Hi there, I’m currently doing an assignment at University, I have been set a task that includes loading the contents of a .dat file into an array of records.
So far I’ve managed to get ‘something’ loaded into the array of records, but when this is displayed in a list box, a whole mess of stuff appears, mostly unreadable formatting.
I’m unsure if I’m slipping up loading the .dat into the array, (I have a funny feeling that the fields need to be aligned with how they are presented in the .dat?) or transferring the information from the array to the listbox, I assume it’s the former as I’m confident in the latter.
I don’t suppose theres any tutorials on the web detailing on how to do this, or if anyone can help me out on the forum?
I can provide the code snippets at a later date if its at all helpful, but general pointers would be preferable over a solution (you never know where the lecturers are :P).
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.