2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for himanshukec

Hi, I upgraded Perl 5.8 in Unix to Perl 5.10.0 I am using WWW::Mechanize package in my scripting. But I am not able to locate WWW::Mechanize in Perl. Can any help me ???

Member Avatar for Prakash_8111
Member Avatar for samarthashok

Hello I have an jpeg image and on the right hand side of the image are some names which i want to make active, Kindly let me know how to go about it ? Actually, i am making a website for a restaurant, and he has given me an image …

Member Avatar for alishiraz89
Member Avatar for Matrix28

I'm working with a com object that was originally designed for ASP. For this one function you specify the name of the field and the variable name that will hold the return value but this doesn't work: [ICODE]$Enable->GetField("LINE",\$Line});[/ICODE] This is how it was originally written in asp [ICODE]Enable.GetField("LINE",Line)[/ICODE]

Member Avatar for wickedxter
Member Avatar for affee

I need to access 2 variables sent to this script; fieldsearch and fieldvalue, both are sent from a php script (using passthru) but the sytax is incorrect as I get a 500 error : [Mon Jun 8 12:17:51 2009] perlSOAP.cgi: Global symbol "$fieldsearch" requires explicit package name at perlSOAP.cgi line …

Member Avatar for wickedxter
Member Avatar for maxjackie

Hello friends , I have a problem like there is web application and i have to write a script that should login to the application and then move other parts of the application [code="perl"] use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use LWP::UserAgent; use Data::Dumper; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive=>1); my $req = POST "http://servername.com:5002/index.php", ['user_name' …

Member Avatar for wickedxter
Member Avatar for Prakash_8111

Hi All, Can any one suggest how to connect remote more than one remote server one by one inside a loop through Net::SSH::Perl package ? , I have to connect to 9 remote server, I am able to connect the first server , execute some command there come out again …

Member Avatar for wickedxter
Member Avatar for treybraid

how do i script a php echo for info stored in mysql so it is rendered as a hyperlink to its website? here is the script i am trying to edit: [B][COLOR="Red"]highlighted in red[/COLOR][/B] is what i need to change for the echo to href. [code]<table> <?php if($this->team->t_official_website){?> <tr> <td …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for CoolAtt

Hi all. Am using amavis for email scanning but got stuck somewhere in the configuration file. I want to add some custom code to populate an array from a postgresql database. (Amavis and its conf are written in Perl) Below is part of the configuration file which i want to …

Member Avatar for jamello

Hi there folks! Please could anyone tell me how I can disable the underline of a hyperlink button server control of datagrid and similar controls ? I had used the following css code on the ItemStyle-CssClass which works for traditional hyperlinks to no avail. Thanks for the help:) [CODE] .tablecellhyperlinks …

Member Avatar for mIssy_ricco
Member Avatar for derekn

Could someone please help me figure out how to sort files in a directory by date? There are a lot of files to sort, thousands. All I want to do is sort by date last modified or accessed and then print that array. Thanks, Derek

Member Avatar for onaclov2000
Member Avatar for TeamUSA

Hello everyone, I've been having a problem parsing through a .bin file. Ideally, I want the script to read the .bin file, find the first word in it, write down word 1 somewhere else, and continue on throughout the file, word by word. I've tried similar things such as open …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for scotddn1

[CODE]$dgs = new IO::Socket::INET(LocalPort => $lisport, Proto => 'udp') or die "Socket: $!\n";[/CODE] I have a perl script that I want to run on tomato firmware router using the current shell scripting that it supports How would I do the above in shell? In perl you have to use IO:Socket.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for derekn

I'm having a dumb moment here... I am trying to search out strings and match user input with what's stored in database. I'm using [code]if($data =~ $user_input){then do something;}[/code] It's important to note that all the "$data" strings are all numbers. So for example, user puts in "1" and it …

Member Avatar for onaclov2000
Member Avatar for onaclov2000

Hey, I'm looking to gather a list of all selected files in a windows explorer window. I.E. Say I have the My Documents Folder open, and select 5 files out of say 20 in the folder, I would like to replace whatever is in the clipboard with those five entries. …

Member Avatar for onaclov2000
Member Avatar for S2009

Hi all, I am creating an Windows Application. I have two buttons. I have written the following code snippet. [code] frmRb obj = new frmrb(); private void btnPd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnCancel.Enabled = true; obj.btnRtn.Enabled = true; } private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); obj.BringToFront(); obj.Focus(); } …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for gobi_roy

hi, there, i want to use .gif button and use in the hyperlink. i am not able to move to another page by clicking it. the code is as below: [CODE]<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"><img alt="" longdesc="file:///C:/Documents and Settings/user/My Documents/Visual Studio 2008/WebSites/WebSite9/Images/line.gif" src="Images/line.gif" style="width: 1273px; height: 6px" /></asp:HyperLink>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for kameswari
Member Avatar for gudivada213

Hi, i wrote the socket script in python, Here both server and client running in under same machine. operating system is ubuntu 8.10 desktop version. [B]tcp server[/B] [CODE] 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 3 import socket 4 import sys 5 6 server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) 7 server_socket.bind(("", 5000)) 8 server_socket.listen(5) 9 while …

Member Avatar for Niteshay

Ok i have not started programming at all but wanted some answers first is pearl the easiest programming language ?? also if it is what is a god book to learn it from. If it is not then what is one of the easier languages to learn ???

Member Avatar for mapsonyllaer
Member Avatar for punithapary

Hi, In my website i am planning to do portfolio things in that i gave fade in fade for all images this is working with same size of image.But i have images like this sizes 500/300, 300/150 like if i give this images into portfolio that time if one image …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for caffine4lovers

Hi I am new to perl programming, and have hit a bit of a snag. I have been editing the ghettoshutdown script for my own devices. What it does so far is shutdown or suspend all virtual machines on a host (using vmware for virtualization), but it does not shut …

Member Avatar for littletechie

Hello all I am creating a site for user registration to a class. As classes are added and removed, I have a dynamic table that updates to list the available dates. [code=php] $result = mysql_query("SELECT date, time, type FROM class"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ printf("<tr>"); printf("<td><a href = 'registration.html'>%s</a></td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td>", …

Member Avatar for littletechie
Member Avatar for derekn

Ok, I am about to pull all my hair out. I have written many many perl scripts and have done it all pretty much. All of a sudden, I have hit a real problem, and I DON'T know why! I am doing a very simple array declaration by reading a …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for binfPerl

Hello, I'm fairly new to PERL and this is my first post - so be kind. I'm working through a book called Beginning PERL for Bioinformatics, and one of the exercises asks to "Write a program to read a file, and then print its lines in reverse order, the last …

Member Avatar for binfPerl
Member Avatar for Mahen

Hello all, I have been working with Linux a lot and i find myself installing a lot of linux distros, but with no way to test them..... So i crafted a script in Perl to quickly create a lot of files on the Hard Disk and delete them. The script …

Member Avatar for me8042

Hi everybody, I want to compare 2 tables contents. My tables are: Table1 ------------------ ID || Value ------------------ 1 || forum_list1 2 || Message_list1 3 || Search1 4 || Search5 5 || Search11 6 || Log_out 7 || LOG Table2 -------------------------------------------- ID || Value1 || Value2 --------------------------------------------- 1 || rd_forum_list1_no …

Member Avatar for msvinaykumar
Member Avatar for kummetha

How to print the duplicates in a text file. Also the line number where the duplicate text has been found needs to be printed. pls help KZ

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for lanepds

I have defined a variable in bash [code]$ MYDATESTAMP="2009-06-25 21:57:18"[/code] I would like to pass this to perl to perform a simple date conversion. If I enter the date manually it works. [code]$ perl -MDate::Parse -le'print str2time("2009-06-25 21:57:18");' $ 1245992238[/code] My attempts to pass the variable MYDATESTAMP into this command …

Member Avatar for lanepds
Member Avatar for rayken1

open(FILE, "<", "numb.txt" ) || die "Unable to open numb.txt <$!>\n"; while ( <FILE> ) { chomp; $fileHash{$_} = $i++; } close(FILE); open(FILE, "<", "num.txt" ) || die "Unable to open num.txt<$!>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { chomp; if( exists $fileHash{$_} ) { } else { print "$_\n"; } } close(FILE); …

Member Avatar for onaclov2000
Member Avatar for trilbies

Hello. I am new and hope to find an answer to my query. I run a classified database and have been doing so for quite a few years, I recently upgraded the Plesk CP on my server and suddenly a problem appeared with the way the DB is returning the …

Member Avatar for altartist

My new website is aligned properly in all browsers except Explorer. Can anyone help? Link: [url]http://www.altartist.com[/url] Thank you!!

Member Avatar for MidiMagic

The End.