1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for Quagmire232

Hi everyone, Before i outline my problem, i DO have an alright idea of how i'll code this thing, it's just i'm unsure and wondering if there's a better or shorter or a more simple way. Ok im at the end of my current term of programming and it's Assignment …

Member Avatar for niobi
Member Avatar for Geli

I want a random timer in pascal, but i have always problem with the number typs. I'm thinking on a machinke what generates a numer between 10 and 60 seconds. Delay in the background, but if time ends writeln The time has ended. What you think is it possible?

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for niobi

Hello to everyone, I'm a problem with InDy components, that I do not know well, becaus I used Socket components (Delphi 5) and during migration to Delphi7 they are vanished. I know that is possible to install package dclSocket, but I prefer to migrate to this unfamiliar components, but is …

Member Avatar for erogol

I am a third year computer science student and I am searching about languages to chose one of them as my main interest. In the way of this purpose, I want to learn that what makes pascal special and for what purposes it is using specifically. Thanks!

Member Avatar for milindsaraswala

Hi, I am very new to the Delphi or Pascal. I was looking for source code and I got that source code in Delphi Pascal language that I know at all. I need somebody help to convert VB 6.0 or VB.net I am uploading attachment with this topic. Kindly help …

Member Avatar for poilkjmnb

Hello Friends, Any body help me to convert the code from Delphi to vb 6.0 const C1 = 43941; C2 = 16302; function BorlandEncrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(Result,Length(S)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key …

Member Avatar for CygnetInfo
Member Avatar for brent012

This is giving me an error and im not sure why? [CODE]procedure BeginSort; var I, X: Integer; begin //(1) whole thing Sorted:= false; repeat begin //(2) For I := 1 to 30 do Begin //(3) If Question[I].position > Question[I+1].position then Begin //(4) for if the question position is higher TempQuestionText:= …

Member Avatar for Simon180

hi, i was wondering if anyone new much about listviews because i been looking for a bit of code or a custim listview that supports paging abit like a website list were u can select pages 1 to 10 but with a listview so i can limit the items to …

Member Avatar for JamesPH

guys any idea of this equivalent c loops into pascal: for (sum=0,i=0,j=0;i<10;i++,j+=2) sum+=i+j; Thank you.. james

Member Avatar for ez4u2c
Member Avatar for ArchieB

Where can I find detailed definitions of the string modifiers, i.e. %f, %m, etc. I am not a Delphi or Pascal programmer but dabble in modifying existing Pascal source. Very basic & detailed definitions are needed.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mrs.r

Hey can someone please tell me what kind of variables i should use when making a class mark program ? thanks :)

Member Avatar for mrs.r
Member Avatar for killhha

iv seen the line 'halt' in some pascal programs after readkey or readln. what does halt do exactly?

Member Avatar for Turtle85
Member Avatar for Turtle85

hey guys, I would like to know the syntax in Java for truncating variables of type Double. The code below is in Pascal and i would like to know how to write it in Java: x := trunc(y +7/h);

Member Avatar for Turtle85

I need help converting this Pascal code into Java. My Pascal Programming abilities are limited so any help would be much appreciated. [ uses wincrt; const n=300; {1320 this is the max length possible} m=2; type table = array [1..n,1..m] of real; var data,data2 : table; i,j,card : integer; t0,X0,Y0,Xn,h,g1,g2,r1,r2,d,slope:real; …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

Rapid Application Development has come a long way since the early days of Delphi and Visual Basic in the mid 1990s. I remember those days well, as I immersed myself in Pascal development with the original Delphi back in 1995 and even wrote a couple of books about it. Delphi …

Member Avatar for let us c

hi i want to display pascals triangle on computer screen.the pascals triangle goes like this. and what is logic. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 and so on.

Member Avatar for sunyifei23
Member Avatar for Quagmire232

Here's the code i've done so far: [CODE]PROGRAM MORSE_CODE_TRANSLATOR; USES CRT; VAR Sentence : STRING[25]; {Maximum of 25 characters in sentence} MorseOut, EnglishIn, EnglishOut : STRING; Count : INTEGER; KEY : CHAR; PROCEDURE AnyKey;Forward; {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EXTRA PROCEDURES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} PROCEDURE AnyKey; {Makes the program move on when any alphanumerical key is pressed} VAR …

Member Avatar for Quagmire232
Member Avatar for CanYouHandstand

Hi All I'm trying to write to a variable contained within an indexed record. Currently the record is not updating when I assign the new value. If I create a 'buffer' record and assign the value to the 'buffer' record and then assign the 'buffer' record to the indexed record, …

Member Avatar for CanYouHandstand
Member Avatar for srianduma

hello i want to calculate discount in my application. if the user enters 10 % for an item that costs 532 then i am able to calculate the discount amount of 53.20 and the value as 478.8 if the discount amount is entered like 50 then i have to calculate …

Member Avatar for Singlem
Member Avatar for Singlem

Hey I'm using a dbexpress to connect to a mysql server, that works. I then do a query and from that assign values to variables. Now my issue it that I can't seem to find a way to read a 'NULL' value from the Database and assign it to a …

Member Avatar for Singlem
Member Avatar for Holali

Hello I have this problem in pascal: I want to include a variable in file name while assigning a text file to variable of textfile. Example: I have a text file called 'numoffiles.txt' with one integer number in it I read it and set variable a to that number in …

Member Avatar for belthazor
Member Avatar for webmasterd

I need to print a table shown, ie, they see the frames of the rows and columns.

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for Peppercat101

I have a little problem... I use a MS database in my program.... I want to enable the user to backup the database that I use to a specific location that they choose.... Any suggestions? Because I'm lost..... Oh its in Delphi 7

Member Avatar for BitFarmer
Member Avatar for Pim

The problem is that this program crashes: [code] program Arrays; var a: array[1..5] of Integer; i, j, tmp: Integer; begin a[1] := 23; a[2] := 45; a[3] := 12; a[4] := 56; a[5] := 34; for i := 1 to 4 do for j := i to 5 if a[j] …

Member Avatar for Ionelul
Member Avatar for Rockpile

Not sure if this is the correct forum. I am using Inno and within the scripting portion I cannot figure out how to convert a cardinal value into a string so it can be displayed in a MsgBox() so I can verify the value. When I convert the cardinal using …

Member Avatar for Rockpile
Member Avatar for Black Magic
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Missnat71

Hello, I have an assignment due tomorrow and getting help by bugging you guys is my last resort... I have tried everything else. I'm extremely new at programming and taking my first course in Pascal Delphi. I'm using Delphi 6 and my assignment consists of using data within a .txt …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for anandkrishnantc

hello, I am looking for help in following problem I am facing. I have an image displaying SW and over that image I need to display a BMP image overlapped. The BMP information is part of DICOM tag. If I read the BMP image informations, how to display on the …

Member Avatar for gvsharsha

Hello, How to remove Administrator Privileges for a software which is developed using Inno Setup Installer? When we Install a software which was developed using Inno Setup, it will run in administrator privileges but, how to make the software to run even under the normal user with limited privileges?

Member Avatar for youngmoolah

Hi I was wandering if sql tables can determine the order in which forms appear in a delphi application and if so how does it determine this order and will I be able to go in and edit the order. Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for youngmoolah

The End.