is it possible, to use, or otherwise import and access the class in a .pm file by a suggested name (this would be after compilation)...
here's the lowdown, I've been working on a project for a while now, it is an XML processor. One of the parts of a process may involve reading a process definition file, these files rarely change. The time to parse out that type of file is only neccessary while the file is in a development stage; that is, once the process instructions are decided, the same file could be represented as a series of instructions in Perl.
So, I've made those files optionally compilable, (I should note, this project is online, so I compile the files online aswell). Compilation involves reading an XML nodetree and turning it into a series of statements to build a Perl object structure.. And that object can then be "imported" into another XML file, in place of a statement to parse and process the original process instruction XML file.
Anyway, all is good, except for one thing, I can't seem to get a "use" block to work in an eval statement when I'm testing this online. On my PC, that seems to work fine.... o_O.
Is there any other way to do this, without importing all of the files in my "compiled objects" folder everytime I run a process (all processes go through the same controller)... If you can interpret what I'm doing at the moment, you'll find it amusing:
sub do_housekeeping{
my(@files) = glob("$quasi_path"."qsi_*.pm");
open my($out),"> ".$quasi_path."" or return($!);
print $out '#!/usr/bin/perl';
print $out "\n";
print $out 'package Fuse::Handlers::Quasi::Compiled;';
print $out "\n";
for(my($i) = 0; $i <= $#files;$i++){
if($files[$i] =~ m|([\w\d]*)\.pm|){
print $out 'use Fuse::Handlers::Quasi::'.$1.';';
print $out "\n";
print $out "1;";
The only problem with that is; if I "use" everything in every process, I'm gonna lose that slice of time I gained by compiling files in the first place -_-