2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for mtramnes

I have a perl assignment I have a question about. I have to take a text file (gettysburgh.txt) and I have to alter it. I think my code is correct but when I run the program it says no such file exists. The file is saved on my computer so …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for rolinski

Hello! Does somebody know how to print the following fields from these lines chr1 166851489 166851564 chr1 166851665 166851740 so that Perl prints only: chr1 166851489 166851740 All fields are tab-separated. Thank you. /Rob

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for pharitha

Could anyone help me splitting a big file into subfiles. The file is something similar to this: 1.SYSTEM = UNIX 2.variable = value 3.>ACTIVATED 1 4.ALL: FILE1 5.ALL:FILE2 6.ALL:FILE3 7.ALL:FILE4 8.>ACTIVATED 1 9. ################* 10.>>CONDITIONS 11.################ 12.MODEL: 13.<one ExeSimpleName> : <one or more Flags> : [Options] I need to split …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for mitchems

Hi, This is my first question in the forum and I was wondering if anyone knew the answer. For the past 8 years or so, I have been using OLE to transfer information between perl and excel and word. I actually wrote a word version today for the first time …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for bluue

I changed the name of a folder so that it would meet the requirements for my assignment submission and now my program wont run in the command window. its saying it can't find the .txt files. However, the program runs without any problems in JCreator. i have a folder called …

Member Avatar for bluue
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I want to create a list of hyperlink buttons, and the bulleted list should contain some images before the link. For example > how > can > i > get > this So in place of ">" i need different images, how can i do that in Silverlight? Thanks in …

Member Avatar for gornhorse

Hi, I have two shell scripts that do the same thing, but are written differently. The first one works: [code] size=0 pattern=foo for file in * do [ ! -f $file ] && continue if grep $pattern $file > /dev/null then tsize=`cat $file |wc -c` size=`expr $size + $tsize` echo …

Member Avatar for eggi
Member Avatar for sid78669

as part of my assignment i'm trying to validate an email address stored in an hash, with the key: 'email' and the value as the data supplied. But the email is not getting validated using reg-ex: [CODE] if($form_element{'email'} =~ m/^[A-z0-9_\-]+[@][A-z0-9_\-]+([.][A-z0-9_\-]+)+[A-z]{2,4}$/i){ $values = 0; $mail = "InValid!"; } else { $mail …

Member Avatar for sid78669
Member Avatar for viktorijakup

Hi ! This sctipt work with \insert{aaa.tex} but dont work with \insert aaa.tex What I must do ?! [ICODE]while(/^\\insert\{(.*?)(\.tex)?\}/){ $pries=$`."\n"; $nekeisk=$&; $vardas=$1; $po=$'; $failiukas=$1.".tex"; if(-e "$dir/$failiukas"){ open (IN2,"<$failiukas") || die "negaliu atidaryti $failiukas failo.\n"; $vidus=<IN2>; close IN2; $visas=$visas.$pries.$vidus."\n"; $_=$po; print "Idetas failas $failiukas\n"; } else{ $visas=$visas.$pries.$failiukas."\n"; $_=$po; print "$failiukas failas …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for pong pong

Hi, I am new in this forum and perl as well. I have a question. I have a form with 3 fields name, phone number and email address. now if any user put the wrong data in any one or more field, I just want to display a message where …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for arseniew

Hello, Im trying to make jLabel component start default system browser and go to the specified page. I've tried to do this by adding listener to the jLabel and this part works fine, i have the problem with starting up the browser. I have only found system specific ways to …

Member Avatar for arseniew
Member Avatar for mishel

hi, I got this program from one of forums: [url]http://www.perlguru.com/gforum.cgi?post=32920[/url] its something like this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- open(IN, "/path/outModified.pl") or die "$!"; while (my $line = <IN>) { chomp($line); my @array = (split (/\s+/, $line))[6, 7, 8]; # print "@array\n"; push @points, [ @array ]; } close(IN); print '@points : ', Dumper …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for perl1user

hi, i'd like to know how to get the number of regexp matches a pattern returns ex: if I have $_ = "fooFOObarBAR";$_ =~ /[a-z]/ it would return 6 thx SNIP

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for k88joshi

Hello, I am working on something where i need to search and replace many variable names of a program. For example, I have a class Hello and its public variable is world, but the variable world has been changed to earth so now in the program i need to go …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for reno02

I need to have a script where the date will be entered using numbers and forward slashes. The month and day numbers can be entered using one or two digits, and the year number can be entered using either two or four digits. The date should be displayed, for example, …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for headedtomexico

im working with some perl code, and im really unfamiliar with the language, and I have a situation. I'm working with a package of perl scripts for a game, there are about 4000 of them and counting. They are release constantly, and altering their contents isnt really an option, it …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for localp

i want to create a perl /CGI program Cookie, where the username can be remembered even if the browser is shut down and restarted. i am new to Perl programming, and i have no clue from where to start on this, but i am aware on how to set cookies, …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for aparna balkwade

i m using perl script to do something where i want to change my current directory to mnt in c: only.. bt using function system("cd c:\mnt"); is nt working. system("dir"); is working properly ,also some other command using systems function in perl script is working fine bt dnt know what …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for inked

hi ive got this assignment to do, ive got to write a perl program that analyses a text file to obtain statistics. Need some help with this particular section when run the program should check if an argument has been provided if not the program should prompt for and accept …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for perl1user

how do I retreive query string in perl ? let's say I have [url]http://server.com?name=foo[/url] how do I get the value of 'name' thx [email]cvv3@yahoo.com[/email]

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for jimwall80

Hello all, Greetings! Question: How does one run a perl program without it being a cgi program? Can I write a script in perl as a stand alone program and run it without uploading to the http server? if so How? I have saved my files with a .pl file …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for perl1user
Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for sk8te320

Hi to All, I am I guess for lack of a better word, A Newbie when it comes to Perl. I was given a project to accomplish the following; 1. write a perl executable script that will execute a SQL query. 2. then I need to take the data retrieved …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for Knowsum

I am using XP service pack 3 and have installed WMP 11. I try to start the program and get the message " Windows Media Player is not installed properly and must be reinstalled. Do you wan:'( t to install the player from the Microsoft Web site?" Accepting 'yes' to …

Member Avatar for c-tech
Member Avatar for headedtomexico

I'm writing this little page that lets you sort of have a conversation with a perl script, and i'm having a problem. At the top of my php I access the perl script, with some text that the user input via a textbox. The perl responds with.. we'll say "Havin' …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for Agent Cosmic

I've installed a few software quite some time ago and the icons aren't working correctly. I tried solving it with Tuneup and CCleaner but it can't solve it either. First, when I open the file, they did not get the file type and ask me what program I want to …

Member Avatar for Agent Cosmic
Member Avatar for john_prince

Hi, My CSV files contains embedded double quotes, as it does not conform to the RFC 4180 standard and results in parser complication. I tried using Perl Module "Text::CSV_XS" to properly escape with double-quotes, the output file gives me the result as desired, however some of the line breaks into …

Member Avatar for john_prince
Member Avatar for drsmith

We have a script that creates a .csv file that in turn is fed into a python script. Our .csv file is being generated with a line feed at the bottom, and this is hammering the python script. Is there a way to get rid of that extra line that …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for zhane88

good day, I am in need of a hand ...i am building a Wire transfer software for remmitance into bank accounts but i am having some errors..i would like you to contact me in any case if you can be of assistance. my email is [email removed] Please do get …

Member Avatar for mtramnes

I downloaded active perl and go to the perl package manager but I cant figure out how to get my applications to run. Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for KevinADC

The End.