1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for mfran2002

hi, I work with Delphi 5 and I need to modify a .COM file but I don't know how... may you please help me? thanks!

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hi, Does anyone know of some source code or methods that can be used to monitor the CPU utilization in Delphi?

Member Avatar for BradenMurphy
Member Avatar for mfran2002

hi, I need to wirite code in delhi5 using the API of a software but I don't know wher I have to begin... ;)

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for mo_Shaf786

hi, ive got a text file which has multiple lines, how can i display all the lines? [CODE] BEGIN assignfile(filea, user); reset(filea); while not eof(filea) do BEGIN readln(filea,textstring); writeln(textstring); end; closefile(filea); readln; END[/CODE] Thanks

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for claudiu_is

Hi, Does anybody know how can I return the time format from the system regional settings ? I need something like "hh mm ss" returned ( or whatever the current system time format is) to pass it as argument for FormatDateTime() function along with a given time; I`m using Delphi …

Member Avatar for claudiu_is
Member Avatar for thrasas

Hello everyone! i found some days ago a really nice algorithmic problem, and i am trying to solve it (implement it in pascal in the end). I know it is a shortest path problem, (it is obvious) but i still can't seem to find any proper approach to it! Any …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for jsosnowski

I just ran across some code that declares a complex packed record: aSInt = Integer; [ICODE]entity = packed Record Enttype : byte; field2 : double; ... //continues with other standard fields and then uses this case CASE aSInt OF entlin: (linpt1, linpt2: point); entln3: (ln3pt1, ln3pt2: point); entmrk: (mrkpnt, mrkvec: …

Member Avatar for la65cop

Alright, I'm trying to write a program that finds the highest, lowest, and average number of a set of undetermined data. The program also needs to shut off when a negative number is entered. This is what I have so far, the only thing working is the highest number and …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Just a short question.. Does declaring your program as "unsafe" mean your program's memory is no longer managed?

Member Avatar for picichinica

Hello, I have a question (might be pretty easy, but please help!!): on my application's main form I have two buttons: open that opens Form1 and another one that opens Form2. Now, from Form1 I need to open Form2, and from Form2 I need to open back Form1, and go …

Member Avatar for pennyani
Member Avatar for kvdd

I have a Client and a server application, very simple code and it is working. But with the client, I can send one time a message, do I want another, it does not appear at the server. No response, nothing. Here is my code: Client: [CODE=pascal] procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin …

Member Avatar for kvdd
Member Avatar for jsosnowski

I am working on a project for a Cad program in which I must embed data in the Cad file. The tools for doing so in the cad program allow for embedding boolean, integer, double byte and string values, one at a time. There is a lot of data and …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for GameboyHippo

I'm pretty green at Delphi. I have a program that must call a MS SQL stored procedure before executing the rest of its logic. Here's the code I've written (changes have been made here and there to protect confidentiality): [code=delphi] theProcedure := TStoredProc.Create( NIL ) ; theProcedure.DatabaseName := theTDatabase.DatabaseName ; …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hi, I would like to know how to port this code in Delphi [CODE] a : Word; b : ^Word; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin b := @a; Inc(b^); //Display a end; [/CODE] To code in .NET, The problem is converting the pointer. The Migrating Pointer Types section …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for memphis1234

I have to write a program which generates a pascal's triangle. The user inputs the height of the triangle and it supposed to generate one. This is what I have so far and I don't know how you would keep adding rows after the second one. I'm so lost :( …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for nikolaos

This is a poor implementation of quicksort in pascal. I will use it in the classroom for a demonstration in sorting algorithms (divide and conquer). I would appreciate if someone could help me a little with some improvements. [code=pascal] program quicksort; uses wincrt; const max = 10; type table = …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for m610

I'd like to be able to send a text message to a person from the program I am working on. I've been researching on the web and found a few code examples that according to the comments sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. I've also found some very capable looking software …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for m610

A day or so ago I got thoroughly stuck solving a frustrating problem in my little program that somehow has grown to 14000+ lines of new code. It turned out to be an issue where creating a from would change my data before I could display it in the form. …

Member Avatar for m610
Member Avatar for m610

I'm finally getting around to using COM+ in Delphi 6 Pro, and I need a little help. My COM+ components palette has a TCOMAdminCatalog component, but it seems to be missing the other two, TCOMAdminCatalogCollection and TCOMAdminCatalogObject. How can I get them back? Did I ever have them? I've got …

Member Avatar for ebi1
Member Avatar for tylcoatc

Their are commercial/delphi solutions to reading GPS input from the USB port but these do maybe 10, 20 or a 100 things whereas I used to read input via the COM port and then do whatever after that. Is there a small (?) piece of delphi (7 or lower) code …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for noob.pas

okay, i've been looking for a nice algorithm for this one for a long time, all i find are cpp, java and c# code. i've been trying to reverse the order of each word in its place, but i don't seem to be able to do so. i tried with …

Member Avatar for tylcoatc
Member Avatar for Sparkles

I know this is a bit messed up (the code), but, I'm baffled why it isn't working. I know I'm not great at delphi, and I'd really like some help. [code] var Form1: TForm1; SteamString : String; CommunityString : String; ZeroOrOne : String; SteamId : String; CommunityStringMath : Longint; Calc …

Member Avatar for tylcoatc
Member Avatar for snuppy

[code] procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var s:string; i,count:integer; begin s:=edit1.Text; count:=0; for i:=1 to length(S) do if Pos('111111', Edit1.Text) <> 0 then label2.caption:='Yes: 111111!' else label2.caption:='No: 111111!'; end; [/code] someone will be upshot use "while" OR "repeat..until"

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for yssirhc

well the title pretty much says it all. I'm trying to grab an html hidden form input value for use in a delphi function. I don't know delphi very well at all, so I was trying to follow the format of the other code in the program that did this …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for superseven

Hi all, I've got a stored procered in SQL 2005 that I need to execute in delphi 7, my problem is that i don't know how to execute it inside delphi. Plz help.

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for StatManLV

When you use truncate on a file, does truncate cause the file to be closed and then reopened? Or does it just leave the file open until you use the close command?

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for bulkhin

In my program I did the following: begin if not OpenDialog1.Execute then Exit; Memo1.Clear; AssignFile(MyFile,OpenDialog1.FileName); Reset(MyFile); while not EOLN(MyFile) do begin Read(MyFile,Text1); Memo1.Lines.Add(Text1); end; closeFile(MyFile); end; Can any one help me to write each word from the text file word by word in the memo. Regards, NOna

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for JosipMiller

Hello, I connected my Delphi application with MS Access database and I am stuck a bit with a problem: how to execute UPDATE Query stored in MS Access database from Delphi ? Stored query in Access works properly. All other queries (mostly SELECT) stored in Access I have connected properly …

Member Avatar for JosipMiller
Member Avatar for gh0sts416

I Was Wondering If There Was A Way To Use An Enumeration As A Function Argument in Delphi And if So A Quick Little Example Would Be Great. I Cannot Seem To Figure it Out :(

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for the_titan

Hi, I'm currently working on an RSS File Editor. I want to implement a syntax highlighting feature, but I don't know how to program it and didn't find anything useful on the internet. I'm using a RichEdit as the editor window. Can someone tell me how to do it or …

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The End.