1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for tcoma4x4

Hello All, I have a question and need some help with a c# console application project that asks the user to enter the number of rows to calculate and display Pascal’s Triangle. What I really need help with is how to properly format the output in the shape of a …

Member Avatar for tcoma4x4
Member Avatar for tcoma4x4

Hi All, I have this old c program that I did a while back on pascals triangle and i'm trying to convert it over to c#.net. Can anyone help me do this? I do not know much or anything on on c# Here is the code: [code=c] //Lyncob directory #include …

Member Avatar for SeaZoneDev

I am creating a binary file, containing a record type i have defined, using the BLockWrite command. I am then trying to read the data back again and i get 3 out of the 4 values in the record back and i can't work out why. Code snippets below Bits …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for AKJo

I'm embarrassed. I suddenly realized that not in any of my programs scrollbars show when they should, despite visible is set to True. I am not able to fix it! Can someone please tell the secret?

Member Avatar for AKJo
Member Avatar for Zolookas

Hi, I have a question. Is it possible to copy all contents from record to typed pointer which has same items? Example here: [CODE=pascal]program linked_list_queue; type queue = ^myrecord; myrecord = record data: integer; otherdata: string; datadatadata: char; next: queue; end; const head = nil; tail = nil; procedure add(argument: …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for codeforfun

Ok, this Program was supposed to make the [U]asterisk go down a line every 1 second[/U] and to be able to move right and left, It moves right and left but [U]it doesn't go down.[/U] For Those wondering, yeah im trying to make an arkanoid or something like that... this …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for Lone | Wolf

hello, I'm new to the language and so far as I can tell this should work but it isnt. Sorry its probably just a newb mistake but i've spent hours on this silly error (and used search). [code]var call_start, call_length : integer; discount, cost: real; answer: char; const normal_price = …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for lytre
Member Avatar for vanias

Can anyone help me to do this !!! I want to download a file (for exaclty photo file) from a web page how i can do this through delphi?????

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for dodol

Hai all, In delphi, how to make the program only one exe only on executing. example : I have a project tools after execute it appears tools.exe how to make the people can not execute tools.exe in the second time?? Only one exe can run.

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for intel1111

I am currently learning Pascal at school an I'm thought i was getting pretty efficient until i was set work on the repeat until loop. I was working on a program that squares then cubes a number until a rouge value of -9999.99 but it won't! [code=pascal] (* Author: Tony …

Member Avatar for MoZo1
Member Avatar for ComeAsYouAre

Hello all! I need to write simple game with Forms, Buttons, but by using only!!! .dpr file. I tried to transfer the information from .pas, .dfm files and even has achieved success to compile it, but at start there is an exception EResNotFound ('Resourse TForm1 not found') I shall be …

Member Avatar for MoZo1
Member Avatar for KDizzle

i need help programming pascal's triangle in C. i looked at the old threads, and none of them really helped. its a simple program, so no getch() or anything special. i started to create an array and give each element values. when i tried to run it, my output it …

Member Avatar for josh2
Member Avatar for taineechan

Hi All I want to delete records from a table. I'm using the following query: [code] adqdelete.active := false; adqdelete.sql.add('delete from stalls'); adqdelete.sql.add('where stall_name ='); adqdelete.sql.add(edtDeleteStalls.Text); adqdelete.active:=True; [/code] This gives a syntax error. does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for your time Tai

Member Avatar for ennis
Member Avatar for sonya795

Hello everyone, I need some assistance in finding an error in my Delphi code. (I am new to the Delphi programming). I am using a Delphi application to build an excel spreadsheet. When a part_number is entered for the first time(assuming it exists in db) application always runs , the …

Member Avatar for sonya795
Member Avatar for Bob Kolb

I need help getting going with Pascal on a Mac. (I have considerable amateur experience on Delphi on a PC.) Two possibilities: 1. I can hire someone with the knowledge to consult and get me going--Install compiler, setup IDE, relate to XCODE (whatever that is) and so on. I live …

Member Avatar for Bob Kolb

I am coding a unit in Delphi 2007 and everything has been working fine. Suddenly, pressing the "return" key merely moves the cursor to the next line instead of throwing a new line I switch to another program (word processor) and that program works fine. I have rebooted, but that …

Member Avatar for Bob Kolb
Member Avatar for Ravenn

hey there, i'm new at delphi, at my first prog actually. Been doing c/c++ for a while. The prog is supposed to be simple game, and i need a level counter. I've strayed a bit from the tutorial i'm using and now when i run it the number in the …

Member Avatar for Ravenn
Member Avatar for pfemia

Hello, I need to transform mathematical expressions from MathML (as a part of an XML file) to plain text format (in the Pascal or C fashion) and the reverse (from Pascal to MathML) form my application in Delphi. Does anybody know any component or routine to do this? Thanks in …

Member Avatar for pfemia
Member Avatar for pfemia

Hello, I need to transform mathematical expressions from MathML (as a part of an XML file) to plain text format (in the Pascal or C fashion) and the reverse (from Pascal to MathML) form my application in Delphi. Does anybody know any component or routine to do this? Thanks in …

Member Avatar for lytre

ok, when i try and compile my unfinished program at the bottom: it gives me these two errors c:\documents and settings\owner\desktop\programming stuff\programming practice (pascal)\unitconverter.pas:6: warning: missing string capacity - assuming 255 c:\documents and settings\owner\desktop\programming stuff\programming practice (pascal)\unitconverter.pas:7: parse error before `In' and i'm new to programming so i dont know …

Member Avatar for suki_boy
Member Avatar for espSquall

The declaration of the type is: [code]type TMediaLibrary = record Title:string[30]; TrackNo:integer; Artist:string[30]; Album:string[30]; Year:string[4]; Genre:string[30]; Comment:String[30]; Directory:string; end; var SongInfo: TMediaLibrary;[/code] and the file implementation of it is here: [code]procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SongFile:string; MediaLibrary: file of TMediaLibrary; <<<Error is here begin . . . . AssignFile(MediaLibrary, 'C:\Program Files\toMedia …

Member Avatar for espSquall
Member Avatar for littleatomic

Hi, I am atempting to make a time scroll bar (like the bar one would find at the bottom of video where you can jump to a specific time). I am currently using a TTrackBar, with a TTimer that keeps updating the possition. The problem I am stuck with now, …

Member Avatar for espSquall
Member Avatar for boed

I want to display first data from table on mysql in scrollbox, before print it. Iam using delphi 7 and rave report 5. how ??

Member Avatar for nordiquefb

I'm currently working on a project to display Pascal's Triangle and the binomials up to a certain row that the user inputs. I have the triangle done, but I'm having a bit of trouble getting the binomials to work. This is what the output should look like for the binomials: …

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Member Avatar for josejp1

Hello friends, I inform you that on the web [url]http://delphimagic.blogspot.com[/url] have a selection of good tricks in Delphi. I hope you like. Javier

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for HolyEnd

I'm making a program that involves the copy and pasting of a piece of text into a TEditBox and submitting the text into 4 different columns in a TListBox. This program is actually for a game called FlashFlashRevolution (great free, online, ddr-like game if anyone wants to try it out). …

Member Avatar for ExplainThat
Member Avatar for TDN169

Does anyone know how to extract the nth character from a string- nice simple code like: charfromstring(mystring, 33) to extract the 33rd character of mystring obviously this is wrong- what is the correct way to do it. Even better, how could I split a string at the nth character eg. …

Member Avatar for TDN169
Member Avatar for webzz

I'm using Delphi 2007 and I need to pick and display a character from a unicode font in the range U+1500 to U+15FF I tried: label1.caption := widechar($1513); but it can't be that simple. I have googled unicode, delphi, chr, widechar etc and researched for days and I still can't …

Member Avatar for ExplainThat
Member Avatar for mus1010

please somebody can help me out to get Pascal's Triangle by using loops ( probably with nested loop ) !! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease

Member Avatar for LizR

The End.