1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, Could you mind tell me what about the difference between While..loop, for..loop and repeat.. until?? Can you give me some example?? Cheers,

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for harish92

Hi I'm making a program for a game of Hangman. I have to put a limit to the number of guesses. I have an array to show the current status of the word. So in this array (GuessStatusArray) each cell is either '*', ' ' or a letter guessed correctly …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, Can I add the background colour or music to my following program? Program millionaire;//Student_millionaire; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, OurCrt; Type gameShow_record=record firstname:string[12]; lastname:string[12]; phone: string[12]; End; Var User_Choice:Integer; //this is your first program integrated in the main Procedure Student_Millionaire; //I not tested,you said it work Var gameShow_file:file of …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, This is the 3rd part of the question, I want to find and list the finalists. Cheers,

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for InS@NiTy

Hello all, I'm pretty new to coding and I'm having a little trouble in reading a list to an array from a txt file. What I'm trying to is write 24 words from a txt file to an array and then use a number to select one at random (It's …

Member Avatar for InS@NiTy
Member Avatar for turbomen

The following is a simple program on 'while ... do': program dowhile; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Ourcrt; Var my_words: string; begin [COLOR="Green"] my_words:=''; writeln('Enter some words (type "stop" to finish):'); readln(my_words);[/COLOR] while (my_words<>'stop')do begin clrscr; writeln('You typed:'); [COLOR="Red"] writeln(my_words); writeln; writeln('Enter some words (type "stop" to finish):'); readln(my_words);[/COLOR] end; end. …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Endurance Man

Hey all Really hoping someone can shed any sort of light on this, even a light glimmer would be nice :(. I have a form with a TWebBrowser on it coded in Delphi7 as a Win32 app. If i try to browse to a silverlight application the application crashes without …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for smbusa

Could anybody help me to create a QReport in Delphi. I use My Sql as my database.

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for smbusa
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, The following is a simple program in Delphi. Could you tell me the meaning of the colour in red. program Negatives; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, ourcrt; var balance, posNeg:integer; begin randomize; writeln ('Generating your bank balance'); writeln ('Please wait .....'); sleep (2000); create a random number between 0 …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, The following is the very basic programme, but I often miss the comma and delimiter which is red in colour. Could you express the meaning of this? program AgeCalculator; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; var age, months, days, hours: integer; begin writeln ('How old are you?'); readln (age); writeln …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, The following is a good example of Pascal. I understand the font with red in colour is the location of display into screen but could you express the meaning of sales1:7:2, sales2:9:2, sales3:9:2, sales4:9:2, sales5:9:2, sales6:9:2?? Cheers, uses crt ; var sales1, sales2, sales3, sales4, sales5, sales6, total_sales …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, Please help me in this part of the question. I want to change the phone a friend details. Find a person and change their phone a friend number. To do this I need to find a record in memory and overwrite that record's phone field. Then save all …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir, After finishing the 1st part, I still have many problem of the question. Program Student_millionaire; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} { } uses SysUtils, OurCrt; Var User_Choice:Integer; Procedure ContestantsList; Begin WriteLn('1 pressed,listing all the contestants...'); ReadLn; End; Procedure Generate10finalists; Begin WriteLn('2 pressed,generating the 10 finalist''s numbers...'); ReadLn; End; Procedure UpdateFinalists; Begin …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for roulingo

i have been programming all my life and would like to intoduce myself my name is phil and i know a lot about the following subjects Delphi electronics electrical otherwise im quiet stupid. favourate subjects rock n roll, cooking, karaoke, computer programming. present projects computer data protection. secure data comms. …

Member Avatar for meghs007

i can't remember exact formula of the pascal triangle if you know then please send me the formula and the pascal triangle code in c i think y=c*(y-x)/(x+1); this is wrong but you can modify and send me

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for turbomen

I have a menu system which can allows me to list all the contestants. The following is my menu system: Program Student_millionaire; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, OurCrt; Var User_Choice:Integer; Procedure ContestantsList; Begin WriteLn('1 pressed,listing all the contestants...'); ReadLn; End; Procedure Generate10finalists; Begin WriteLn('2 pressed,generating the 10 finalist''s numbers...'); ReadLn; End; …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for harish92

In a game of Hangman, a setter of the word/phrase is required to enter a phrase. However, I was wondering if there was any way to input data blindly, so that the guesser cannot see the phrase getting typed in. An example of its use would be passwords being entered.

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for spiren

Hello, I wrote a program to find a path in a StringGrid. The path found should be highlighted - according to several articles I use an array with 0/1 values to indicate path cells. When using this in the onDrawCell event handler, only the first and the last cell of …

Member Avatar for 1shadow1

Please can someone help me out on an issue that I ma having with delphi. Aim is to read an INI file then take certain values only and display them under listbox or memo. Lets say for an example my ini files looks like this [setup] Device = Sector= [set] …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for killhha

i was wondering if it would be possible to use a timer in pascal. like for instance you have 10 seconds to answer a question. iv been thinking and i cant figure out how to do it. does anyone know how?

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for harish92

In a game of Hangman, the setter must input the word/phrase. However the user would be able to see the word/phrase that has been input. Is there a way of inputting the word without it coming up on the screen - a blind input? For example as asterix much in …

Member Avatar for harish92

I don't understand why my linear search program in pascal is not working... Some help will be appreciated. [code]program Project2; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; Type TStudent = Record Name : String[15]; End; Var Name : array [0..3] of string=('Fred','Jack','Chris','Ali'); inputname : string; n : integer; begin Name[0] := 'Fred'; Name[1] …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir / Madam, The following is the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. But I don't know why computer is always choose Rock. My Answer:- program RPS5; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, ourcrt; var Computer : integer; Choice, Move : char; begin repeat writeln('Rock(R), Paper(P), Scissors(S)'); readln(Choice); until (Choice = 'R') …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

Dear Sir / Madam, Please help me again on Delphi. Please help me to write a program that uses a function to caoculate the commission payable to the sales person, when passed the commission rate for the item, the total items sold and the price per item. For example, if …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

I found that semi-colon are some time come to the end of the line. i.e.: end, else,... But just some time. Could you tell me when I need to put semi-colon to the line? And when I need not?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for turbomen

Play it for three times and we can get the final result. My answer: var number, guess: integer; begin randomize; number:= random(3)+1; writeln('Wellcome to the game of snap.'); readlnln (guess); if guess>number then begin writeln('It''s too big! Please try again.'); end else if guess<number then begin writeln('It''s too small! Please …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

My question is: to create an array of 6 lotto numbers. The numbers should be between 1 and 40 and you are not allowed to put into the array any number that is already in it. Hint: You are using an array of 6 numbers so that’s a loop generate …

Member Avatar for IVR_Developer
Member Avatar for WABUno

Hi Everyone. I need help with using Printer.Canvas to print toa USB printer. Using Delphi 7.0 and a Brother HL2140 USB only printer, produces a blank page. A friend tried it on his USB printer and all of the print was on the left half of the page. On my …

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Member Avatar for turbomen

I need to write a skeletn program for the assignment. It should have a menu system with at least 5 options. The menu keeps repeating after each procedure is called. When one of the procedures is called just return a message to the screen saying what this procedure will do: …

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The End.