1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for kharlie

Hi ! i want to ask on how to make a turbo pascal program of mathematical operations .. because when me and my classmate made a program, it did run, but we don't know how to enter the clear screen on the program, it say's error 200. I hope you …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for KKR_WE_RULE

I've made a library for Delphi to work with matrices. Everything in the library works perfectly as intended save the Matrix Inversion Procedure. I've used the Gauss-Jordan method of Matrix Inversion & everything works excellent for square matrices upto 7x7. From 8x8 onwards, I get a 'Invalid Floating Point' Error …

Member Avatar for Mikav6
Member Avatar for dwolver

In past few months my computers that i develop on have become increasingly un-responsive, especially in delphi. I noticed changes after a round of windows updates a few months back. Previously when in the IDE, when you clicked anywhere delphi may try to compile or evaluate the code and it …

Member Avatar for Mikav6
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

The code demonstrates running program limitted time by following going over endtime expressed in seconds since midnight, so might fail for playing just midnight (add check that endtime is less than 24*60*60 if you want to be sure). Exciting action :) of the program is that it shows remaining time …

Member Avatar for mojgan_2019

How can i write my data from EditBox to SQL Table whit using ADODataSet,ADOTable and DataSource? Please help me? and write Example Code...

Member Avatar for slices
Member Avatar for wiredtoawall

I would like to know how would I write a piece of code to search a database based on a keyword entered? I haven't started yet but I don't even know the syntax for writing such a program/subprogram plz help

Member Avatar for slices
Member Avatar for Toulinwoek

Borland has released some "Turbo Explorer" editions of it's development tools. I am wondering if anyone here can tell me (as objectively as possible) if the Delphi language is -"Better" -More powerful -Easier to learn -More Flexible -Able to create better performing apps Than C# (I am particularly referring to …

Member Avatar for conhulio
Member Avatar for freakvista

Hy! I'm trying to make a new game and i have some problems... First it chooses how many player it'll be, then the whole deck is slit, and it gives each player aprox the same amount of cards. It works pretty well at 3,4,5,6 but it blocks at 2. I …

Member Avatar for danillp

Hi, I made an application that could check integers between two values (by using spinedits) and then sum the total and display it on a richedit. [U] This is my code: [/U] [CODE] var iAnswer, iBase: Integer; begin iBase := 0; for iAnswer := SpinEdit1.Value to SpinEdit2.Value do begin if …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lelejau

Hello. I have some function named: Function Decrypt(pBuffer :TBytes) : TBytes ; and I hooked winsock recv method, and I have this function: [CODE] function R_CallBack(a1:Integer; var buffer;a2,a3:Integer):cardinal;stdcall; var DecryptedBuffer:TBytes; begin DecryptedBuffer:=Decrypt(buffer); Result:=1; end; [/CODE] but I'm getting an error.. Incompatible types: 'procedure, untyped pointer or untyped parameter' and 'TBytes' …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for DelphiGuy

I've heard about keyboard hooks before but I can't really understand how to make them as there isn't much tutorials on it. I was wondering if anyone could make a very simple keyboard hook which detects me pressing the UP ARROW key and explain the code to me. Also are …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rtr18

Hi! I'm trying to restrict my exe to only one at any time. I've used the following code: [CODE] var Mutex : THandle; Mutex := CreateMutex(nil,False,'MyMutexName'); [/CODE] I got the following error in CreateMutex: 'Invalid Number of Parameters". How to create a Mutex in Delphi?

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for freakvista

Hello! I want to make the tetris game in pascal... here it's what i've done so far... [CODE]uses crt; var x,y,i,c:byte; begin x:=5; y:=1; repeat clrscr; for i:=1 to y-1 do writeln('| |'); if y<49 then begin writeln('| a |'); writeln('| a |'); writeln('| a |'); writeln('| aaa |'); for …

Member Avatar for freakvista
Member Avatar for evaldaskowka

Hi again, With silly question... I read about generating random numbers random(10); but it gives numbers from 0 to 10 and i need for example from 10 to 100. I tried random([10..100]); but i can't compile this :/ Could somebody help me?

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for evaldaskowka

Hello, I'm working on a snake based game in pascal. I'm using graph window. But here is the problem: Yesterday i was doing great my project compiled and everything, today i turned on my computer, open my project and it wouldn't compile... I checked the code the was nothing strange …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for rtr18

Hi! I'm using Inno Setup to create setup file for my application. Inno Setup is based on Delphi Script. I searched for Inno Setup forums and I could not create an user account with any of them. That's why I've decided to post here. While installing I've to check the …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for vmirce

I would like to display blank value when the value is equal to zero, but when it is a non-decimal number to be displayed with preceeding zeros, example: when it's equal to two, i want it to be presented as 2.00. I tried with '0.00' but it shows literaly 0.00 …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jack4321

Hey guys first time i heard about pascal. So if you guys help me knowing what is pascal and how its work.

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for wiredtoawall

I cannot read the info I stored into the files and I need help. Whenever I give the user the option of saving more records or simply retrieving a record, it always stops on the retrieving part. [CODE] Type Str25 = String[25]; TBookRec = Record Title, Author, ISBN : Str25; …

Member Avatar for wiredtoawall
Member Avatar for jero-skyer

i need to make a program windows application to insert an image and when the mouse is over the image a new form or frame get visible with a new image can some one explain stet to step of how to do it plz

Member Avatar for jack4321
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

Dear knowledgeable ones A new problem have arisen. I have now an SQL database file with about 100 tables in it. I would like to automatically go through all of these tables and check if the column "Owner" exist. If this field does not exist, then it should be created …

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu
Member Avatar for sacros

hey there i just started learning informatics and im currently learning pascal and im liking it a lot, its my first time with programming too, only problem i have is we dont have any computer in the classroom to try the code and unfortunately i dont have a laptop or …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for amoarg69

HI! Thanks in advance. I wanna make comething like this: [CODE]Procedure GETDATA( VAR x : TCaption ) ; Begin .... x := '1' ; ... End ; ... ... a( SOMEString ) ; a( SOMETEDit.Text ) ; a( SOMETLabel.Caption ) ; end;[/CODE] HOw can I solve it? Thanks!!!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ztparker

Hi all, I am trying to produce a basic till system, and at current am using an ADOquery to bring up the items ordered along with their relevant prices in a DBGrid. What I now need to be able to do is use the price values contained within the DBGrid …

Member Avatar for PlotHost
Member Avatar for horserider

i m new to delphi.i have coded in vb,php, c etc..now i have to learn delphi.I was wondering if there are any good websites or books, where I could learn the delphi.. ???

Member Avatar for PlotHost
Member Avatar for Pundia

Hi, I'm working on a simple calculator in Delphi. The assignment is convert C code to Delphi code. My problem is that I've tried for days and I can't come up with something to replace "getchar" from the C code. This is the code in C: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> …

Member Avatar for Battlesnake
Member Avatar for gruffy321

hi guys , what am i doing wrong here, i have instigated several approaches, in assembly 8086 using borland/turbo 7.0 pascal on win 98se (so i can communicate easily to parallel port and stipulation of assignment) my issue lies with being able to allow execution of a looped routine but …

Member Avatar for gruffy321
Member Avatar for agrarian

I am creating a Delphi program that needs to extract data from our database and create an Excel report. I would prefer to use the Delphi components TExcelApplication, TExcelWorkbook and TExcelWorksheet, but I haven't been able to get them to work. Most of the examples I have found are fairly …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I am trying to install the Python4Delphi components, but it doesn't compile (from python4delphi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk). It also seems out of date. What is the best current way to use Python inside Delphi? Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Member Avatar for josh48

I've written some code below and I can't get it to compile. I think I have my While and If in the wrong place. Any help is greatly appreciated! Here is the structured english: [CODE]PlayerOneScore <- 0 PlayerTwoScore <- 0 OUTPUT ‘How many balls do you wish to face?’ INPUT …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

The End.