I have a college student that works for me and I was trying to help him with his perl project but I couldn't figure out what was going on with it. He's got a txt file of numbers in rows. The numbers have to be sorted on a per row basis and then determine how many triples, pair, or straights ( 3 consecutive numbers) there are on each row. We get the values to show up correctly but at the bottom of the page it doesn't like our ==, !=, or - operators. I was hoping someone might be able to help me understand this a little better so I might be able to explain it to him.

#use strict;
use warnings;
#use diagnostics;

#open file and set file handler
$infile_name = "input.txt";

open(INFILE, $infile_name) or die "Error opening file $!";
#$line = $_;
chomp(@lines = <INFILE>);

#close File handler
close(INFILE) or die "Error - unable to close file $!";

#Validate sample size
if($lines[0] >= 1 && $lines[0] <= 200000)
  $sample_size = $lines[0];
  print "\nInvalid Sample Size!\n";

print "\nSample size = ".$sample_size;  #print sample size

#print original sample
print "\nHere is the original sample: \n";
foreach $line (@lines)
  print "$line";

#print sorted sample and output whether
#individual is vulnerable or immune to infection
print "\n\nNow sorted: \n";

$susceptibility = "";
$infected = 0;

foreach $line(@lines)
  @snums = split(' ', $line);
  @nums = sort { $a <=> $b } @snums;
  $size = @nums;
  $pairs = 0;
  $straights = 0;
  $triples = 0;

  #if not equal to 14 characters output vulnerable
  if($size == 1)
    $susceptibility = "";
  elsif($size != 14 && $size != 1)
    $susceptibility = "Immune";
    print "@nums"."\t".$susceptibility."\n";
  elsif($size == 14)
    $i = 0;
    #check for gene combinations
    #while($i <= $#nums)
    for ($i =0; $i < 14;)
      #Check for triples
      if(($nums[$i] == $nums[$i+1]) && ($nums[$i] == $nums[$i+2]
        $triples ++;
        $i += 3;

      #Check for pairs
      elsif(($nums[$i] == $nums[$i+1]) && ($nums[$i] != $nums[$i+2])
      && ($nums[$i] != $nums[$i-1]))
        $pairs ++;
        $i += 2;

      #Check for straights
      elsif(($nums[$i] == ($nums[($i+1)]-1)) && ($nums[$i+1] == 
        $straights ++;
        $i +=3;

        $i += 1;
     $susceptibility = "Vulnerable";
     $infected ++;

     print "@nums"."\t".$susceptibility."\t"." Triples: $triples".     " Pairs: $pairs"." Straights: $straights"."\n";


#Print outro
print "\nGene Analysis complete. $infected vulnerable cases found - Eliminate Immediately!\n\n";

input.txt file

1 3 4 7 9 1 3 4 7 9 1 3 4 7
2 6 2 6 3 5 4 6 2 9 7 8 7 7
9 9 9 6 5 4 3 7 3 8 3 2 2 1
5 5 5 4 3 1 3 2 9 6 9 7 9 8
1 3 2 4 4 7 7 4 5 6 8 9 3
9 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5

We've been compiling this at www.compileonline.com using the PERL option.

After searching google for a little while longer, I found this article. Evidently what he was seeing were some warnings and not actual errors. His code was doing all of the math correctly.

Hi MaddTechwf,
Please don't comment out use strict; from your script. It helps a great deal.

Fine, you have what you wanted. But am sure there are several ways of doing what you wanted, even better, I suppose.

There are several codes here one can improve on. But since you have what you wanted nice one bro.

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