1,899 Topics
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In Dev-c++, there is a command 'system("PAUSE")'. What's the equivalent in Dev-Pascal? Thank you. I added "readln;" in the row prior to "END", however, it still does not work, what to do!!?? All I want to do is to pause the cmd so I could see. Anyone could help me? | |
[Code=Pascal] Program Calculator; Uses Crt; Label 1; Var Selection, YesNo : String; Number, A, B, C, Number2, Total, InsideRoot, MinusB, TWOA, Answer1, Answer2 : Integer; Begin 1:Clrscr; Total :=0; Number :=0; Number2 :=0; Clrscr; Writeln('This is a more complicated calculator, please make a choice.'); Writeln('1. Addition'); Writeln('2. Subtraction'); Writeln('3. Multiplication'); … | |
I'd like to read/write xls files in Delphi. I think there's a way to do this using ADO. Can anyone provide an example or head me in the right direction. Thanks. | |
Dear All, I need help to do the interface delphi program as the following: 1. Allow the use to select a text file from a storage media. 2. Open the text file and read it line by line. 3. scan each line and extract each word 4. write each word … | |
I am trying to use a clientdataset without an associated Table. I am attempting to extract and edit data from a Cad program. The Cad program has an interface in which the user selects specific entities within the Cad file (lines, circles, text etc) and provides basic information and attributes … | |
Hi all, I wanna take file from a folder in ftp. I have connected. But when i want to change directory, it throws an exception : 505 Here's the code : nmFtp.Host := ''; nmFtp.UserID := 'anonymous'; nmFtp.Password := 'kob3'; nmFtp.Connect; nmFtp.ChangeDir('/apolo/'); Any Adv? | |
Hi guys (again), Another exercise in Turbo Pascal about linked lists. [COLOR="Green"][B] Write a program that merges 2 linked lists and sorts elements from the lowest to the greatest. let suppose the list has this elements list = ^pointer; pointer = record value:integer; next:list; end;[/B][/COLOR] Please help, I have an … | |
Hey Everyone, I've only ever used a little bit of C# before for forms, and when changing windows themes the form looks exactly the same (buttons in the same position, etc). If the height of the titlebar changes (e.g. Win Classic -> Win XP Style) everything still stays in the … | |
Hi, I was in the understanding that applications created with Codegear/Delphi did not need any external libraries and that it compiled all the code into the exe? However with Delphi 2009 (using C++), my programmes were asking for rtl120.bpl, and various dlls before it could be used. I was wondering … | |
I'm almost finished my lottery program but having trouble with the validation. In the program the user enters their own numbers, these numbers are then stored in the array user. I want the program to validate these numbers to ensure each number is between 0 and 49. I have tried … | |
Hi, Is there an easy way to loop through an array of controls (user specified, not every control on the form) and disable them? At the moment I'm just disable/enabling them one by one e.g. ctrl1.enabled := false; ctrl2.enabled := false; .... ctrl22.enabled := false; etc. Is there a way … | |
HI All, Anyone know about the component to capture data from pdf and then insert to database????? regards, dodol | |
I am trying to get two files to work together. The customer file Cust with an Index on Accno and a job file Job with same index Accno. I have to admit I have not got my heard around datasources and tables as yet. I can only get the Cust … | |
hi all how can i read\load MSG files of Outlook into a specific folder of outlook? i don't need to view them. just to load them in. example: i have the file and path : "c:\ebi\TempZ\66.msg" and i want to put it in the folder "ebi\ZZZ" which is inside the … | |
Hi I need to move a shape (say for example a 5 mm circle) across a drawing, however as the shape moves it needs to redraw what was on the page before the shape got there. Thanks Wallace | |
I try to use 'extended' type for variables but I cannot, turbo pascal 7.0 report 'Error 116: Must be in 8087 mode to compile this' - so I don't know if sbd can help me solve this. | |
Hi, I need to automate an Excel sheet. The requirement is that I need to read data from various CSV Files, maipulate them and place the results into specific cells in an Excel Sheet. This excel sheet is already prepared with lots of text. Only specific columns are left blank … | |
Hello, My problem is the execution jumps over a lot of code. In my example it jumps from "if" to the last end;, without executing anycode inbetween. Why? I had no "if" before and the one line was executed before the procedure was ended. No error message is returned. All … | |
I want to make an appointment manager type thing in Delphi. In which I can add/edit/delete/make sure appointments dont clash. Its part of a larger program I am making in Delphi which is why I cant use anything else (apart from microsoft access via a DBGRID) and it is really … | |
i found this code in one example for TMSA32 component: procedure TfrmMain.ButtonOpenClick(Sender: TObject); begin VaComm1.Open; Comm1Dsr(VaComm1); end; procedure TfrmMain.Comm1Dsr(Sender: TObject); begin if VaComm1.DSR then StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := 'DSR' else StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := ''; end; Where Vacomm is component. In events for Vacomm1 in the first column is OnDsr,and next to him(aprpriate to … | |
Is there any database engine written with pascal? i need a database engine written with pascal. thanks. | |
Hey all. I'm new to this forum so I'm a little confused... but hey who! Anyway, straight to the point, I'm currently in 6th Form in school and we are learning Pascal in computing. For one small activity, I need to get the information from a file and sort it … | |
Hello all, Wondering if someone can direct me to a regex component and some code that I can use to strip out certain links from an HTML file (loading in a StringList). Example: <a href="../foo/23134.htm">bar</a> The result I'm after is: bar I only want to strip the link here, but … | |
Please I want to make Pascal's triangle in console application | |
Hello to all and merry christmas! i want to create a program so when i will write help in a readln(); i am gonna get a writeln(); which is gonna give me information about the program ... so i want to ask , is it possible to do it with … | |
here i go whit a new problem and yet the same... i think. on one of the forums i posted my last question in (im lost) the answer was that i could set i to be 0 from start in form load procedure. i did and it worked for a … | |
Hey guys I'm trying to see if someone can give me a nudge in the right direction here. All I need is two simple procedures: 1. Load XML Entries into TListBox 2. When ListBox is clicked, find string pointing to filename so I can display the item's associated file. My … | |
some code ive been using whit out any problems suddenly wont work.. Whats the really weird parts is when its a random number it got no problems lodaing the image. But when its i := i +1 item := listview1.Items; form2.image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(item.Caption); {here it chrashes] it crashes whit an error called … | |
Im trying to make a screensaver whit the option to support single and multiple images. this is the code for single images where im trying to make it fit large images to screen but no matter what of these conversion types ive used Round Rounds a floating point number to … | |
i didnt write this programe. can you help me Make a flowchart of an algorithm for calculation of the number and the sum of all elements smaller than Y on the minor diagonal of a 2D array with 20 rows and 20 columns. The value of Y is input by … |
The End.