i m having a webpage which is having a gridview which is displaying data from database........now on the same same web page their exists some hyperlinks namely A, B ,C.....upto Z ............can anybody plz help me out on how to display the new data (clicking of hyperlink A result in data starting from letter A) in same gridview....
thank u :?

i had already gone through these link...actually i dont want it as paging.....

then wot exactly u want..?

my links r above the gridview ..............

i believe than it would be more easy to control the grid by simply passing A, B, C
on linkbuttnclick event.. pass it to query and rebind the gridview...!

Hello deeptakshd,
If it is related to filtering only then try something like this,

1) Replace your hyperlink with linkbutton
2) Add code similar to below in your linkbutton click event. Suppose if it filter value with A then,

'Get Dataset for binding in gridview.
'Dim ds as DataSet = YourFunctionThatReturnsDataset()

Dim dv As New DataView()
With dv
	.Table = ds.Tables(0)
	.RowFilter = "dataColumnName='A%'"
End With
yourGridView.DataSource = dv
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