story so far: I have a 6340 ver:1 motherboard (it says so on my Motherboard) with two 128 MB sticks of RAM. I recently got a 512MB stick - its rated 64M x 64 - I used the Crucial.com scan to tell me what memory to use (shown below). The crucial scan showed my m/b as being 6340M, but I assume they are the same.
Crucial CT64M64S4D7E 512MB:
SDRAM, PC133 • CL=2 • Unbuffered • Non-parity • 133MHz • 3.3V • 64Meg x 64
I can't get the sytem to respond with the new 512 MB stick in it.
My m/b details are shown here:
This states, "Supports a maximum memory size of 1GB (32M x 8)."
QUESTION 1: I take it this means the 64M x 64 512MB stick that Crucial recommended does not work on my system?
QUESTION 2: I think I get the 32M x 8 concept. For a double sided (DS) stick, this means 32M x 8 x 2 = 512 MB. OK.
What I dont get is the Crucial stick with what I assume is essentially 64M x 8 (I assume 8, since 8 chips on each side). Its DS, therefore 64M x 8 x 2 = 1024 MB. The Crucial is a 512 MB stick, so can someone please tell me what is wrong with my 'logic' here?
Phew! I've resisted all urges to swear so far. Replies appreciated.