1,899 Topics
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I've developed a program that communicates with another program through anonymous pipes set up by the other program (not written by me). The problem is that my program keeps crashing as soon as I add something more than just receiving the info. For example, if I add a simple "showMessage", … | |
i make a menu AS SHOWN: PASCAL when press Ctrl + F9. so its pascal ************************* * 1. MEMBERS * 2. BOOKS * 3. EXIT * * * SELECT OPTION: ************************ NEED HELP HERE: write a PROCEDURE to close the menu when 3 is selected sorry 4 this, its too … | |
Hi to all, I have this homework with Pascal. We have a text file that has some text in it (thetext.txt). we want to put all the words of the text and the frequency in another file without repeating the word(file name finalfile.txt). Example: thetext.txt has this text in it: … ![]() | |
Well... I could copy the data, and use that, but that would be very slow, and I would have to copy often and a lot. I have a table where records depends on another one. Still, it will be the backup if I can't solve this. So every time I … | |
I would like to ask whether pointer dereference by typecast is same in both cases: [CODE=delphi]TComponent(my_tfplist[1]).mymethod[/CODE] and [CODE=delphi] TComponent(my_tfplist[1]^).mymethod[/CODE] both things are doing the same thing (at least it behaves so), but compiler generates different code, so i'm curious what is the difference between those two. to clarify: my_tfplist is … | |
Hey all, I'm currently writing a program that will do various things with dates. The problem that I currently have is getting pascal to recognise dates in various formats (eg. 24/09/93 or 09-03-04 or 17 01 99, etc) when input by a user. This data needs to be read by … | |
[COLOR=#228b22] Coefficients in the expansion of (x+y)^n form a pattern which is useful for small values of n. It is known as Pascal's triangle. n Pascal's triangle 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 1 4 1 4 6 4 1 5 1 5 10 10 … | |
Man, I'm so new. I'm trying to script something for a game. so here's what I got: [code] program twars; const Color = $FFFFFFFF; FISTS = 0; DEAGLES = 1; MP5 = 2; AK74 = 3; STEYR = 4; SPAS = 5; RUGER = 6; M79 = 7; BARRETT = … | |
Hello! I have recently started a new program in delphi 7 and i stuck. The problem is: I want to add an .avi video to run in my program when certain condition is fullfilled, but i dont know even how to start this. Please if you have some knowlege about … ![]() | |
Hi, im new to this forum, and searched for everything to do with 2D array, but found nothing to no real avail. My problem is that i have to write a 2D array in pascal that stores 15 student ID's and 5 marks for each student. I've managed to write … | |
Hi All. I create a accounting Program, and have so many module like sales, purchasing etc. I want to break my program to some program that linked each other. How i can make this happens? For exampled i build main application that have user management, and friends of mine build … | |
all work perfectly just the substraction here's the code: [code=pascal]Program calculation; uses wincrt; Procedure menu; Begin Writeln('Options:'); Writeln('1. Addition'); Writeln('2. Subtraction'); Writeln('3. Mutiplication'); Writeln('4. Division'); Writeln('5. Exit'); End; Function GetUserInput(msg:string):integer; Var UserInput:integer; Begin Write(msg); Read(UserInput); GetUserInput:=Userinput; End; Procedure Add; var add:integer; Begin clrscr; add:=GetUserInput('Enter another number:')+GetUserInput('Enter a number:'); writeln('Result=',add); End; … | |
Can some1 show me how to make a 7 segment display pelase on delphi petes petrol pump | |
Hi all. Could anybody tell me how can I load to the memory a weighted graph from a file? Thanks. | |
Hi, I am trying to create a program that stores employee records in an array, and also has the option to delete records and view various details. I am trying to create a menu so that when you choose an option the request will be carried out, the problem I … | |
Hi All I was discussing halting halting problem with one of my friend yesterday. He asked me a good question. Here is the question: "Let P be the class of all Pascal programs that don't use go to ,while and repeat statements, nor recursive procedure calls.Is Halting Problem Valid for … | |
I'm using delphi 7, if anyone could let me know how to compile this code i would be grateful. thanks. [CODE]unit UIRT; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, SyncObjs, Dialogs; // USB-UIRT DLL API Constants... const CRLF: string = '\r\n'; INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: integer = -1; ERROR_IO_PENDING: integer = 997; UUIRTDRV_ERR_NO_DEVICE: integer = … | |
Hi, I'm new to the Delphi plugin. I'm writing a new plugin for existing Software. But I successfully call the plug in and worked the all functionality. But when I tried to close the plugin form I got some 'Abstract Error'. Any one help me tell me how to resolve … | |
Hello, guys! I have to generate 10 different numbers. What I do is to store the generated numbers in array. Before that I check the array for duplicates. It compiles, but I get some duplicates. Thanks in advance for any help.[CODE=Pascal]program rand; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; var j, i, a, … | |
Type PRecKey = ^RecKey; RecKey = Packed Record Key_Command : Array[0..2] of Char; Key_Pan_Type : Char; Key_Format : Char; Key_E_Pin : Array[0..15] of Char; Key_Terminal : Array[0..4] of Char; Key_Key_Type : Char; Key_OffSet : Array[0..3] of Char; Key_Pan : Array[0..19] of Char; Key_Pad_Char : Char; Key_Pin_length : Array[0..1] of Char; … | |
Hi, I wish to develope a ping-application, bit more enchanced than the dos-window ping util. Can someone help here with either examples or comp? Typical I wish to ping a network point continuously to evaluate response time etc. Thus I wish to set the normal ping params and the ping … | |
How do you insert a .bmp picture fle into delphi? ~bbradley | |
I am new to Delphi - in spite of looking at numerous text books, I cannot find a simple way of printing a screen shoot. Is there one? ![]() | |
Hi. If I define a lookup field, there will be a corresponding pick-list in the dbgrid. Is there a way to open this pick-list with the keyboard, instead of clicking on it? Otherwise I may have to use a TDBlookupcombobox in every column with a pick-list, because the user may … ![]() | |
Hello, I have been asked to create a pascal program but I am finding it really difficult because I haven't dealt with text files or binary searches before. The program is supposed to read a Student ID and then the program should display the Student's details. All of the data … | |
Hey i am doing a database of a bueaty salon with pascal. I need to tell the user to enter the date and validate it date but i on managed to get this far can u please help me. I need to validate that february contains 29 days if in … | |
Hi. If I define a lookup field, there will be a corresponding pick-list in the dbgrid. Is there a way to open this pick-list with the keyboard, instead of clicking on it? Otherwise I may have to use a TDBlookupcombobox in every column with a pick-list, because the user may … | |
I have a problem with my edit boxs. I am adding value 0.1 to an edit box on a button click. How can I make it so that there is always 4 values i.e 00.1 if the value was 0.1. or 01.0 if the value is one. At the moment … | |
Im writing monopoly, Im still a beginner so please help.... I wrote this for loop but for some reason it starts at 28 and not at 1.... For r := 1 to 28 do If STekoop[1,r] = plek then If messagedlg(STeKoop[r,2] + ' FOR SALE.' + #13 + 'Price: ' … | |
How can I detect a new removable drive in the DriveComboBox plugged in after the program has been already running? Currently I have to close then re-open the program to get the new drive updated in the DriveComboBox. Please help! |
The End.