1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for XStrong

Here's my code: [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int Factorial(int n) { int total = 1; while(n!=0) { total = total * n; n--; } return total; } int Combinations(int n, int k) { int count = 1; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { for(int y=0; y<(k-i); y++) { cout << …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for GregPeters

Hi all, I have a procedure which needs to be used by a wide range of functions. I have a created a very basic program which should highlight my problem : [CODE] program untitled; function addnumbers(num1 : integer) : integer; begin result := num1 + 3; end; procedure sequence(I want …

Member Avatar for adraganov
Member Avatar for fayyaz

Dear friends I have some picture stored to SQL Table as Image Field. but I Don't know what is the format of this pictures they may be JPG or BMP format. for retrieving this images I mast know what is the format of each stored Picture. is any method to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for aditri

i/m try to record my data from gps to array but i get so much problem here [ICODE]unit tgn_Main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, oaGPS_NMEA_Extractor, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls; type TfTest = class(TForm) gbStrigs: TGroupBox; lbLog: TListBox; gbPosition: TGroupBox; lLongitude: TLabel; lLatitude: TLabel; lAltitude: TLabel; gbDateTime: …

Member Avatar for shriram143
Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for pavel.pavel

Hi guys, I am doing an exercise we got in school and I am stucked at the point when I think everything is correct, but obviously is not :-). Target: Make a very simple pascal program, which opens a text file with three variables(name, sex, salary) and returns the highest …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Singlem

I want to let the user select a .rar file. From there the application should unzip it and move the files to a folder that the user specify. If the files exists it should replace them by default. I'm using a opendialogbox to select the .rar folder, but from there …

Member Avatar for dyonysos

hi! I use client/server socket components to send a file. a client app sends a file and the server app gets it. I know how to display the copying progress in a progressbar when receiving data, but how can I display in a progressbar how much of the file has …

Member Avatar for turbomen
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear All, Could you tell me what is wrong or missing for my coding? Cheers, [CODE] unit Example3; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; Edit4: TEdit; Edit5: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Edit6: TEdit; …

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for Vasil54

___Theme: PGF - the improved formatting; AUTOMATIC localisation / CORRECTION of structural ERRORS in initial codes Pascal and Delphi. ___ Keywords: debugging, formatting, support, reliability, visualisation, documenting, Pascal, Delphi, FreeWare. ___ Dear programmers. ___ Formatter of the programs initial codes, used in modern practice of programming, are based basically on …

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Member Avatar for Spudgun

Hi This is my first post and I am new to delphi so if this sounds like a stupid question I apolagize. I am trying to enter data into a Multicolumn listbox. I know I can use either the Tabwidth or mulitple columns but I cant get either to work …

Member Avatar for Spudgun
Member Avatar for GregPeters

How Would I go about: 1) Counting the number of lines in a text file 2) Counting the number of words in a text file. I know that I have to Use AssignFile(), and many other file operators, I just don't know how to do this. Any help would be …

Member Avatar for Singlem
Member Avatar for am.daiz
Member Avatar for hosamath

Hi friends... I have a series of points which are actually the points that form a circle... Can anyone help me how to get the circle image when i load these points as input... A simple code example will be helpful... Thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for gerhardjl

Hi, How can I make a button transparent (tsxButton) in order for it to appear 'invisible' on the target application? The tsxButton must still retain its standard properties. This means that if the user know where the button is on the application, moving his mouse on the area, the user …

Member Avatar for gerhardjl
Member Avatar for FlamingClaw

Author: [I] ================================================================================ Crt Unit Read-Me By: Will DeWitt Jr. (edge@boink.net) Mar 21st, 2003 ================================================================================ BRIEF NOTES AND INFORMATION: This unit was created primarily to support my development of console mode applications under Delphi. I've tested this unit and had it successfully works under Delphi 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 …

Member Avatar for instinctfx

Hey I usually use RTTI to access object when reading or writing them to a dataset so i have prior knowledge of what the field required Example [CODE] if vPropInfo^.Kind = tkFloat then begin if vField.DataType = ftDateTime then vField.AsDateTime := FloatToDateTime(GetFloatProp (thisObject, vPropInfo)); else vField.AsFloat := GetFloatProp (thisObject, vPropInfo)); …

Member Avatar for Simon180

I have a small problem with my code below when making my userlist when i connect a user it doubles the user name in list and am unable to find out why i posted my user list code below i be grateful if sumone can help me when i login …

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Member Avatar for gerhardjl

Hi All, I wish to source a Std Serial Comms Component, hopefully freeware, for Delphi 6 or 7 Can someone pass a link or email me? [email]telkomgjl@telkomsa.net[/email] Thanks! Gerhard

Member Avatar for PatrickSharp
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear All, Please let me know what is wrong or missing for it from the attached document. One of them is my work (T9.zip) and the other is the demo Cheers,

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for JoshC

hi, i am currently using delphi 2007, i am wanting to be able to add a image(prefrebly jpeg) into a access database. i have tried doing this but i cannot as when it adds i get several errors, or it does not insert correctly, has anyone made any code or …

Member Avatar for JoshC
Member Avatar for Singlem

Using a dbexpress component to connect to a mysql DB. If I want to commands like Insert, Delete and UPDATE I use a query. The question is How can I let the user Write the commands into a Richedit or Memo, what ever is the best. And then load those …

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for gerhardjl

Hi, I wish to source a 'StopWatch' Application (Prefer source re-compilable) with Start/Stop/Clear buttons. Anyone here done something like that and would like to share the code with me? I use Delphi 6&7 Greetings, GjL

Member Avatar for dmitry_n
Member Avatar for TDMarko

Hi there DaniWeb community, I have a problem with such a task: I need to create a programm that will open, give option to modify, and save modifications to other text file (with other name). All I did so far is programm that can open a .txt file and read …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Singlem

Hay I'm just spent hours on google and other sites, can't find any help. I just wrote my 1st major application and now I want to make it installable. Is there components I can download or built in that I can use to do this?

Member Avatar for Singlem
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear All, Could you tell me how to do for it? One of the zip is the demo2.zip and the other is my work. Please give me some of the ideas. Cheers,

Member Avatar for Alexmwillis

Hi, Can anyone help explain why, when I've created a simple VCL Form application, switching between this application and others sometimes changes the order of the application's forms. To recreate I did the following; Created a test app (delphi 2009) with a main form and 2 child forms, only code …

Member Avatar for jason.

Say I have a file of string[20] . I can easily write to this, but as soon as I try to receive the data I get incompatibility errors. So I make a string[20] variable to see if I can read into it. I cannot. It just says incompatible types. When …

Member Avatar for jason.
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear ALL, Hi. Long time no see. How are you? I have come back to Programming class already. Could you tell me how can I start to VCL Forms Application if I use Delphi6? Cheers, turbomen

Member Avatar for finalist

The End.