1,899 Topics
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hi all.. i want to convert decimal to binary.. best regards..thanks. | |
Hi.. how to calculate distance between two points.. each point have a coordinates (x,y). please help.. | |
hi, im a beginner. i hav an assignment on Pascal's triangle. i saw some post over the topic but couldnt get it to work with my code. heres what i have done so far.... [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a[10][10]; int i,j,c,n; clrscr(); printf("Enter how many lines do … | |
ok, im making a basic program in pascal. like a text based calculator (i dont know how to make GUIs) so lets say i have a peice of code like this: [CODE]program test; var A,B,C:real; begin writeln('enter the first number'); readln(A); writeln('enter the second number'); readln(B); C:=A/B; writeln('your answer is: … | |
A "normal" Delphi snippet: [CODE]Procedure help_me1(Sender: TObject); BEGIN {100 lines of code} END; Procedure help_me2(Sender: TObject); BEGIN {100 lines of copy and paste code} END;[/CODE] [COLOR="Green"]How can I make this so that I end up with ONE procedure with 100 lines of code?[/COLOR] [CODE]Procedure much_reuseable_code(choice:BYTE); BEGIN {100 lines of code} … | |
I am not showing all the code it is not necassary. TheInternets : TWebBrowser; I wrote a program to navigate to a server that my friend has up. Then it should get a result and display it. This takes about a second to execute which is really bad for my … | |
I am not sure why such question was asked to me and is it anywhere related to .NEt also. | |
Hi, Does anyone know a simple way of extracting file information such as that shown in the details tab of file properties? I am new to Delphi and I don't have much experience, codes on the internet which I have found are not very helpful and only successfully extract file … | |
Hi everyone Im trying to take my SQl and "SCRIPT" it to a .sql file(accomplished) and add it to my Delphi(accomplished) and then [U]connect them[/U] and show the data in a TDBGrid but seem to be battling. The .sql file adds and creates the Database in delphi but I don't … | |
high my program is not running properly the run screen never stays on error message "error linking" Program Auto_Company; Var carmodel:ARRAY[1..10]OF STRING; category:ARRAY[1..10]OF string; noofcars:integer; rentalfee:real; totalrentalcost:real; carentry:string; appcar:integer; A:char; B:char; C:char; Chevrolet:string; HondaCivic:string; NissanPrimera:string; NissanB14:string; Subaru:string; MitsubishiLancer:string; Mazda:string; Mercedes:string; BMW:string; Peugeot:string; R:INTEGER; Procedure INTRODUCTION; BEGIN Writeln('Welcome to program Auto_Company'); … | |
Heyyy everyone =). Im a freshman in Highschool taking a computer programming class. I was just wondering if you guys could look over my code and see if there is anything that I could have done more efficiently (i.e. using less ram, less code). The objective of this program is … | |
Hi Everyone, I am having some trouble with the libmysql.dll file in Delphi 7. When I try to connect to a database with the dbexpress MySQL driver, i get the error "Unable to load libmysql.dll". I have tried the following to resolve my problem: [LIST] [*]installing different versions of MySQL … | |
Hey fellow delphirinos, I am currently using the following code to get an application in my application: [CODE]procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShellExecute(Application.Handle,'Open','Notepad.exe' ,nil,nil,SW_NORMAL); //Wait for it to be loaded. Sleep(500); //Get the handle of the other program using the caption of the window. wHandle := FindWindow(NIL,'Untitled - Notepad'); //Now change … | |
Hi , I hate the hard copy versions of the Books. Those books are really weight than me . I get hard time in carrying them. what I need is CHM or PDF or djvu , html or txt ebooks. where I can transaction (pay money and download ) those … | |
Good evening, was wondering how can I read data record from a text file, if they want to read data from a text: (Offset : $4C8259; MemDump :($A1, $38, $BD, $4C, $00, $8B, $00, $8B, $4D, $FC, $BA, $C0, $82, $4C, $00, $E8, $1F, $F1, $FF, $FF, $33, $DB, $E8, … | |
I have been using Pascal for around 3-5 months now. I still haven't figured out how to return random answers. for instance there are 5 integers: var a,b,c,d,e : integer; and now the computer will tell you a random integer like: writeln(c); this is just an example of course because … | |
i need a code/function to suppress security messages in Windows 7 (Eg: Do you want to run install updatesetup.exe yes or no... i need to go ahead with yes instead of displaying such messages. | |
This is a trivial question that Im having a blonde moment over. Been a while since I did any serious programming, Ada, Pascal, C etc etc I have two forms created at design time. Form1 and Form2. Form 1 has a button which when clicked should open Form 2 Could … | |
Hey, I have a online mysql database and it has a table with a few thousand records. Now nothing special there, my question is however. One of the fields of every row has content like this: 2 9 14 119 5 543 1479 35 90 .... <-- this field will … | |
I am attempting to run a delphi 7 developed application on a windows 7 64bit laptop. I've placed the redistributables in the system32 folder, like always. the application has been installed in the program files (x86) directory (it didn't work at all under the program files directory) when I go … | |
I have a program for data acquisition and process control. I use TeeChart for real time plotting of data. I also have a legend window on top of the chart. I can print or save to disk the TeeChart, but would prefer to print/save the entire screen including the legend … | |
Just wondering if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong here, I just can't seem to work this out, I keep getting errors. [CODE]function GetColorFromBmp(XX, YY: Integer; Bmp: TBitmap): TColor; var Line: PRGB32Array; begin Line := Bmp.ScanLine[YY]; Result := RGBtoColor(Line^[XX].R, Line^[XX].G, Line^[XX].B); end; procedure SetColorOnBmp(XX, YY: Integer; Color: TColor; … | |
Hello. How can I protect my application against Memory Editors? Like, Cheat Engine, Debuggers, etc. | |
Does anyone know which of these are quicker? [CODE]procedure SetMousePos(Point: TPoint); begin Mouse.CursorPos := Point; end; function GetMousePos: TPoint; begin Result := Mouse.CursorPos; end;[/CODE] [CODE]procedure SetMousePos(Point: TPoint); begin SetCursorPos(Point.X, Point.Y); end; function GetMousePos: TPoint; begin GetCursorPos(Result); end;[/CODE] | |
Hello everyone, I am using Delphi2010 and I'm trying to do an insert into multiple tables. I don't know the best way to do this. What I'm wondering is if there is a possible way to do one insert using one of Delphi's tools like the TQuery or TClientDataSet or … | |
hi,is there a delay function in delphi?coz' i dont want to use sleep because sleep is not doing right it hangs the program. | |
greetings all. this is my first post on these forums so excuse me if i'm not familier with etiquettes! im looking for a way of making my program wait before continuing on to the next line of code. i know a function does exist, it is even one i have … |
The End.