no clue what does what anymore..can someone comment in text that will at least explain …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Anthony Cameron

Hello, I need help to fix a perl script that obtains a DNA file with a FASTA sequence and randomly shuffle the sequence while maintaining the overall distribution of bases. I must also randomly shuffle the sequence 10-20 times. Then measure the similarity between the shuffled sequence versus the original …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for cutekate

I have a triple drop down menu and when I select an option for first drop down, based on that I get the values populated in the second drop down but these values in the second drop down do not clear even though I change the change the option of …

Member Avatar for Airshow

The End.