1,899 Topics
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Hello All, I have a question and need some help with a c# console application project that asks the user to enter the number of rows to calculate and display Pascal’s Triangle. What I really need help with is how to properly format the output in the shape of a … | |
Hi All, I have this old c program that I did a while back on pascals triangle and i'm trying to convert it over to c#.net. Can anyone help me do this? I do not know much or anything on on c# Here is the code: [code=c] //Lyncob directory #include … | |
I am creating a binary file, containing a record type i have defined, using the BLockWrite command. I am then trying to read the data back again and i get 3 out of the 4 values in the record back and i can't work out why. Code snippets below Bits … | |
I'm embarrassed. I suddenly realized that not in any of my programs scrollbars show when they should, despite visible is set to True. I am not able to fix it! Can someone please tell the secret? | |
Hi, I have a question. Is it possible to copy all contents from record to typed pointer which has same items? Example here: [CODE=pascal]program linked_list_queue; type queue = ^myrecord; myrecord = record data: integer; otherdata: string; datadatadata: char; next: queue; end; const head = nil; tail = nil; procedure add(argument: … | |
Ok, this Program was supposed to make the [U]asterisk go down a line every 1 second[/U] and to be able to move right and left, It moves right and left but [U]it doesn't go down.[/U] For Those wondering, yeah im trying to make an arkanoid or something like that... this … | |
hello, I'm new to the language and so far as I can tell this should work but it isnt. Sorry its probably just a newb mistake but i've spent hours on this silly error (and used search). [code]var call_start, call_length : integer; discount, cost: real; answer: char; const normal_price = … | |
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Can anyone help me to do this !!! I want to download a file (for exaclty photo file) from a web page how i can do this through delphi????? | |
Hai all, In delphi, how to make the program only one exe only on executing. example : I have a project tools after execute it appears tools.exe how to make the people can not execute tools.exe in the second time?? Only one exe can run. | |
I am currently learning Pascal at school an I'm thought i was getting pretty efficient until i was set work on the repeat until loop. I was working on a program that squares then cubes a number until a rouge value of -9999.99 but it won't! [code=pascal] (* Author: Tony … | |
Hello all! I need to write simple game with Forms, Buttons, but by using only!!! .dpr file. I tried to transfer the information from .pas, .dfm files and even has achieved success to compile it, but at start there is an exception EResNotFound ('Resourse TForm1 not found') I shall be … | |
i need help programming pascal's triangle in C. i looked at the old threads, and none of them really helped. its a simple program, so no getch() or anything special. i started to create an array and give each element values. when i tried to run it, my output it … | |
Hi All I want to delete records from a table. I'm using the following query: [code] adqdelete.active := false; adqdelete.sql.add('delete from stalls'); adqdelete.sql.add('where stall_name ='); adqdelete.sql.add(edtDeleteStalls.Text); adqdelete.active:=True; [/code] This gives a syntax error. does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for your time Tai | |
Hello everyone, I need some assistance in finding an error in my Delphi code. (I am new to the Delphi programming). I am using a Delphi application to build an excel spreadsheet. When a part_number is entered for the first time(assuming it exists in db) application always runs , the … | |
I need help getting going with Pascal on a Mac. (I have considerable amateur experience on Delphi on a PC.) Two possibilities: 1. I can hire someone with the knowledge to consult and get me going--Install compiler, setup IDE, relate to XCODE (whatever that is) and so on. I live … | |
I am coding a unit in Delphi 2007 and everything has been working fine. Suddenly, pressing the "return" key merely moves the cursor to the next line instead of throwing a new line I switch to another program (word processor) and that program works fine. I have rebooted, but that … | |
hey there, i'm new at delphi, at my first prog actually. Been doing c/c++ for a while. The prog is supposed to be simple game, and i need a level counter. I've strayed a bit from the tutorial i'm using and now when i run it the number in the … | |
Hello, I need to transform mathematical expressions from MathML (as a part of an XML file) to plain text format (in the Pascal or C fashion) and the reverse (from Pascal to MathML) form my application in Delphi. Does anybody know any component or routine to do this? Thanks in … | |
Hello, I need to transform mathematical expressions from MathML (as a part of an XML file) to plain text format (in the Pascal or C fashion) and the reverse (from Pascal to MathML) form my application in Delphi. Does anybody know any component or routine to do this? Thanks in … | |
ok, when i try and compile my unfinished program at the bottom: it gives me these two errors c:\documents and settings\owner\desktop\programming stuff\programming practice (pascal)\unitconverter.pas:6: warning: missing string capacity - assuming 255 c:\documents and settings\owner\desktop\programming stuff\programming practice (pascal)\unitconverter.pas:7: parse error before `In' and i'm new to programming so i dont know … | |
The declaration of the type is: [code]type TMediaLibrary = record Title:string[30]; TrackNo:integer; Artist:string[30]; Album:string[30]; Year:string[4]; Genre:string[30]; Comment:String[30]; Directory:string; end; var SongInfo: TMediaLibrary;[/code] and the file implementation of it is here: [code]procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SongFile:string; MediaLibrary: file of TMediaLibrary; <<<Error is here begin . . . . AssignFile(MediaLibrary, 'C:\Program Files\toMedia … | |
Hi, I am atempting to make a time scroll bar (like the bar one would find at the bottom of video where you can jump to a specific time). I am currently using a TTrackBar, with a TTimer that keeps updating the possition. The problem I am stuck with now, … | |
I want to display first data from table on mysql in scrollbox, before print it. Iam using delphi 7 and rave report 5. how ?? | |
I'm currently working on a project to display Pascal's Triangle and the binomials up to a certain row that the user inputs. I have the triangle done, but I'm having a bit of trouble getting the binomials to work. This is what the output should look like for the binomials: … | |
Hello friends, I inform you that on the web [url]http://delphimagic.blogspot.com[/url] have a selection of good tricks in Delphi. I hope you like. Javier | |
I'm making a program that involves the copy and pasting of a piece of text into a TEditBox and submitting the text into 4 different columns in a TListBox. This program is actually for a game called FlashFlashRevolution (great free, online, ddr-like game if anyone wants to try it out). … | |
Does anyone know how to extract the nth character from a string- nice simple code like: charfromstring(mystring, 33) to extract the 33rd character of mystring obviously this is wrong- what is the correct way to do it. Even better, how could I split a string at the nth character eg. … | |
I'm using Delphi 2007 and I need to pick and display a character from a unicode font in the range U+1500 to U+15FF I tried: label1.caption := widechar($1513); but it can't be that simple. I have googled unicode, delphi, chr, widechar etc and researched for days and I still can't … | |
please somebody can help me out to get Pascal's Triangle by using loops ( probably with nested loop ) !! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease |
The End.