austinium 0 Newbie Poster


I am new to Perl and am trying to port an old version of to run on windows, the code iam trying to port is

#	Usage:
#	objdump -d vmlinux | [arch]
#	TODO :	Port to all architectures (one regex per arch)

# check for arch
# $re is used for three matches:
# $& (whole re) matches the complete objdump line with the stack growth
# $1 (first bracket) matches the code that will be displayed in the output
# $2 (second bracket) matches the size of the stack growth
# use anything else and feel the pain ;)
	my $arch = shift;
	$x	= "[0-9a-f]";	# hex character
	$xs	= "[0-9a-f ]";	# hex character or space
	if ($arch eq "") {
		print "Usage:  objdump -d vmlinux | arch\n";
		print "where arch is i386, ppc, or s390\n";
		print "Each output line gives a function's stack usage and name\n";
		print "Lines are output in order of decreasing stack usage\n";
		die "Error: must specify architecture on commandline";
	if ($arch =~ /^i386$/) {
		#c0105234:       81 ec ac 05 00 00       sub    $0x5ac,%esp
		$re = qr/^.*(sub    \$(0x$x{2,6}),\%esp)$/o;
		$todec = sub { return hex($_[0]); };
	} elsif ($arch =~ /^ppc$/) {
		#c00029f4:       94 21 ff 30     stwu    r1,-208(r1)
		$re = qr/.*(stwu.*r1,-($x{3,6})\(r1\))/o;
		$todec = sub { return hex($_[0]); };
	} elsif ($arch =~ /^s390x?$/) {
		#   11160:       a7 fb ff 60             aghi   %r15,-160
		$re = qr/.*(ag?hi.*\%r15,-(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2}))/o;
		$todec = sub { return $_[0]; };
	} else {
		die("wrong or unknown architecture\n");

$funcre = qr/^$x* \<(.*)\>:$/;
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
	if ($line =~ m/$funcre/) {
		($func = $line) =~ s/$funcre/\1/;
	if ($line =~ m/$re/) {
		push(@stack, &$todec($2)." ".$func);
		# don't expect more than one stack allocation per function
		$func .= " ** bug **";

foreach (sort { $b - $a } (@stack)) {
	print $_."\n";

Arch is i386, $re on line 27 is the line that matches objdump line.
On Linux the lines of assembly to matched are like:

b82:	83 ec 10             	sub    $0x10,%esp
     bd4:	83 ec 0c             	sub    $0xc,%esp

For windows the lines assembly to matched are like:

00000214: 83 EC 0C           sub         esp,0Ch

I am trying to write the regular expression for windows, heres what i have been able to come up with:

$re = qr/^.*sub         esp,[0-9a-f]*h/o;

Apart from the above change i have made changes so that the input and output are performed via File I/O. I have attached the changed code.

this doesn't work...i can't seem to figure out what iam missing here :(
