1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for Simon180

Can anyone help me out with abit of code that will detect the location of any exe file on a hard drive / cd? am trying to build a simple exe launcher thanks.

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Member Avatar for Orionizer

I'm having an issue using the ADO.Locate function (Using Delphi 7). I've got the following code: procedure TFrmMain.RzBtnProcessClick(Sender: TObject); var WB: IXLSWorkbook; WS: IXLSWorksheet; X: Integer; MillStyle: Integer; KnitNo: Integer; CustSKU: String; begin if RzBtnEditInputFile.Text = '' then Application.MessageBox('You Must Select An Input File!','Error',MB_OK) else if not FileExists(RzBtnEditInputFile.Text) then Application.MessageBox('Cannot …

Member Avatar for Orionizer
Member Avatar for R3CK2

I need to o an assignment where i make two programs, one to write a list of players in a team and their scores, the other to read and search the .dat file for specific players. i have chosen to do this with an array but when i run my …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for Gobroski

I am attempting to write a Hangman game using OOP. I have it done using procedural programming. I am not looking to make it a two person game yet. What Objects and methods would you all use? I was thinking newWord = class(tObject) word : string, definition : string, typeOfSpeach …

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Member Avatar for Simon180

Ok here what am trying to do, when its scrolling left, I want to get the full length of the lblmarquee caption and then when it scrolls to the end of the last letter or caption it will then auto change to right scroll and then back to left so …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for Simon180

Am trying to read a URL address something like http://www.myaddress.com/id=563?name=mark from the Embedded Web Browser then I want to be able to get the url parameters of a link with in my delphi application, so am able to do a messagve box like: ShowMessage(id); // this would show 563 ShowMessage(name); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hefaz
Member Avatar for Simon180

Following code below should reconnect my audio server if it was found to be disconnected now all is good the timer event is called and the system message shows its reconnecting however it seams the connect procedure fails to be called as it dont reconnect. procedure TGizletView.AudioConTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); begin AudioConTimer.Enabled …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for pukepuke

I'm trying to make a program that solvas a linear system Ax =b with a n x n symmetric matriz and a n x 1 vector by gaussian elimination with partial pivotization. The program must search for the pivot element in each column. If the pivot isn't placed in the …

Member Avatar for Victory_1
Member Avatar for Simon180

Am having a awful time trying to get this to work I googled it and even asked few friends about it, but it seams it more difficult than I expected it to be. basicly what am trying to do is capture if or when a user clicks on a button …

Member Avatar for Simon180
Member Avatar for pramudiyanto

Hi, I'm doing some sort of programming with Delphi XE3. I build some sort of multidimensional array (say it 500x500). My question is, is it possible to delete a row (or some rows), or a column (or some columns) of those array so that I can achieve the smaller size …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for Mya:)

Im writing a program that keeps track of a bussiness/banks loans and also shows results of the payments recieved and payments not recieved. basicly it's just a program for loans. i need a name and logo for it, any ideas?

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Member Avatar for Simon180

I have a small issue with following code am inserting a new room into mysql using query and then I want it to auto join the room once its made but the problem is when room is in process of being made it will call the GoTo procedure and it …

Member Avatar for Simon180
Member Avatar for Jakub_2

Hello guy, is here someone who can help me with programme about Gauss or Gauss Jordan elimination? I need it for calculating of system with linear equations. Thank you

Member Avatar for Jakub_2
Member Avatar for Michaël

Hello, I have to make an MP3 player that can work on 3 different ways. - You click, it plays, you click again, it pauses - You hold down the mouse, it plays, you release the mouse, it pauses - A timer, you can set up a timer to pause …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for ipage

I am using delphi 2010 in WinXP. In C# and Java there are Normalizer function. It can transform letters with diacritics into ASCII (remove those accent marks). I do not know if there is Normalizer in delphi. What I am testing is below, but failed. I do not know how …

Member Avatar for ipage
Member Avatar for AKJo

Hi, I have developed a program in Delphy 2007, which shows .AVI files. Now I want to run MP4 files as well, but cannot achieve it. TMediaPlayer does not recognize the format by its extension. Is there an other player available or an upgrade for the one that came with …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for glubbish

I have a backup program that used to work reasonably well. It used copyfileex to copy files from one unix machine to another. Recently it has been maxing out at about 5Mb/s So I changed to SHFileOperation and found it averages about 80Mb/s This is using delphi 7 on windows …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for finalist

I am trying to migrate from Delphi XE to Delphi XE7, so I opened my Delphi XE - project, but it can not bi compiled, because Delphi XE7 does not recognize IBDatabase, IBCustomDataSet, IBQuery, IBStoredProc. How to solve this problem ?

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for Simon180

Has anyone used overbyte for streaming in their applications before am looking for a demo or a pre made source/advice so I can add it to my app. Cheers

Member Avatar for milanjmp

Does anyone have experience in translating finished desktop Delphi 7 applications in web applications

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for SurabhiMeeooww
Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Simon180

Am currenrtly working on a voice chat system using lakeofsoft VCL package for audio processing but am wanting to expand my program to mobile phones soon but am unable to use lakeofsoft VCL package in delphi xe7 due to the age of it and no updates so am wondering what …

Member Avatar for majara
Member Avatar for Daniel_34

I'm studying for a test and appreciate your help. How to calculate the running time (T(n)) of the following segment (written in Pascal): k := 0; m := n; while m <= n do begin k := k + 1; m := k * k; end; for i := 1 …

Member Avatar for glenn_3
Member Avatar for Delano_1

Gives me the error on the line :while costumepmt <> 7777 AND revname <> 'qqqq' do, I really don't know what to do, please help, thanks in advance! Program revelers_info; uses wincrt; var revnames, busybodies, summerbodies, readybodies, winnerbodies, goldenbodies :Array[1..7] of string; costumepmt, busybodiescost, summerbodiescost, readybodiescost, winnerbodiescost, goldenbodiescost:Array[1..7] of real; …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for Simon180

I noticed this afew times and it only seams to do it on my own application and am wondering if anyone knows how to reslove this I have attached a image showing the theme problem for some reason my richedit scroll bar will go blocky and have spaces. any one …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Duoas

Hey all. I'm always frustrated that I cannot seem to find a reference that shows when a feature was *introduced* in Delphi. For example, to use ErrOutput, I have to manually create that value in D5. But what about D6? or D7? Does such a reference exist?

Member Avatar for AndresOend

Hi, I want to use Lazarus on my mac, and I went through the steps, installed the three packages at http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/files/Lazarus%20Mac%20OS%20X%20i386/Lazarus%201.2.6/ . I also typed xcode-select --install into my terminal, which installed some necessary command line tools. The 'Configure Lazarus IDE' has recognised the compiler, FPC sources, and 'make', but …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for CodeWarrior14

Hello everyone, I'm new here - just joined. I'm strugling with a bit of code. Im trying to check if a number is a prime number, but my program produces weird results. Herse the code: { Vefies if a value is prime. } function TMactacHash.IsPrime(value: integer): boolean; var i, overValue: …

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The End.