1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for space2rome

For homework in turbo pascal I have to find a some bugs and refactor them. I need some help changing this so that it does the same thing which is to remove comments without the excessive code. [CODE]k:=0; for i:=length(s) downto 1 do if s[i]=' ; ' then k:=i; if …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for vivitabak

I made a program simulating that of the lobby of a hotel, and I have a problem with storing the record variables into the file...for some reason only those variables of type string are saved and those of integer and of array are not, or if they are stored, thay …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Mobix

Ok i wrote this function to print as many characters as needed but it doesnt work can anyone help me? It only fails in loops where after every cycle the number of times gets multiplied. [CODE]Function TfrmDeliveries.WriteChar (letter : char; times : Integer): String; var i_count : Integer; s_temp : …

Member Avatar for Ionelul
Member Avatar for yozuca

When I run it,it appear [COLOR="Red"]error 88:'')'' is expected[/COLOR] in A[L]:=sort;. I think it is no need to add '')''. What error 88 mean:?: [CODE]const max = 100; var A: array[1..max] of real; function Sort(L, R:integer):real; begin for L:= L to R-1 do begin if A[L]<A[L+1] then begin sort:=A[L+1]; A[L+1]:=A[L]; …

Member Avatar for cao
Member Avatar for Mobix

Hello, after one delphi session every one of my single floats has been saving into a wordpad as this weird 2.73500000000000E+0003 2.00000000000000E+0002 notation, same goes with printing is there any way to reverse this ?

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for lighten123

This is the code section from inno setup.My intention is to make two Checkbox where at a time one is being selected. But this code return error. procedure CheckBoxOnClick(Sender: TObject); var Box2,CheckBox: TNewCheckBox; begin if CheckBox.Checked then CheckBox.State := cbUnchecked; Box2.State := cbChecked; else //THIS LINE RETURNS AN ERROR: "Identifier …

Member Avatar for Ionelul
Member Avatar for rebotea

Hi i have a database and now i like two get data from a local Database to a network database how can i update the record i open in local to the nework. TableMaster(metria_Sub_Sub) numeracao_sub long AUTO numeracao long Foto1 text(50) Foto2 text(50) Analisefoto1 text(50) Observações memo Y Obra text(250) …

Member Avatar for zipgenius

Hello. I am using Delphi 2010 to build a small application that builds a very very simple database in CSV file format. I am using the Jcl and JVCL libraries (TJvCSVDataset, TJvDataSource and TJvDBGrid). I set up the fields ("Last Name", "First Name" and "Email"), where "Email" is the only …

Member Avatar for est69dog
Member Avatar for est69dog

hello, i have tryed my ways how to make records thing to my pascal game(15 puzzel), but i have failed. It shold be by time and by moves you have made to solve it and they shold have atleast 3 best in both tabels. If someone have any good tips …

Member Avatar for Fewa

I am trying to write a code that will launch the MSDOS prompt from windows and input a pre-set command line when i click a button, but am having trouble trying to find a proper way of getting it to work, if anyone could help me out, i would greatly …

Member Avatar for Mikav6
Member Avatar for samal123

Hiii Everyone i)Show diagrammatically a linked list of 4 nodes, where each node consists of one pointer and one integer data item. ii)Give a declaration of this data structure in a language of your choice. State what language you are using I want using pascal language Please give me quick …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Daaave

This snippet shows how to open, read, write and close text files. This skeleton can be modified to handle any type of file, from untyped to text to typed files.

Member Avatar for Deffcon
Member Avatar for rajaraman1969

Hi.. I have a report developed in Crystal Report v10. Using Delphi 7, I should be able to load an image file dynamically in the said report. The Image file will be available in the local specific path. The file name will be known based on the query result set. …

Member Avatar for EAnder

I am attempting to get the username of the current user on a windows computer using windows API. I am using the GetUserName function in the Windows Unit. I am having some problems with giving the correct data types for function arguments. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [code] program …

Member Avatar for rapistebe
Member Avatar for lighten123

To make my question fully understandable to you i attach an image demonstration.Please see this: [img]http://i39.tinypic.com/ruzona.jpg[/img] Well i developed my software,after finishing installing i want to show a window like in the image(from Bitcomet 1.19). [b]But that software is built on NSIS and mine on INNO.[/b] [b]So my requirement:[/b] [code]1.Show …

Member Avatar for delphiuser1111

Hi, this is the first time i have ever used Delphi and was wondering if you could help me; i understand how to writeln etc. but I'm having trouble with programs such as making a program that requires the user to write a message, and how many times they would …

Member Avatar for wylddev
Member Avatar for chickenmcnugget

hello there im sorry i can not help you with your problem and like i said i am very sorry i am looking for some help myself first i do not know how to post a question on here second i need help with a program it is in pascal …

Member Avatar for wylddev
Member Avatar for fillit

program p; var a,b:integer; c:real; forward p2; {for procedure p1 to call procedure p2} procedure p1 (x:integer; var y:integer); var c:integer; pt:^integer; {pointer declaration} begin { (1) } writeln(a,b,x,y); new (pt); if (x<2) and (y<2) then if x>y then begin y:=x; writeln(a,b,x,y); p2(x,b) end; dispose(pt); end; procedure p2 (x:integer; var …

Member Avatar for fillit
Member Avatar for rajaramans

Hi, I am using Delphi 7 and Crystal Reports 10. I have a requirement where I need to load a picture dynamically in the Crystal Reports 10. Actually, in Crystal Reports 10 we don't have the feature of dynamic loading. But, from Crystal Reports 11 version and above, it is …

Member Avatar for sirko

I've been massing with this problem for almost a week. It's about DFS search in a binary tree. It compiles well but when i run it I get exitcode 216 error. Can anybody help? program prg; uses crt; type ptrnode=^node; node = record data: char; l,r: ptrnode; end; pnode=^rnode; rnode=record …

Member Avatar for Profyanis

Hi, I am trying to add data from a DBEdit component to a ComboBox, but i get an error that says : 'Incompatible types: 'TStrings' and 'TCaption'

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for HelpMeIT

I am currently trying to get the text from a DBLookUpComboBox but it wont let me retrieve it i have a number and 2 strings in the box which is an ID and first and last name. I cannot retrieve anything from the box unless i use a edit box …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for sirko

Pascal programming DFS(depth first search) and BFS(bredth first search) problems.? These are the algorythms for searching a tree strucutre or a graph. Could anybody show me (or send to me) where can I find these problems solved? (Programs need to be Pascal console apps and data should be read from …

Member Avatar for sirko
Member Avatar for masq

[CODE]function getFileName(fileDir : string) : string; var fileName : string; tempNum, i : integer; tempChar : char; begin tempNum := 0; for I := Length(fileDir) downto 0 do begin tempNum := tempNum + 1; tempChar := fileDir[I-1]; if tempChar = '' then break; end; Result := RightStr(fileDir, tempNum); end;[/CODE] It …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for sirko

Hi! Does anybody know how to write a Pascal app that would remove blank lines from a text file. function RemoveBlankLines(OldFile: string): string; var fi,fo: Text; s,NewFile: string; n: integer; begin result:=EmptyStr; if FileExists(OldFile) then begin //rename old file .bak, n:=Length(OldFile); while (n>1) and (OldFile[n]<>'.') do Dec(n); n:=Length(OldFile)-n; NewFile:=Copy(OldFile,1,Length(OldFile)-n)+'bak'; RenameFile(OldFile,NewFile); …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for iarmza

I've never learn about pascal language and my teacher had some homework about cache working and he told me write it in Pascal. This is sample running. Main menu 1. Open fake disk 2. Read block to file 3. Write block from file 4. Close fake disk 5. Exit Enter …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for famousb

Greetings all, I've been programming local applications in Delphi quite awhile, but i only consider myself a so-so programmer... and i've never done anything server based. I also do a fair amount of web/PHP programming. That said, i'm trying to create a small program i can run on my Windows …

Member Avatar for Forte1292

I need to create a linked list where I can continue to input integers and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but every time I run it I'm allowed to enter two numbers and then I get exit code 216 saying I'm accessing memory I'm not allowed to. [CODE]Program …

Member Avatar for Forte1292
Member Avatar for sirko

The delphi app should subtract two sets that would represent two graphs Hi there! I've got a problem that I can't solve. Can anybody help me? The app should subtract two graphs (in this case a graph is meant to be a set of points) here's the beginning. program assignment; …

Member Avatar for agrarian

I have some code in PHP which I need to translate into Delphi: [CODE]$xsl = new DOMDocument(); $xsl->load('http://www.fda.gov/oc/datacouncil/stylesheets/spl/spl.xsl'); $proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $proc->importStylesheet($xsl); $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->load($xmlFile); $domTranObj = $proc->transformToDoc($xml); $strHTML = $domTranObj->saveHTML();[/CODE] What I need to do is take a snippet of XML (from a database field), transform …

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The End.