2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for k2k

hi, i am trying to write a script to generate a big number of users in perl.. it is actually my second time writting perl .. i used to write shell scripts before. my little script seems not working because "useradd" isn't found by the compiler. if anyone may point …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi everyone, I am using a mail function in my contactus form. But for some id it is sending infromation of contac us form but some time it is not sending like on my gmail id i am not getting mail. what is the reason behind this. I have tried …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for dolly37

I have to read a bin file in perl/tk. I have been able to read and open the file, but the read in file only has every other line from the original file. I am using following to open the file. my @contents; open(FILE,"example_data4.bin") or die"cant open file: $!"; @contents …

Member Avatar for crb3
Member Avatar for rana03

Hi, How to send email notification when particular tests fails. Any input is appreciated. Regards, rAnA

Member Avatar for crb3
Member Avatar for rana03

Hi, I am creating script to execute a command. for example my directory is /home/rana/script/ and then i want to execute ./abc.sh file from there i am using following command system("cd $output_directory") ; system("./abc.sh"); where my output directory is /home/rana/script/ but i am unable to execute ./abc.sh clean build-all file …

Member Avatar for crb3
Member Avatar for derekn

I am writing a counter that is created on the fly using GD::Image. I am running into a problem with setting a cookie to ensure that the same user is not counted more than once, as I wish to only count unique hits. The problem is setting the cookie. I …

Member Avatar for derekn
Member Avatar for Vandithar

Hi, I have a string like this: [code] $string="Lake City 84132, USA. FAU - Carrell, D T AU - Carrell DT FAU - Emery, B R AU - Emery BR"; [/code] I want to extract AU and only its contents. The output should be like this: [code] AU - Carrell …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for hemanthjava

Hello there, I am using the JTextPane in my Java Swing Application. How do I make it Handle Hypelinks. Like lets say the use enters [COLOR="Green"]\\some_foldername\some_subfolder_foldername\some_file.xls [/COLOR]or any other file type, It should Automatically, treat it as a hyperlink. Is it Possible to have such a functionlaity [B][U]JTextPane Hyperlink Functionality[/U][/B] …

Member Avatar for hardik.rajani
Member Avatar for perlguy

I'm trying to append a string to an array value and it doesn't seem to be working. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? The array values will be URLs with a trailing forward slash. [url]http://www.mywebsite.com/Details/product-type/New-York-293486/[/url] $values[10] .= '?cid=spontrue';

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for kenji

Hey, I have used the LWP:\:Simple module and saved the source of a website in a file. I am trying to extract all the data between the <head> tags and pass it to a variable to process. So far I can't seem to extract the data properly. Any suggestions? [code=Perl] …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for yssirhc

I have a web page that prints information from a database based on the query string variables. Sometimes the page loads just fine and other times it gives the message "Use of uninitialized value" for every single one of my database variables. The times it gives this message seem to …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for zillah

Hi I tried to use new branded “R-Driver III” USB 2.0 TO SATA IDE CABLE device with Laptop HD IDE and Desktop HD IDE (once at a time) but it did not show me the HD , although I checked Disk Management (each one at a time) I thought the …

Member Avatar for Xlphos
Member Avatar for anewhope

I am in the process of learning perl to go along with web design. I am trying to learn perl, ajax, css, xhtml, and javascript. If anyone can help me out, please let me know. thanks

Member Avatar for Xlphos
Member Avatar for gsarin

Hi, I am trying to run a Perl-CGI script through Tomcat Server and running into issues. The script runs fine through command prompt and also runs half through webpage. The problem comes when I try to access some files in directories located on some other server. I think tomcat security …

Member Avatar for gsarin
Member Avatar for Mchelle610
Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for LSU_223

Hi - Major novice here. I'm trying to write a code that starts with a user defined number (lets say "N"), picks a random number between 1 and N (lets say "R"), pushes R onto an array, subtracts R from N, then picks the next random number from (N-R), pushes …

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Member Avatar for toolmanx

I have a simple program that I am having trouble debugging. It contains two different problems. 1. If I run a MessageBox in this program after the program is up and running, the program crashes. I have to call the Task Manager to shut down the program. 2. SetTimer will …

Member Avatar for MrSpigot
Member Avatar for toolmanx

I have a simple program that I am having trouble debugging. It contains two different problems. 1. If I run a MessageBox in this program after the program is up and running, the program crashes. I have to call the Task Manager to shut down the program. 2. SetTimer will …

Member Avatar for toolmanx
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, open(MYINPUTFILE, "<access.log"); while(<MYINPUTFILE>) { # Good practice to store $_ value because # subsequent operations may change it. my($line) = $_; # Good practice to always strip the trailing # newline from the line. chomp($line); my($time, $elapsed, $remotehost, $csp, $bytes, $method, $url, $user) = split(' ', $line); # Print …

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Member Avatar for kischi

Hi, I have a problem with a scrollbar, once in a while when I try scrolling up or down it jumps to the recent position of the scroll. You can see the problem on: [url]http://radiojazz.dk/udsendelser.aspx[/url] And then try to scroll abit and see that it jumps. Does anybody know how …

Member Avatar for kischi
Member Avatar for luckyads

Hi All, I want to pass an id via querystring from a hyperlink in a datagrid. How can I do it? I wrote the following, but got an error "The server tag is not well formed" [code] <asp:HyperLink [B]NavigateUrl="~/users/matrix.aspx?Exercise=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"hid")%>"[/B] Text="Link" id = "lnkLink" runat="server"></asp:HyperLink> [/code] Please help! Thanks in …

Member Avatar for luckyads
Member Avatar for musturd

[code=perl]#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; push @INC, "C:/Perl/Modules"; print "What is current download directory? "; my $dir = <STDIN>; opendir DH, $dir or die "Can't open directory..."; my $parent = $_; while ($parent = readdir(DH)) { next if $parent eq "." or $parent eq ".."; if(-d $parent) { opendir DI, …

Member Avatar for musturd
Member Avatar for rana03

Hi, I am working on a assignment where I have results sheet which is in form of text file; I want text file content to be written in excel sheet; generally we manually copy and paste the results in excel sheet. Our existing excel sheet has 70(sub-sheets) e.g result of …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for dolly37

Hi all, I want to write a perl script which will parse a .cpp file to extract the member variables of a function and log them into a text file. Then I have to read this file using Tk and display the contents of the file. I have the perl …

Member Avatar for rana03

Hi, Can somebody let me know how to check whether particular network drive is mapped or not e.g x:\\share1\share2? Regards, Rana

Member Avatar for rana03
Member Avatar for mysouthcity

I need help writing a Perl script that check and validate the information entered by users into an HTML form. Once the information is correct you will add the information validated into a database.

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for zynap

Hello, I am trying to add hyperlink to my mysql query result. I have a table called EastLondon which consist of the following: [code] (restaurant_id INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, restaurant_name VARCHAR(20), phone_number VARCHAR(20), picture varchar(8), website varchar(40)); [/code] I extract all these info into a table using php. What I …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for orwell84

I'm having a problem with the substr function. I want it to be dynamic in a for loop as follows: [code="perl"] for ($i = substr $bin, $sub, 1 ; $sub < $len2 ; $sub++){ [/code] You can probably guess what this code is meant to do. I want to read …

Member Avatar for orwell84
Member Avatar for duke5700

Hi all, Just a noob with an easy question :). Given this DTD [code]<!ELEMENT multimedia_format (description, examples, references)> <!ATTLIST multimedia_format name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT description (p+)> <!ELEMENT p ((text|em|strong|abbr|quoted_text|citation)*)> <!ELEMENT text (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT em (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT strong (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT abbr (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST abbr fulltext CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT quoted_text (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST …

Member Avatar for goodluck4287

Hi everyone, working on a class project where we spider some patents from the USPTO (Patent office) and eventually map out our findings. Our teacher provided a script and expected us to hardwire directly to a modem, not a router. That is asking a lot since I need to provide …

Member Avatar for Fest3er

The End.