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easy going, don't care about much, keep a small group of friends, can get along with a lot of people, unless they bug me, i like food especially pasta, i self taught java then took a class that i aced, i am in the process of teaching myself C++, i am…
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- Programming building things, and studying science
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- Processor: AMD Turion 64 x2 mobile tl60 2ghz ram: 3gb OS: 32 bit windows vista service pack 1 hard drive:…
200 Posted Topics
Hello All, I'm trying to write a simple html editor that will highlight tags, and it does, but if the user types the caret jumps to the very end of the document, how can I stop this from happening? here's my code: [CODE=java] import javax.swing.*; /** * Main frame for … | |
I'm porting some code from a book about ray tracing from C++ to Java, because I like java better and it seems like a decent way to learn how the code works. I ported the code for the Torus Primitive and all seemed well, until I tried to view it … | |
Re: it does depend on the requirements for the game, but if you need real time 3D rendering, your on the right track with C++ and OpenGL. Be sure to have a good knowledge of both before starting something big though. | |
Re: i bought the [URL="http://www.amazon.com/Java-All-Reference-Dummies-Computers/dp/0470124512/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1215757097&sr=8-1"]Java All in One Desk Reference for dummies by doug lowe and barry burd[/URL] when i first started learning java, it covers all of the basics and also includes a "minibook" on swing, web programming, and databases it helped me a lot | |
I have user login info stored with JPA along with a room. The room has a list of users, the users have a transient field, which is where my problem is coming in. @Entity public class User{ //some other stuff ids and such @Id @GeneratedValue(generator = "increment") @GenericGenerator(name = "increment", … | |
I'm trying to list currently online users on a pet project I'm working on. I've found a few ways to do it, but I'm having difficutly getting the one I chose to work properly. The basic idea was to use an HttpSessionBindingListener on the users information to add it to … | |
Ok, so I'm working on a web-project, I connected a custom hanlder to the root Logger in `contextInitialized()` of a ServletContextListener: @Override public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) { Logger def = Logger.getLogger(""); Handler hand = new DatabaseLoggingHandler(); hand.setLevel(Level.WARNING); def.addHandler(hand); } which looks like: import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.util.logging.Logger; … | |
I made this minesweeper game earlier this summer. It shows many things, including: array use, 1D array to 2D array, gridlayout, changing the way a JButton works depending on mouse button used, floodfill, loops, GUI. slightly long, 382 lines, can probably be condensed. There is one known bug that i … | |
Re: please use code tags [*code=java*][*/code*] without the asterisks (*) what is you problem, actually making it calculate? if so, i have a thread on the subject, that has a solution at the end: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread128116.html"]here[/URL] the second page has the answer to that. personal preference maybe, but i don't like the … | |
Hello All, So I'm working on hand-coding a forum-like website, just for the experience, and I want to have a similar feature as you'll see above where a thread will have its ancestors linked: "Web Development > JSP > Parent traversal of tree-like Structure" I have several beans for different … | |
Hello, In trying to port some Java code to C++ I'm disliking the std::stream's lack of copy constructors. I know exactly what the problem is, but I don't know what I can do about it. I have a dangling reference to a stream as a member variable of a class. … | |
My project compiles fine, but when running a push_back on a vector, I'm getting an access violation when the vector attempts to resize itself. I have lots of code, but hopefully I can boil it down to just relevant classes. I am sorry about the HUGE amount of code, but … | |
Hello all, I have not tested the code I'm posting here to see if it compiles, but I have an issue in a large codebase and I believe that this should be the simplest program to demonstrate the issue; class base { public: shared_ptr<base> clone()=0; }; typedef shared_ptr<base> baseptr; class … | |
Hello, I have some java code I want to port to C++, and first class in the Heirarchy has me stumped. I'm trying to port a simple parsing framework as an exercise to figure out how it works internally, and almost everything in the framework requires, uses, or is `PubliclyClonable` … | |
Hello all, I'm having trouble getting google to give me anything useful because I don't know the name of the algorithm I'm looking for.  This image shows different ways of connecting two points together, A is just plain lines, C is bezier curves but what is the algorithm … | |
Re: There are several problems in this code, the `if(m == 3);{` is, while not syntactically wrong, almost certainly will not do what you expect it to do. You should use remove the semicolon. At the moment if m equals three an empty statement will execute, and the code in the … | |
Re: What code do you have? What specific issues are you having? No one here will do an assignment for you. If you have specific issues we will help you find the problem, but you have to show effort. | |
Re: The reason the old rectangle dissapears is because the `super.paintComponent()` clears the foreground with the background color, it's the same as calling `gr.setColor(getBackground()); gr.fillRect(0,0,getWidth(),getHeight());` in the beginning of your paintComponent() method. Every time you call super.paintComponent() it clears the display. when you don't call super.paintComponnt() it never has a chance … | |
Re: Your listener in the class A with the button would have to gain access to the panels in class B, because they are private you would have to add an accessor method (package or public access) in order to gain access to the panels. you would also have to make … | |
Re: i have done something like this before i used it for doubles. TYPE_WRAPPER.parseTYPE() will return a number of type TYPE. if you need a boolean value of whether it is or is not a number you can do this: [code=java] public boolean isIntNumber(String num){ try{ Integer.parseInt(num); } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { … | |
Hello, thought I'd ask before getting too deep into code to make sure I understand this properly. As described in the Gamma et. al. book the Visitor Pattern looks something like this: interface Visitor{ public void visitX(X x); public void visitY(Y y); public void visitZ(Z z); } interface Visited { … | |
I'm working on a Graph based Image editor. My current plan is to have Nodes of the graph be operations on the image, an operation will take a number of input buffers and manipulate them in some way (be it invert a single input, composite two inputs, draw a rectangle … | |
So this is mainly a Design/Clean Coding sort of question, I know I've read something about this previously but I can't find it, I believe it's in one of my reference books on C/C++ so it wouldn't likely be useful to my predicament. This question includes a lot of Java … | |
Re: how does 1=2? ^ that is my question ^ | |
Re: It is not easy to change the shape of a button. [This thread](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5654208/making-a-jbutton-invisible-but-clickable) has an answer that shows how to make a button invisible, as you want the image without the border you probably only need the `button.setBorderPainted(false);` call | |
Re: for (int x = 0; x < studentsProcessed*10; x++) { index = studentsAnswers.indexOf(","); String letters = studentsAnswers.substring(0, index); System.out.println("Letters: "+letters); positionStudentAnswers = " " + letters.charAt(x); letters.replaceAll(letters, ""); System.out.println("Student answers: "+positionStudentAnswers); postionofmemo = " " + letterMemo.charAt(x); System.out.println("MEMO ANSWER: "+postionofmemo); if (postionofmemo.compareTo(positionStudentAnswers) == 0) { marks ++; } System.out.println("Marks for: … | |
Hello all, been a while since I've asked a question. I'm working on a project just to practice and for fun and I've run into a snag. I'm working on a painting type program and I'm trying to get a generic Buffer class for the images so I can use … | |
Re: It's not working because your calls to `location.isXX(currentLocation);` will always return false, location has no neighboring Locations and isXX() checks it instead of current location because as JamesCherrill pointed out, the parameter is never used replacing location with currentLocation should get it working | |
Re: DOM is probably the way to go heres two links that have example source: [http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/1.4/tutorial/doc/JAXPXSLT4.html](http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/1.4/tutorial/doc/JAXPXSLT4.html) the oracle tutorial explains what's happening [http://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-create-xml-file-in-java-dom/](http://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-create-xml-file-in-java-dom/) just more example code, not much explanations |
The End.