1,899 Topics

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..bescause it is not a design time package" is shown first time I try to load a project that contains a TTable. I have to let system remove my declaration of TTable. Then I can create a new TTable, with the same name and my application works. Next time I …

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Member Avatar for codeforfun

Well i didnt really know where to post this =(, if you think its wrongly placed just move it =P I don't know if other Pascal versions show each code error, but FPC doesn't. If you got one this encouragement killer errors use Ctrl+F with your error code number. 001: …

Member Avatar for Denniz
Member Avatar for ajr2812

Hi, this is my first post here so I am not quite sure how to enter codes properly, but I will do my best to explain my problem anyway... Suppose I have a new form (Form1), and I insert a combo box (ComboBox1), and the items for ComboBox1 are 1, …

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Member Avatar for codeforfun

OK i'm trying to make a program that saves the records in a file... this is what i got so far and isn't working.. Thanks in advance [CODE]Program AccManager; uses crt; Type T_Account= record User:string[16]; Password:string[12]; Rango:byte; END; Arc_acc= file of T_Account; var Acc:T_Account; option:byte; l,m:integer; Acu:Arc_acc; {**********Preparar o Crear …

Member Avatar for codeforfun
Member Avatar for unnamed020

hi, can someone help me translating this functions from c++ to delphi, because i not a c++ coder: here you go: [ICODE] bool IsAnubis() { PROCESSENTRY32 pe32; pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); DWORD PID = 0, PPID = 0, expPID = 0; HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if(Process32First(hSnapshot, &pe32)) { while(Process32Next(hSnapshot, &pe32)) …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for codeforfun

The ball (asterisk) wont move =/ [CODE]{*** Made by Code4fun ***} Program DamnBall; Uses crt; const ANP = 79; ALP = 24; MIN=1; ALT=3; ANC=4; Time=100; Var PosX,PosY,Dx,Dy:integer; Procedure DP(pX,pY:integer); {this draws the ball (asterisk)} BEGIN Gotoxy (pX,pY); write('*'); Delay (kk); Gotoxy (pX,pY); write(' '); END; Procedure VP(pX,pY,dirx,diry:integer); {this makes …

Member Avatar for codeforfun
Member Avatar for Nanor

I'm killing two birds with one stone and revising my Physics by writing a Pascal program: [CODE=Pascal]program ProjMotion(Input, Output); var speed, angle, InitVel, Grav, Time: real; begin; writeln('Hello. This is a program to calculate the time a ball takes to hit the ground. Air resistance is negligble.'); writeln('Please input the …

Member Avatar for codeforfun
Member Avatar for pandapop87

right i am really really sorry i have left it until the night before hwk is due in i need to make a program that; inputs student data outputs students data edits previously inputted student data deletes previously inputted student data if anyone can help me, give me a basic …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for litchi

Hello, I have just started using Delphi and ran into a small problem. It's a simple app, as I am only practicing. It has a Button and 2 Edit boxes. I want the user to enter some text to be saved (in a .txt file) in Edit1 and choose a …

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Member Avatar for espSquall

My procedure works perfectly when there is another instance of my program running but otherwise it gets stuck in a constant loop. I've tryed all sorts and came here as a last resort. There's not really much else I can say so here's my code: [code] {*Finds and ends previous …

Member Avatar for espSquall
Member Avatar for AKJo

An application from Delphi 1 (16 bit) has been transfered into Delphi 2007. The Delphi 1 program has created files with the following type definition: [code=delphi] type codePost = record code : integer; {code 3 figures} value : longint; {value 6 figures} data : string; {Data max 30 chrs} date …

Member Avatar for AKJo
Member Avatar for AKJo

Hi, Sometimes I get some red lines in the D2007 editor, under parts of the source code. See attached image. What do they mean and what action should I take?

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Member Avatar for Vaart91

i dont know pascal very well, so can anyone help me with this problem... for the given matrix A(n*m) with real type of elements: "create a file and write into it the elements of the matrix" "create a new integer file and write there only the hole part of the …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for bigmike9449

Hi, i'm new to these forums and i was wondering, what kind of script or code do you need to write in order to make a button open a specific file, such as a pdf or txt, and what code or script do you need to make a button open …

Member Avatar for espSquall
Member Avatar for cheburaska

Hey, im writing a dictionary in Delphi, and i dont know how to solve 1 problem. How to make Delphi display an explanation for the selected word from the word list? :confused:

Member Avatar for ooisootuck
Member Avatar for KenTheFurry

I am trying to make a program to automatically login to my website it will do this by loading a WebBrowser and navigating to the login page of my site then I want it to edit the value of the username and password box. I just do not know how …

Member Avatar for Jacob777
Member Avatar for ABKTECH

text========"everyone delphi fans" i need help on delphi how to count the number of character enter by a user for exmaple if a user enters 2 in editbox1 and enters 5 in editbox2 then the program should display this using the above text in a memo. "very" meaning that the …

Member Avatar for Jacob777
Member Avatar for Deemar

I'm building an installer using Inno Setup and the programming is done via Delphi/Pascal for the custom dialog screens. It's almost done, I'm just wondering how I can disable some text boxes or other components dependent on other actions like the click of a radio button. Specific example: I have …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for dad45

Want to move files from one App (Delphi 6 App - my creation) to a new folder. That is the easy part. I then delete all files with the .dcu, dof & dos extenders. Compile same. Now, the program saves data files. However, the new data files are posted in …

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Member Avatar for intel1111

I Need Some Help With A Program I Am Making I Have Created 2 Program One To Create The File And The Main Program. But There Is One Problem When Ever More Data Is Added To The End Of The File It Copy's The First Lot Of Data And Starts …

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Member Avatar for emamizadeh

Dear All Friends i have an problem with windows vista . i write an program for Readind Data From Serial port in delphi . and then compile it in windows XP . Application is worked very good . but when i do compiled this application in windows Visat , i …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for ABKTECH

SAMPLE TEXT("everyone can help") can any1 help me, write the code to count text. for example you have 2 text boxes when a user enters 2 in editbox1 and enters 5 in editbox2, the message in memo box is display as "very" CAN ANYONE HELP PLEASE

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Member Avatar for l_23

I am supposed to create a Pascal program that obtains 4 inputs from user and averages them. The program should enforce all inputs to be between 0 and 100, inclusive. This is for class, but more importantly I have more programs and I need to understand why I suck at …

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Member Avatar for pacwire

Hi, I've encountered a problem I can't explain and would be very grateful for any input. I have the following SQL statement (its not table dependent but demonstrates the problem): [CASE WHEN 2>1 THEN "Greater" ELSE "Less" END AS Comparison] This SQL query returns the correct single column named Comparison …

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Member Avatar for shubhang
Member Avatar for animefun2

[CODE] program Q2 (Input,Output); var X,Y,T1,T2 : Integer; Flag1,Flag2,Flag3 : Boolean; SquareRoot,CubeRoot,Z,D1,D2 : Real; begin X := 1; Flag1 := True; Flag2 := False; Flag3 := False; while Flag1 do begin Y := X-1; SquareRoot := Sqrt(Y); T1 := Trunc(SquareRoot); D1 := SquareRoot - T1; if(D1>0) then Flag2 := False; …

Member Avatar for animefun2
Member Avatar for Kev_McG

As part of my A-Level computing coursework i have to simulate an end user and design a programe for them. I have the code to allow for a listbox were you select from a list of usernames you want but for added security i want to ammend it so you …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for AKJo

Suddenly there is at least one line in my Delphi 2007 source code that is ignored when I single step through the program. If I set a breakpoint on it the line goes all green and execution will not stop at the line. There is no blue dot to the …

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The End.