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A Perl Hacker, a C language Raconteur, a Teacher and Ultimately a Dreamer....

Perl, Linux, Unix, C, Objective-C, C++, Java
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196 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for chahinez.abdelo.9

Hi, What have you tried, and where are you having issues with your script? What desired output are you expecting?

Member Avatar for Sarah_41
Member Avatar for Jag_1

Dear Jag_1, I have seen the effort you put into having the result you wanted. But you are not doing it rightly. You can, like you are doing use regex to pick what you need and modify the file to want you need. Since, this is your first post on …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Dev_9

Dear Dev_9, Welcome to Daniweb and we are glad to help. To start with you will have to show **what you have done** and where you are have a problem or then show the error codes or statement you your program is displaying. You may also like to provide some …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for divinity02

Hi, Yes, using `(new Triangle_Calculator()).setVisible(true);` java swing did what you asked of it. Knowing that you made your class *extends* JFrame, yet you are using **another** frame to get all your components. And when it was done in your class constructor that frame was not set to visible. So, you …

Member Avatar for divinity02
Member Avatar for Shirin_2

Hi Shirin_2, Just got to see your question you asked on this forum. You are welcome to the world of Perl where impossible things are made possible and difficult things made easy :) As regards your question. It actually a straight forward hash parse with no need for either of …

Member Avatar for Shirin_2
Member Avatar for Estermont
Member Avatar for newbee_jv

Hi newbee_jv, Consider using this: `String reg = ".+?\\d{3}_v\\d{2}_TIL.pdf$";` What I included in your reg expression is **.+?** that matches one or more character before the expression you wanted. The **$** means match end of line. Without this, the expression should still work though... Ttry it out.... Hope it helps.

Member Avatar for newbee_jv
Member Avatar for debayanenator

Hi, Why your program is print the the input lines is because of line 8 in your script. Also your regex is not matching like you wanted. Well, looking at your input file and expected output, I think what your regex should do is take the last alphabeth of required …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for debayanenator

Hi debayanenator, One would have love to see the *bunch of errors* that you are having. However, the routes you took in solving the problem will only give you hash entry that has only one as the value. What you could do is use an hash to get the data …

Member Avatar for debayanenator
Member Avatar for nivedita5

Hi Muhammad_112 , You should start a new thread instead of using an old one opened by someone else about 4 years back. Then don't just tell what you want done. Show some work that you have been able to on your own, and where exactly the help is needed, …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for thekid772

Hi, Your main issue is the drawBoard function as you have it. You are printing what you wanted, not what is in the array. Something like so, could do better for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) cout …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Praveen_15

Hi, A lot of people are willing to help, but you have to show how you are going about this. Where are you having issues and the output you are getting. Yes, you have shown what you wanted but how should it be solved? One can't just assumed.

Member Avatar for Praveen_15
Member Avatar for

hi nblan180131, > if it is a <textarea>, in javascript you can go: > document.getElementById("textarea1").innerHTML = ""; using ` document.getElementById("textarea1").value = "";` works perfectly for textarea. Hi, I would suggest you use the reset button for form on HTML, since you would probably have more than one text field.

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Member Avatar for du_ebrithil

Hi, Your question is not clear as to where you purpose to add the text and how you are going about it. Though what you wanted is very possible. So there is the questioin; Are you adding text to the third paragraph? What text are you adding and where? Something …

Member Avatar for mblan180131
Member Avatar for TObannion

Hi, Intend of `if(cStr == true)` use `if(cStr !== -1)` on line 12 in your original post. You should get what you wanted. But your script could be made a lot better than what you have. For example, you have to reload the page again and again to compare two …

Member Avatar for mblan180131
Member Avatar for JosesMelo

Hi, If you include the header `limits` in your program you can get the limit of `wchar_t` max to be `65535` and lowest to be `0`. Something like thus: #include <iostream> #include <limits> int main() { std::cout << "lower limit for wchar_t: " << std::numeric_limits<wchar_t>::min() << "\nupper limit for wchar_t: …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Shreyas_2
Re: help

Hi, How are you getting it done. You need to provide more information. Probably some code examples will also help.

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for nikhil_7

Hi nikhil_7, The error you have simply shows that you don't have the the module you intend to use . When this happens the first place of call to check is either [CPAN]( or [meta::cpan]( Check if the module you wanted is there. If not check the original script, maybe …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Thomas_31

Hi Thomas_31, There are numbers of errors in your script. Bu the obvious one in which you presently batteling with occurs on line 22 of the OP. You are taking the vaule of text in the textbox you provided, but you are not assigning it to any variable, hence it …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for TObannion

Hi, This is actually quite easy. Just to say what some other have said in a easiler way. Something like this below will change your image src, when you mouseover and mouseout. <img src="piz/pic1.jpg" onmouseover="src='piz/pic2.jpg'" onmouseout="src='piz/pic1.jpg'"/> <img src="piz/pic3.jpg" onmouseover="src='piz/pic4.jpg'" onmouseout="src='piz/pic3.jpg'"/> <img src="piz/pic5.jpg" onmouseover="src='piz/pic6.jpg'" onmouseout="src='piz/pic5.jpg'"/> Please note that the same image …

Member Avatar for TObannion
Member Avatar for johntm

Hi johntim, > the problem i have is when i output the new file i cannot get the columns back in order, ie the column 'B' is always the 1st column The reason is because, you might still have being outputing your final result in the same order the script …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Muhammad_102

Hello, To start with, you are coding in C++, so use `#include <string>` instead of `#include <string.h>` which is old and several compiler might not include those header sooner or later. Then use string, instead of char arrays, since you have to keep us with the array size. It is …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Kunora

Hi, Where is the code you were given? And what have you also done trying to solve the problem. If you have try some what, where are you having problems? What error message do you have. These are many more are what shows that you really need help.

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for rantnna

Hi rantnna, It is quite easy to compare two or more files in Perl. In fact, if you have taken your time to filter through theis forum, you will disccover that that has been done times and again. However, since you have several data you might consider using database, not …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Michael_48

Hi Micheal_48, Someone has mentioned that the number of character in "male" is 4 while "female" is actually 6, counting from 0. So, your gender char should be longer than 5 as you have it. Secondly, if you are using `strcmp` you should include `string.h` header in your program. Then …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Callie C.

Hi Callie C, You didn't state what the problem is. Neither did you show the error messages you are getting. But I guess if you have looked more closely, you would have seen in **line 19** of your code that `fstream infile;` should have been `ifstream infile;` Notice the **i**? …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for phoenix254

Hi phoenix254 , You are not returning an array using ` int ordincreasente (..)` like you are doing. Am sure you know that would only return an integer not an aggregate which array is. More so, in your main function on **line 20** `ordincreasente(arr,b);`. I suppose, your array is called …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

Hi IrinaAnohina, knowing that this question is answered about a year ago. I think you should start a new thread to get help. State what the problems are, what you have done so far and where you are having issues, also don't forget to show your expected output. Cheeers.

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for killingmonk

Hi Killingmonk, **Is there another way?** Yes! There is more than one way to do it! Using the method **looks_like_number** in the **core** module *Scalar::Util*, you can get want you want without using regex. You can read the documentation of this module from the CLI like so: `perldoc Scalar::Util` Using …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Ahmed_65

Hi Ahmed_65 , Getting your desired result is **not** difficult. Only that you have to write the data structure for what you wanted. Please see [perldsc]( You will be glad you did eventually. Since you could use XML::Twig half of the job is done. What you could do, is making …

Member Avatar for 2teez

The End.