2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for joydsouza90

When i start my computer, all i get is a blank black screen. If i open task manager i can see that explorer.exe is running but under CPU it shows 0. I have to end explorer.exe and restart it from "run" each time to get my computer to work. How …

Member Avatar for francisabey
Member Avatar for sparso

I am in need of a script that reads a log file, takes some data from the file and saves it in a .csv (coma separated value) format. The example log is below: log.txt: Date: 3/14/09 Device #: 1 Test: Cont: pass Test: Leakage: pass Test: INL: 0.88 Test: DNL: …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for ashkash

I have a number of files in a folder that are named as numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. I also have a text file in the same folder that identifies each of these numbered files and gives their path location. The text files looks like this: …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for rejoicegants

I am facing problem with running perl script inside php file. Please find my simple perl and php program below. I have installed both php and perl successfully in my windows machine. test1.pl print "Hello from perl! " test.php <?php print "Hello from PHP! "; passthru(“perl test1.pl”); ?> The passthru …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Silver Snail

I have created a simple HTML and Perl test to figure out how to properly get a browser to re-Post form data to a new URL. The raison d'etre for this test is to figure out the best way to re-Post the shopping cart order form data to PayPal after …

Member Avatar for Silver Snail
Member Avatar for sid78669

I am trying to use the rand function to generate numbers from an array containing 3 ranges. This is unfortunately not working. I know I am doing something wrong, either with rand() or with my array declaration. Can someone please correct me: [CODE=perl] my @numbers = [48..57, 97..112, 65..90]; $num …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for khalidmehmood

Hi Experts! I am developing a online shopping module I am new to JSP. I have develop the interface as under for one product: Product Name Manufacturer Stock Quantity Price <Input text field to input quantity to purchase> hyperlink Buy Here that pass the parameters product ID, product name, price …

Member Avatar for invisal

* [B]Edit:[/B] Sorry about double negative on the title, I don't know how to edit it back First of all, I am fairly new to Microsoft Access VBA. I created a form with 2 textbox (txtUsername and txtPassword) and one label act as button (I use label instead of button …

Member Avatar for Homee2010

Deer peepul, Just recently, I am unable to access hyperlinks from OE. Not only that, but my computer freezes up when I click a link imbedded in an email. I run XP/SP2, and OE 6. This is driving me batty.... Thanks!

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for redZERO

Hi I am having problems with BufferedImage. What i would like to do is create a bufferedimage from an image stored on the hard disk. For example, i create a new file pointing to this image file. From this I would like to create a BufferedImage.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for c0dex

Hey all, for quite some time I've been working on an inventory management program for work, and I'm having a bit of an issue with the rendering of a JFrame notification window, I'll do my best to explain below (including screenshots). So my program works with a remote FTP server …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for GiangsonDuong

My wireless card and ethernet both connect to the network, but when I try to use a browser or any other program that uses the internet I get no connection. I've tried resetting the winsock and the internet protocol but neither worked. I made a call to verizon tech support …

Member Avatar for uthman4u2nv
Member Avatar for perlseek

Hello everyone, I am creating a script which will send me a notification by email. But in that email my first line should be bold. print OUF "\nFirst notification\n"; here i need that [B]First notification[/B] should be in bold

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for karthik.c

hi guys ,im new to perl programming and when i programmed tcp client-server coding in perl i encountered some problem saying : Can't locate socket.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-...) i tried this in linux-centos and version of perl im using is: v5.8.5 my program was like this: tcp-server: [code=perl] …

Member Avatar for karthik.c
Member Avatar for dattaforit

Dear Friends, I have a windows dll, in my perl script, i am able to load the dll using the Win32::LoadLibrary function and also i a getting the function pointer of the function in the dll, I am using Win32::GetProcAddress function to get the function pointer of the functions in …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for k2k

hi , i am pretty new to perl and I have a quick question. below the code won't work unless fileName is under the same directory. would any one please give a quick reference in how to specify the full address of the file? such as /home/myName/fileName [code] #!/usr/bin/perl cat …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for arnaud257

Hi, Using dreamweaver / webassist extension / Apache 2.0.59, MySQL 5.0.41, PHP 5.2.6 on a mac: After selecting my criteria on my search page I go to a result page where I display several information from my database. I have 10 results per page and each result has field displaying …

Member Avatar for arnaud257
Member Avatar for raghavendra83

Hi All, I am trying a simple program in PERL, but unable to get it working [CODE] $log="test.log"; open(LOGFILE, $log) or die("Could not open log file."); foreach $line (<LOGFILE>) { chomp($line); if($line eq "Raghu") { print "Found a group\n"; $var=<LOGFILE>; chomp($var); print "$var\n"; } } [/CODE] Whenever the line contains …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for Sappster

Hi, I'm fairly new to web development and very new to Perl (although Im picking things up as I use it more) I am currently working on a cgi application as part of a web site. The application is written in perl and I need some image manipulation. I have …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for sillyminds

Please provide me a method or script for opening remote connection to remote windows systems from a windows system for doing admin tasks like assigning a local user admin rights to the remote windows system. Well Win32 Net:Admin can be I think, used for getting local user properties or group …

Member Avatar for vharry
Member Avatar for dattaforit

Dear friends, I want to use the Win32::GuidGen() in my perl script. My Perl version is 5.8.9 and it is on windows(64 bit). For this function, i will require win32::API, for where can i get the win32::API module for windows 64 bit. Please do the needful. Thanks in advance. Regards,

Member Avatar for southernd0529

[code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const double WEEKS=5; const double TAXES=.14; const double CLOTHINGEXPENSES=.10; const double SUPPLIESEXPENSES=.01; const double SAVINGSBONDS=.25; const double PSAVINGSBONDS=.50; //Declaration Section double hours, rate, taxes, grosspay, netincome, clothingexpenses; double remainingbalance, savingsbonds, psavingsbonds, suppliesexpenses; double finaltotal; //Input Section cout<<fixed<<showpoint; cout.precision(2); //sets the 'double' …

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Member Avatar for eapln
Member Avatar for eapln
Member Avatar for curtissumpter

Hi, Everything else in this code works properly but the keyTyped method is not working properly. I have been working on this for sometime. Any help would be appreciated. Also, any advice on getting my southPanel to appear when I start the application? It appears but only after I expand …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for klactose

Hello, I was wondering if there was a built in feature in perl to convert each character in a string to its corresponding ASCII value. Or is this something that I have to program manually?

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for spivey

I have tried getting my Perl 5.8.9 installation configured for Mysql. I have used cpan and PPM to get mysqlPP, DBD::mysql-simple modules. I am trying this on Windows XP with Mysql 5. Here is my latest error: C:\>perl c:\perl\test.pl DBD::mysql initialisation failed: Can't locate object method "driver" via package "DBD::mysql" …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for mtramnes

I started a thread last week with a problem that i have since figure out. Now my problem is this. I need to take a file called "gettysburg.txt" and make it so each word is printed on its own line in a new text file called ex1out. When I run …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for yair7190

Although it sounds pretty simple, i haven't found a proper answer for this issue. I want to know how can i call a perl script and pass a variable to it. For example, lets say "Parse.pl" is a parsing script of some sort and i want to call it from …

Member Avatar for bryansmith123
Member Avatar for ITSAMB

Hello experts, I need your help in installing a Perl module. I am trying to install XML::LibXML on development server from couple of days now. I do not want to compile and install the module manually, as it needs some C components. I would like to install the binary distribution …

Member Avatar for sjcomp

Hello, I'm reading a wav file and I'd like to output normalized samples. I do it in a for loop, but I was wondering if I can do it more efficient. I also have a filling that I'm not utilizing all the features of the language to make this code …


The End.