I'd like to be able to send a text message to a person from the program I am working on. I've been researching on the web and found a few code examples that according to the comments sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. I've also found some very capable looking software as well, in the $500 range, and I am sure it is very capable, but my app will be sending only one or two message to one person. I'm not broadcasting messages, so I don't need all that code horsepower, thus the price doesn't fit my app, yet.

Does anyone here have experience with text messaging using Delphi?

I usually use database to make a text message on delphi ...


I am referring to sending a text message to someone' phone via the Internet. I guess I wasn't clear about that.

Im fairly sure Ive seen free units that work. I tried it a few times but didnt do much with it as it costs money

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