1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for emoji

Design a pascal that will capture the names and coursework and exam grades for math, science and computer science from a set of students. It should calculate the final grade for each course and GPA. The algorithm should output as a list at the end the name, math final, computer …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Branislav_1

Program sifrarnik; Uses sysutils; Type myrecord=Record num:integer; itemname:String[20]; price:Integer; End; Var data:array[1..10] of myrecord; doc:file of myrecord; operatingnum:integer;//item number used for reading and writeing into base error1,choice1,i,j,n,a:integer; begin Repeat Begin WriteLn('1. Add items date':10); WriteLn('2. See items data':10); WriteLn('3. Close'); Write('Chose: ':10); ReadLn(choice1); Case choice1 of 1 : Begin Assign(doc,'myfile.dat'); …

Member Avatar for Branislav_1
Member Avatar for Zaynebou

hello guys, i'm facing a difficulty in creating a matrix in pascal, the compiler keeps posting the messeges illegal qualifier at the line 28,7 where i wrote read(M[i,j]), and telling types mismatch coz i declared M is from type Matrice that i defined and then in the procedure Lect2d i …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for fayyaz

Hi I have writen a web service. this web service has a method that returnes a Table as XML format and I need to use it as a table. how can i use this web service as a table. is any way to convert XML format to Table format Thank …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Ami Abdul

hi all, I am a novice programmer who wants to learn programming pascal, I learned through the Internet about pascal, I was confused to sort random data using a bubble sort, because I am still a beginner about pascal, I want to learn more, if there are friends -personal all …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Ami Abdul

anyone please help me to create an array of random data on as many as 20 data that appears on the screen, For example: random data 20 10 3 2 4 5 7 8 9 4 1 2 23 12 34 12 15 12 16 30 then the data is …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Nadine_1

I am in grade 11 and need help with creating a geocaching program in Delphi. It has to be intergrated with a database. Please could anyone give me ideas of what possible features this program could have Thanks

Member Avatar for Quezia
Member Avatar for Simon180

Hi all, can anyone point me in the right direction to find some documents / demos on how to use opus codec within delphi I not found anything on official webpage. Thanks.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Simon180

am looking for a way to count down from 30 seconds using a timer and updating a Gauge using Progress to reflect the time remaining. I know this is very simple code but my brain is some what dead here my bad code. procedure FreeTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); begin TotalTime := GetTickCount() …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Alyssa_3

can someone please help me with this pascal program, does this look right? Program StudentScores; var c: integer; s: integer; t: integer; n: integer; p: integer; f: integer; h: integer; l: integer; ave: integer; max: integer; am: integer; hi: integer; li: integer; scores: integer; Begin For c:= 1 to 15 …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for genesistobe44

Write a well structured program that will accept the following fields of record in a data item, surname, other names, age, address, occupation, department, level, and grades for 15 different courses. 1. The program should be able to compute the CGPA of each candidate when scores for the courses are …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Pgrant40

I know this sounds like a "Do my homework" question, but I am new to coding and am struggling to come up with a method to combine multiple RFT Files. The files contain around 3000/4000 characters. I want to initially open up a 'master' RFT file and then append multiple …

Member Avatar for Pgrant40
Member Avatar for المهندز

iam asking about chimical equations how can i programme it to the computer how can i make the computer understand that c+o2=co2 or naoh + hcl =nacl+h2o i mean how he understand that acid +alkail= water +salt

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for FlamingClaw

Our text file contains 10 words,and located in C:\ drive,we will read this data into an array and write out the results to the screen Created by FlamingClaw 2009.04.26.

Member Avatar for gurisa
Member Avatar for Christi_1

Okay so I have this program that generates 10 random number (1-1000), calculates their average and the amount of larger as well as smaller numbers than the average, this is what I have and for the life of me I can't figure out wheat I don't do right: program random1; …

Member Avatar for Christi_1
Member Avatar for David_65

**Question:** Create a message encryption system application that translates every message character to its ASCII equivalent and pads the resultant code with a chosen random key based on an addictive operation. **Answer:** program Encrypt; type tab=array[1..255] of byte; function Sum(T:tab):integer; var i,s:integer; begin S:=0; for i:=1 to length(T) do s:=s+T[i]; …

Member Avatar for David_65
Member Avatar for Simon180

anyone have a wrapper or know were to get a wrapper so am able to use the opus codec within my application ?. http://www.opus-codec.org Thanks

Member Avatar for Von_1
Member Avatar for Enee

I have a problem!! I am trying to convert pascal code to VB and am stuck. Pascal: TYPE Elements = SET of 1..255; Xpath = ARRAY[0..50] of BYTE; VAR Path0,Path1,Path2:Elements; Path:Xpath; So, Elements is defined as a base set of numbers 1 through to 255 (inclusive). Path0, Path1 and Path2 …

Member Avatar for divya.jeeta
Member Avatar for Simon180

Am trying to read a bmp that has 24 images in all and am trying to make it so I can read the single bmp file to show the correct image and having a real problem with it am using delphi xe2 I have googed it but not much on …

Member Avatar for Qazinix

I have been working on a program for recording voice conversations as a mini project. I have the recording working 100%, my problem is that I have no idea how to encode the wav file to a mp3 file. Here is my recording and saving code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for DenisOxon

I need to interface to a USB device from VB.net, where I both read and write to the device. Are there any programing differences between the different USB interfaces, i.e 1,2 and 3 that I should be aware ? Does it matter if say a USB 3 device is plugged …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Zerk

Construct a large integer (32 – Bit) from two Byte Variables (8 – Bit) and one Word Type variable (16 – Bit). Store your result into EAX and print it. Like if byte1 = 21h, byte2 = 43h & word1 = 8765h Then your output may be 87654321h OR 43218765 …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Turner100

I have to write a quizz in pascal where the user have to write his own answer can u help me ?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ww33ww

hello, i'm new in Delphi and i want to add a new record to a chiled Table(tbl2) but i have this Message 'valid date and time' what i wantto do is add to my project a 3 Buttom one is to add a record in chiled Table(tbl2) and the other …

Member Avatar for abdoalghareeb

I have windows7 64bit I am trying to install borland delphi 6 my Problem is when I run the program , the next message appear: ![2.png](/attachments/large/4/d7ae545f682db0c4751647130738edd9.png "align-center") and when I press (run program),the next message appear: ![3.png](/attachments/large/4/e91dca52deb056bea82a07be37995b91.png "align-center")

Member Avatar for SoftSoul6Co
Member Avatar for SoftSoul6Co

I have a 3 character fkLookup field sat_site in a table. I'm using TAdsTable table component. When I filter out records in my grid on a field sat_site, grid does not show any records. With ShowMessage() I check the value of field sat_site which shows blanks or boxes in the …

Member Avatar for SoftSoul6Co
Member Avatar for SoftSoul6Co

I have 5 date fields in a table. I want to place CheckBoxes against each date field to allow user to check the appropriate date for the employee's weekly holiday. I do not have boolean fields in the table. How can I place CheckBox against each date cell in a …

Member Avatar for SoftSoul6Co
Member Avatar for Bozlee

Greetings, I used to write software in the days of Pascal, and since then have moved into other IT areas. I am returning to the programming world but since I was last there, an explosion of languages, frameworks, methodologies, etc, have taken place. Could anyone point me in the best …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft

The End.