1,899 Topics
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Hi all. I'm creating a cxDBgrid at runtime and I need to set all the cells in a column to be TcxSpinEdit (because I'm then exporting the grid to excel and I want the number format to be preserved). How can I do it? Thanks! | |
Hi there. I'm having a strange problem. I have a TTimer on my main form that should trig 500 msec. after the form is created. It works fine when I run from IDE, but when I run it on other W7 PC's the main form is created, but the timer … | |
Program PRG3; Var { Declaring Varaibles } FileIn:text; FileOut:text; SECTION_NUMBER:string[5]; STUDENT_ID:string[9]; LAST_NAME:string[20]; FIRST_NAME:string[10]; RAW_SCORE:real; STUDENT_COUNT:integer; AVERAGE_SCORE:integer; AVERAGE_GRADE:integer; Percent:real; more_rec:boolean; {end of file flag} Computed_grade:integer; Grade:real; procedure read_record; begin if not Eof(fileIn) then readln(SECTION_NUMBER,STUDENT_ID,LAST_NAME,FIRST_NAME,RAW_SCORE) else more_rec := False end; {read record} procedure print_header; begin writeln(fileout,Space(14),'COMPUTE GRADE'); writeln(fileout,space(17),'SECTION','SECTION_NUMBER'); writeln(fileout); writeln(fileout,space(9),'LAST_NAME',space(11),'FIRST_NAME',' RAW_SCORE',' COMPUTED_GRADE'); … | |
I just started shared memory and I took a big dive into it and got stuck trying to figure out how to share pointers. Well not really pointers: void* pData = MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, MapSize); Ok so the above holds my view of the file to be shared between … | |
Hi, I am starting to learn Pascal as a personal project but need an IDE/compiler. Does anybody know of a good IDE+compiler in one that they use which has the usual features like line numbers and decent debuggers. Also I need a compiler which is not written in C or … | |
hello..i got a probem here.. You see that i have been given a task that is to make group of 4 people. The data i had received were 79 names including their ID, gender and races.... There are condition need to be satisfy that are in a group there should … | |
Hey Hey I have found that in certain instances breakpoint just dont cut it for me...let me explain: The current program I'm working on in Delphi Codegear has some 2 mil lines of code under a button click, not bad coding btw, just a lot of fuctionality. Now, the program … | |
Hi, I need to Runexport from DB to specific file im my network, no problem. When i search there is more than one post, so I get a list and export all searchhits, No problem. BUT I need to name the pdf files to each specific invoice number. Each post … | |
Hello All, I have been wondering how possible is it to have an application that would run a php application that would be used for making the database updates as well as handling the business logic while on the front end, have delphi forms So The form will be used … | |
I need Delphi 2011 XE code for editing an Excel file. If there is found a text in a row of column A of the Excel file, to change the number of the same row in column B. That's all I need. Thanks! | |
The `ReplaceStrings` function replaces all strings in `APatterns` found in `ASubject` with the value in `AReplacement`. As an example, I added the `RemoveStrings` function which replaces everthing with an empty string, thus deleting all strings found. Usage examples are in the XMLDoc comments. A good test will be to rewrite … | |
Hello, friends! Can anyone help me to create a small application in PASCAL for a DVDs Rental Shop? This applications should be able to do : Add 25 films (title, gender, cod, status) Add 15 Costumers (name, sex, age, films rented) List films List costumers List rented movies and then … | |
Working on a program that needs to open a file, read the contents which is a number, save the content as an integer in the program, edit the number by one and then save in the number in the file once more. | |
Hello again! I am trying to make a little game in pascal and I'm using graph. And it changes the background but when i'm trying to draw a black line it doesn't work. I don't know why. uses graph; var grDriver,grMode,ErrCode: Integer; procedure initg; begin grDriver := Detect; InitGraph(grDriver, grMode,'e:/bp/bgi'); … | |
I have recently been working on a project that requires the use of vertical text within the first row of a Stringgrid. When I change the drawing style of the Stringgrid to gdsThemed, the vertical text displays , however the text is also displayed horisontaly accross the cell. Here is … | |
I been searching the net for demos on how to stream live images or video over the net i found a few examples but there were no good not clearly commented so i did not understand how things worked. Basically am after a simple but good way to send a … | |
I am new to programming and am having REAL trouble trying to output Pascal's Triangle (formatted into a triagle) using multidimensional arrays. I would really appreciate some help. In the program, the user is supposed to input the # of rows desired (up to 15... or else it won't fit … | |
I found that there is a difference with the drawing of a custom bitmap brush, when I subclass TGraphicControl versus TCustomControl. The expected behaviour occurs when using the TCustomControl descendant. Each paint starts with the brush in the same position, no matter the location of the control (top-left). When using … | |
When I print a document from my Delphi 2007 program I quite often get a message "Printing in progress " and printing is aborted. Only part of the page is printed,not always identical part,but close. When closing the message I get "Access violation at address 004FEEC5 in module........read of address … | |
Does anyone have a nice algorithm for capitolizing first characters of words? For example: The cow can't jump over the moon. -becomes- The Cow Can't Jump Over The Moon. -and 'neath the old olive tree -becomes- 'Neath The Old Olive Tree -and- help me (if you can) - becomes- Help … | |
In my Rave report i have created report with 5 diferent-looking pakes. How can I print only the pages that user choosed, example user wants only pages 3 and 5 to be printed. Default is to print all pages, and that is working, but I want to provide more choice … | |
How do I check if any window is maximized? I've got a program which sends keystrokes to that window but the problem is it will send keystrokes to any application that is running on my PC at the moment, so I wanted to prevent this by making it only send … | |
Hello everyone! I tried a lot to understand the spacing procedure in pascal triangle.. but it all went to vein!! Does anyone knows about this spacing??? Why are we using this loop: for(x=40-3*y;x>0;--x) printf(" "); need help ASAP!! | |
can any body help me by giving me a guideline on how to insert data from a populated datagrid into sql server table and how to make the values conform to the specified datatypes constructe in the sql server side...assuming the datagrid headings have already been created in the sql … | |
Hi there, I am currently struggling through trying to figure out why a statement in my source code isn't being executed when running the program. The code is as follows: taxableValueDifference := previousTaxableValue - newTaxableValue; grandTotalTVDifference := grandTotalTVDifference - taxableValueDifference; XLWorksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value := XLWorksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value + taxableValueDifference; The first and … | |
![]() | Hi Is there anyone who could help to figure out how link regexbuddy to Delphi 7SE? |
I got a problem with abit of code and am unable to fix it, i have marked the area that is having the problem with the error message that i get. procedure TMainForm.Show(s: string); var n, n2, n3: integer; arTemp: TMyArray; begin arTemp := TMyArray.Create(); n := InStr(1, s, ':'); … | |
Hello Am running into a problem on how to store the TFont properties of a memo (or any component at that) to a database Please help. |
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