I cannot figure out what type of motherboard I have. I tried the crucial system scanner, didnt work. It said 'pmg we cannot detect ur motherboard lollerz BUY OUR MEMRY NOWZ' And it also reported that I can hold 4gb of RAM, when my manual says I can only hold 2gb :evil:
Its not in my manual either, which can be found online here:
I tried Belarc's advisor, it told me I had:
Board: Intel Corporation D915GRO [serial # here]
but I tried searching the Intel main site for that board^^ Nothing came up. I dont know what to do now
I have 512 mb already, but I want to get another gig of RAM, but my board is VERY picky about what kind of RAM I use, since I bought a set of 2x512 last time (I have 4 open ram slots), and I thought it was compatible, but surprise surprise, my computer spat it out like sour milk.
I DONT KNOW WHAT RAM I CAN TAKE this is getting very frustrating, and I dont know what else to do. I *THOUGHT* I could take 184 PINN, DDR 400MHZ RAM but no, I cant, and I am at a dead end. :mad: