hi every one

please give me a idea for delphi language, and which database is used for that language


MAny are avilable including a lot of third party products, some cost, some are free. Start your search at Codegear and look at the product information or google delphi datases. Your choice will depend upon how it will be used. I use the ADO based database tools (Microsoft Jet / Access type) provided with Delphi to cover most needs.


Is Delphi is software language? give me idea


Delphi is based on Object Pascal (OP). It includes an IDE allowing visual programming using OP. The IDE environment includes many predefined classes, with source code, that both create the environment and allow users to extend it further both as shared code and as proprietary objects called components. It has been in use for many years, has a broad user following. It includes several database types and many more are available from third parties.

To learn more, Google Delphi and start reading.

your idea is very useful...


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