1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for kanga85

In a GWBasic program I wish to delete all files *.??8 in the working directory AND sub-directories. The 'Kill' command in GWBasic allows no switches and doesn't get into subdirectories. If I shell "del *.??8 /S" (or "del /S *.??8") I get the error message 'Invalid switch -/S'; even though …

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Member Avatar for farhan386

I want to paste some text in clipboard into Ms Word. I wrote this following code [code] a:=findWIndow(pchar('OpusApp'),nil); b:=FindWindowEx(a,0,pchar('_WwF'),nil); c:=FindWindowEx(b,0,pchar('_WwB'),nil); d:=FindWindowEx(c,0,pchar('_WwG'),nil); SendMessage(d,wm_paste,0,0); [/code] and it didn't work. But i wrote the code below to paste into Wordpad,and it works fine [code] a:=findwindow(pchar('WordPadClass'),nil); b:=FindWindowEx(a,0,pchar('RICHEDIT50W'),nil); SendMessage(b,wm_paste,0,0); [/code] Am I made some mistake …

Member Avatar for farhan386
Member Avatar for phelaphant

Hello there! Right, Im designing a simple program for college. Its just a basic wage input program and it works fine. On the final screen I want the user to have the option of going back to the start of the program. 'Do you wish to start again?(y/n)' so if …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for hyperdyne

hello im using pascal with lazurus and i want to know if theres a way to make a batch file so that i can drop a windows 32 and convert it to linux / mac etc. im working with pleasant character darkbyte on cheat engine and im mostly a script …

Member Avatar for hyperdyne
Member Avatar for gexecuter

So i am trying making a simple calculator in pascal but i am having trouble adding fractions. Like for example i am trying to add 1.5 and 1 so the result should be 2.5 but the output i get is something like 2.5000000e+00 something like that. How can i change …

Member Avatar for gexecuter
Member Avatar for Smithy888

I have the following code and am trying to get a range of data in an xl file and put into an array, so I can then analyse it. The array says it is not empty, but how can I see the data as the app fails if I try …

Member Avatar for Smithy888

I am using D2005 Ent and when I used to close a project with say 5 units open, on opening it back up, the 5 units would be visible and the project would be as I left it. Recently this has changed and only a particular unit is open when …

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Member Avatar for karlw

Hello All, I am having a problem when returning a PChar from a function using Delphi 6. First of all, most of my functions pass type 'strings' around, but I am creating a DLL, to make sure it's universal, i can only pass type 'PChar' in and out of my …

Member Avatar for karlw
Member Avatar for jsosnowski

I have a recurring problem: On some days, it appears that Delphi has problems with identifying some of the files in my "Uses" section. Certain files will be underscored in red zig-zag and identified in the structure window as "cannot resolve unit name ...". If I right click the unit …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for cVz

Hey guys i have an application where i assign values to the type of sale it would be -- here's my code -- [code] procedure TPaymentForm.OkButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin //ID 1 - Cash Sale IF (CashRadioButton.Checked) Then BEGIN //Opening Data Source and Stuff, Setting The Columns and Stuff Data.Statement_Entries_Table.Append; Data.Statement_Entries_Table.FieldByName('customer_id').AsInteger; Data.Statement_Entries_Table.FieldByName('date_time').AsDateTime …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for Peppercat101

I want to change the cursor in my program to a custom one that i made... Help plz?? I`ve tried all I know...

Member Avatar for bob on whidbey

I'm using D2007 and trying to add a new, blank record to my Access database with code. The DB has a 'day' field and a 'event' field. All works fine when a record exists for the given day. I need to learn how to add a record to the file …

Member Avatar for waynera
Member Avatar for gexecuter

So my teacher gave me a really hard test involving arrays in pascal but unfortunately he never showed us how to take data from arrays and use it, so what i need is just some examples in how to take the data from 2d arrays and use for example in …

Member Avatar for gexecuter
Member Avatar for jars

Somebody has used Delphi.net? I need to do my first steps to develope my win32 desktops applications for use via browser on internet and I don't known what is better. I'm developing with Delphi 7 and FireBird 1.5, if is necesary will upgrade to Delphi 2007 but I need your …

Member Avatar for Thew

Hello, does the SetLength function in Delphi called with the second argument 0 free the memory used for the array? Example: [CODE=Delphi] var Names: array of String; i: Byte; SetLength(Names,10); for i:=0 to 9 do Names[i] := '...'; SetLength(Names,0); // << does this code free memory used by Names array …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for delphiman

I have the following code from Mastering Delphi 6 by Marco Cantu [Page 875] as supplied in the CD supplied with the book [more particularly a Project called "Office"] which I have got to work very well in transporting data created by my Delphi 6 Application into an Excel "PivotFile". …

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Member Avatar for aveervani

Hi, Has anyone worked on below items. Request help on these Insert a Line at the specified Cursor position with in the Table Insert New Section At the specified Cursor position with in the table Displaying an Image with in the table cell Displaying the DateTime Picker in the table …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for jsosnowski

I am writing a program that uses two modules, a VCL win32 application module and a Datamodule to contain ADO components and a clientdataset to work the data in memory. When compiling the code fails with the message Raised Exception class EAccessViolation in Module EstimateMngr.exe. The debugger shows failrue in …

Member Avatar for cVz
Member Avatar for mmx64

Hallo, does anyone have any knolege about [URL="http://www.alldatasheet.net/datasheet-pdf/pdf/74901/MICROCHIP/24C01.html"]i2c[/URL] eeprom programing with delphi, via com port or lpt??

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Member Avatar for dad45

The code below is attempting to generate a lengthly series of varying tones and saving it all as a .WAV file. The file size is approx 10 times the length of DataCount and DataCount is derived from a variable Duration(msec). Playing back the file, I get one single one approx …

Member Avatar for kvdd

I am following some exercises in Delphi in a Nutshell from Ray Lischner. Very easy to follow and readable. He was explaining how units are working the following code: [code=pascal] program Units1_1; uses UnitA; {$AppType Console} begin WriteLn('Units 1_1 main program'); end. unit UnitA; interface uses UnitB; implementation initialisation WriteLn('UnitA …

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Member Avatar for Thew
Member Avatar for cVz

Hey dudes...i am currently working for a company that codes in delphi 7... i am familliar with C# language but not that much of Pascal language...i need to make a form where i can print an added HTML page... I managed to get it to print a form but i …

Member Avatar for rickstar123

Hi All, Im desperate to write a hex file in Delphi. Effectively I have a Decimal value, say 580 which I convert to Hex: 02 44 And I need to put this into a Hex file (multiple times) - 25000 times per file Each line in a similar hex file …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for forbvijay

Hi, i am trying to create a stored procedure with TQuery, but the code is resulting in the Token Unknown error pointing to the ':' used in the sql.add statement. This same procedure as it is is working fine when directly executed with the SQL Explorer of the INTERBASE(i am …

Member Avatar for delphiman
Member Avatar for andihdr

I`ve just begun to learn delphi and sql server. I want to make small application using delphi and sql server, but i can`t make the report like this: Note Plus Minus Balance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sell 5.000 0 5.000 buy 0 1.000 4.000 sell 3.000 0 7.000 sell 2.500 0 9.500 I …

Member Avatar for delphiman
Member Avatar for dad45

Need help to set various parameters on my sound card from within my Delphi 6 program. Mostly interested in what it takes to set various tones. Any site URL that discusses the issue welcomed. TU Vern

Member Avatar for Graham_Saint

Greetings, I am writing a Delphi application that uses Absolute Database. When the user presses a button the application fills in some values in a second form and then displays the form. Last night I added a DBGrid to the second form to display a small Absolute Database table. Hitting …

Member Avatar for Graham_Saint
Member Avatar for lkonitz

As a very new member, I'll have to use some common sense to be sure I don't violate any of the rules. I have one question. I couldn't find gwbasic in the forums, so I clicked on a language that's somewhat in the order of gwbasic, namely pascal. Specifically, I …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for novarse

We have had a frustrating problem for months. We are trying to find a resolution or work around to fix this and are looking for help. We have applications developed in Delphi 4 through to Delphi 7 that use database components and have worked correctly and well for years. When …

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The End.