2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for Narayanank

i have got xampp1.6.8 when i run this program in localhost #!"C:\xampp\perl\bin\perl.exe" print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print '<html>'; print '<head>'; print '<meta name="author" content="Kay Vogelgesang">'; print '<link href="/xampp/xampp.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'; print '</head>'; print "<body>&nbsp;<p><h1>Sairam with MiniPerl</h1>"; print "CGI with MiniPerl is ready ...</body></html>"; it runs but when it contains perl scripts …

Member Avatar for srija.divakar
Member Avatar for anglaissam

if (defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] ne "") { $f=""; #initialize $f $dir = $ARGV[0]; chomp($dir); #directory paths should use '' instead of '/' if ($dir =~ /^\w:\//) { $_ = $dir; s/\//\\/ig; $dir = $_; } #seperate filename from directory path if given if ($dir =~ /.*\.htm$|\.html$/i) { $f = substr($dir, …

Member Avatar for anglaissam
Member Avatar for hmbird

Hello! I am very new to perl and linux systems in general, so I am hoping that someone can help with this problem! I have a very large table of data (100 rows and between 300000 to 2 million columns) that looks like this: [ICODE]sitenames site1 site2 site3 site4 site5 …

Member Avatar for hmbird
Member Avatar for Casperjames

I have searched the google machine to the ends of they internets and back again and tried everything from clean builds to removing registry entries. This has vexed me for the past week. It all started out as a simple application project windows form style. New project deserves new visual …

Member Avatar for Casperjames
Member Avatar for abhik1368

Hi I am new to perl programming and i have one query and a problem in perl hashing. I have two hashes containing Hash 1 Hash 2 a=> 1 1 => c1 b=> 2 2 => c2 c=> 1 3 => c3 d=> 1 e=> 2 f => 3 I …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for yksrmc

Dear Experts, Thanks for your time. I have got stuck on following problem. I have one file with five column name Chr, Pos Qial GT1 and GT2. In file Column 4 Gt1 is with 01 value only. I like to do comparision between col GT1 and col GT2. I like …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for yksrmc

Dear Experts, Thanks for your time. I have got stuck on following problem. I have one file with five column name Chr, Pos Qial GT1 and GT2. In file Column 4 Gt1 is with 01 value only. I like to do comparision between col GT1 and col GT2. I like …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for rrlogu

I am trying to get the meta data information from the below url, but its not working, all I'm getting on the screen is an empty screen. Any kind of help is highly appreciated. $tags = get_meta_tags('http://watch32.com/movies-online/return-to-the-blue-lagoon-2766'); echo $tags['author']; echo $tags['keywords']; echo $tags['description']; echo $tags['geo_position'];

Member Avatar for rrlogu
Member Avatar for 2teez

I wanted a graphical representation of the listing of my files and folders from the command line interface, just like what the CLI **tree** would give on linux system, I really don't like how the same command is displayed on windows. So, I called on ma 'Cherie' Perl do it …

Member Avatar for Edupark
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi, I have this bit of php returning the response, just for testing : header('Content-type: application/json'); $response = array(); $response["status"] = "ok"; echo json_encode( $response ); 1) Is this a wrong way to send a json encoded string back via jquery ajax? 2) I get NOTHING, No response from this …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for nicetapo

I would like to replace 'cat/dog/cat' with 'cat/tiger/deer' in a particular .txt file. How should I do this in perl? I tried /usr/bin/perl -p -i -e "s/'cat/dog/cat'/'cat/tiger/deer'/g" sample.txt but it didn't work.

Member Avatar for nicetapo
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

hi, I've developed an anroid app for API level 10 which corresonds to android 2.3 as far as I know. But when I try it on a phone with 2.3.6, the app doesn't show correct results. Is it because of different RAM and CPU speeds?? How can I make the …

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for magaji ahmed

I want a perl parser for relational algebra expression, can anybody help me with a code for that.

Member Avatar for magaji ahmed
Member Avatar for jg1405

Using this Perl script below, I am trying to change the homepage for the Internet Explorer browser by calling on a system fucntion. How do I call and modify the system file that contains Internet Explorer's homepage to change the url in it? *I am using the header 'use Win32::OLE.' …

Member Avatar for doubi
Member Avatar for anglaissam

Hi, i'm trying to write a small script for the website "www.fanfiction.net." This small perl script is part of a much larger script, which is why it has to be in Perl. When you are logged in and go to any of the stories on the site there is a …

Member Avatar for doubi
Member Avatar for jg1405

Hi! I am trying to use a Perl script, as you see below, to change the home page for Internet Explorer, but I cannot come-up with the code that does the change. I am using the use Win32::OLE header to make a call to the system. This call allows the …

Member Avatar for doubi
Member Avatar for Damon88

I am looking for a code snippet which opens a image, creates a clone of this bitmap in memory disposes this opened image so that all handles are closed. Usually we can open a bitmap using this [CODE] Dim MyBit as new bitmap("C:\Image file.bmp") dim ClonedBit as bitmap = MyBit.clone …

Member Avatar for dwimage
Member Avatar for 2teez

I really got bored and tired of trying to find or remember some codes usage in so many files saved on my system, when it was needed. So, I called 'Monsieur' perl for help, hacking together some codes which works great for me and solve my problem of boredom. You …

Member Avatar for rsprice
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Chaps I have an interesting and odd problem. Today I had the brilliant(??) idea of using google chart https://google-developers.appspot.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart#Loading for a site I am building. It is all nice and dandy till I placed the graph inside a hidden container, planning to add some jquery and slide the graph down …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for rajesrmbioinfo

i was trying to create csv file by appending variables using print function what's wrong with this code why this prints ","."$j" to a new line **code is here - ** while( $i < 1000 ){ $j = 1; while( $mean_data_sorted[$i] == $mean_data_sorted[$i+1] ){ $i++; $j++; } open( nofile, '>>', …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for IT_Techno

When I use the insert function I can see new data at the front end. But I cannot see the new data in Access. Other times when I close the application and restart, new recorded is not there. If I look in Access application and closed it then open VS2010 …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for ub007

Hi All, I'm running some tests to assess system behaviour when memory is being hogged. Found this on googling: perl -np -e '$x="0123456789"x1000000' < /dev/zero This works a charm. But my esxi platforms do not have perl installed. They have python supported though:) Any thoughts on how that one liner …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for mark5rockzz

So I need this libpng to be statically link with my dll to be used by my exe. This dll is already done before until I switch my compiler from MSVC to MinGW, then this dll won't work anymore so I think I should rebuild it **again** through MinGW. Now, …

Member Avatar for RT00220489

Hi, I have a page MyList.aspx, which is giving me some issues. When the page loads, it loads perfectly. In my master page, on the left side of the page is a menu, and some hyperlink is provided. When i click on the hyperlink in the left pane, the page …

Member Avatar for RT00220489
Member Avatar for vizz

I have altered and little simplified this tutorial **[CSS-ONLY RESPONSIVE LAYOUT WITH SMOOTH TRANSITIONS](http://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/06/12/css-only-responsive-layout-with-smooth-transitions)**. But it is not working properly. Here, radio buttons are used as menus. When I try to put them inside **<div></div>** it stops smooth scrolling. * I want to put radio buttons(menus) inside **navigation** div and …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for arupface

Hi I do have XML as below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <library> <book publisher="Del Rey"> <series>The Lord of the Pings</series> <title>Way Station</title> <author>Clifford D. Simak</author> </book> <book publisher="Del Rey"> <series>The Lord of the Rings</series> <title>The Fellowship of the Ring</title> <author>J.R.R. Tolkien</author> </book> <book publisher="Del Rey"> <series>The Lord of the Rings</series> <title>The …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for yksrmc

Hi Perl Experts, I'm new for perl. Thanks to give some time for my question.I have extract shared positions between two files and now I have one file like following. File is tab delimited Chr1 position QUAL GT_1 GT_2 1. chr1 478493 595 G/T G/C 2. chr1 879243 700 A/T …

Member Avatar for yksrmc
Member Avatar for Assembly Guy

I just noticed that Perl and Python are under the Software Development category, but not Web Development, while Ruby is under Web Dev and not under Software Dev category. Don't get me wrong, they *do* belong where they currently rest, but perhaps a link to Perl, Python and Ruby could …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy

The End.