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40 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Potato.Head

I am not really good with css but I think you should !important in your css. when you put !important tag in css that property does not overwriten by surrounding tags here is page [url][/url] (just google it there should be some tutorials about that.) I hope that helps

Member Avatar for SrinivasaRao_2
Member Avatar for stopah2008

Yes that is a good way to do it. but when you do that you could use [URL=""]StringTokenizer[/URL] class. it seperates a string to tokens. just change the delimeters to count sentences , lines ,words etc. I hope that could help. note: every sencence finish with "." every line finish …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kaushik259106

I have more than onw suggestions for you. 1) instead of checking if it is a letter or a special character. you could check if it is a number between 0 to 9 so if all the characters are numbers you have number. it will be a lot easier for …

Member Avatar for ScottyKnows
Member Avatar for esy928

OK First of all you have to find out what scanner class does. I suggest you check java specifications. best place you check is [URL=""]java specifications[/URL]. from here you can get all the information about any class of interface from java API. in your case you have to find java.utils.Scanner …

Member Avatar for abors
Member Avatar for lakshma.sugunan

you need to create a sequence. As you can guess this is an object that gives you numbers from sequence. then you should get next value from sequence. so you will always have different pk. here is a[URL=""] link [/URL]that shows you how to create and use it. after creating …

Member Avatar for emsm
Member Avatar for Pradeep.sibar

please explain. I have no idea what you are trying to do. 1) you have an app working on a remote computer ( a music player maybe ) and your code will run in remote machine and close the application. 2) you want to write an application that can be …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for jcanaway

ok I saw this on another page. so I am not sure how it will work. but as a data when you send arrayElement=1&arrayElement=2&arrayElement=3 you can send all the elements to server. and you can retreived it from server too. (unfortunately I dont know how you can do it with …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for gowth08

you have nested array lists here (as you know. ) [CODE=java] ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> a = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(5); /*create a new arraylists of arraylist so outer arraylist has 5 element which means size of a=5*/ for(int i = 0 ; i < a.size() ; i++){ a.set(i, new ArrayList<Integer>(10)); /*loop over 5 elements …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for kuay

I understood what you are trying to do but I think you should write it again. because it wont work. ok here how you should write it. 1 ) make a loop that turns until there is no token left on scanner. [CODE=java]for(int j = 0;j<input;j++) [/CODE]and this is not …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for smoore

I saw this problem in a movie (I think its name was 21) and I never thought about it. After I saw it here this morning I started to think about it. I had worked on it for 12 hours and I finally figured it out half an hour ago …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

it is not working becasue you are using , instead of and [CODE=PHP] $newer = mysql_query("DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = '$rawr' AND user = '$rew' AND read = '$roll'");[/CODE] this should work

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin

Hi I am working on a little project I'd like to call post database and I got a little problem. when user clicks a page number, I bring html content from server and add it to page. And I can see the new content on the page. But if new …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for 7gakki
Member Avatar for gagan22

You already wrote the answer on the title. You can use ajax. I suggest you to go to an ajax tutorial page and learn how it works. Because what you want to do will be an example on that page. Anyway let me explain what you will do. when your …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for palavi

here is some pl/sql code that gives you an idea I hope that would help [CODE]declare a1 varchar2(255); b1 varchar2(255); a2 varchar2(255); b2 varchar2(255); qry varchar2(4000); cursor cr_a is (select * from a); begin --loop goes to every row in a for rc_a in cr_a loop --seperates column of A …

Member Avatar for palavi
Member Avatar for curiouskitten

program should be like this 1) get sentence from user 2) check every latter if it is a vowel 3) if it is make it upper case. you probably figured that out already. now to to thinks simpler first write code first reads every latter one by one. for example …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for memphis1234

I can see two way to solve the problem 1) use two dimentional list. 2) use two one dimentional list to store current row and previous row. (that is what you are doing.) in your case you use only previous row to calculate current row. so in start, your previous …

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for apollo1492

I would assign your date variable into a date type variable (I think it was something like datetime just look it up). so you will have a real date. then you can easiliy format your out put.

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for Alien15x

1) check firewall in your computer. this is not likely the case. but if you have a firewall set you have to open the port from your firewall too. 2) your router might not working correctly. That actualy happened to me. some routers have the port forwarding in their menu …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin

hi I want to write some text on windows wallpaper. does anybody know how to do that. (on wallpaper ,but under window frames.). (dynamic text: like time. so please do not suggest to write it with paint. :) )

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin
Member Avatar for bondo

Hi! you are calling local variable the way you should call bind variables. so oracle things your variables are bind variables. you should not use ':' sign before variable names. anyway you should write it as declare v_city := 0; v_state location.state%type := 0; v_status varchar2 := 0; begin …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for letlet_pogs

you can also use [URL=""]String Tokenizer[/URL] class.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for rkp803

I would use a recursive approach for this problem. here is the logic: int changeCombinationNumber(int change) if it is less then 5 return 1;(ve are returning 1 because if it less then 5 there is only one possibility you can only use cents this is out escape from recursife loop) …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for harisyahoo

I checked [URL=""]MSDN page for selectedrows property[/URL]. it says [QUOTE]The SelectionMode property must be set to FullRowSelect or RowHeaderSelect for the SelectedRows property to be populated with selected rows.[/QUOTE] just check SelectionMode property on properties window and make sure it is set to fullrow select. and make sure that it …

Member Avatar for FaridMasood
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

herer is some lecture notes. [url][/url]

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for edek
Member Avatar for Ken Sharpe
Member Avatar for jainendra.shah

if I would see the code I would give you a better answer. but I think what your problem is that you are drawing the line on onClick event. you have to draw it on onPaint event in order to keep them on form. otherwise it will draw the lines …

Member Avatar for dangkytructuyen
Member Avatar for prof_satch

first of all I suggest you learn what scanner class is capable of. Not because you are doing something wrong, but there is a lot of different functions that you can use in that class. here is a link to java [URL=""]specifications[/URL]. and here is a link to [URL=""]scanner class[/URL]. …

Member Avatar for prof_satch
Member Avatar for pat8

probably that's not what you need since you are overwhelmed with the problems in hand, but if I where you I would write a dice class that rolls. checker class that checks if you win or not. and a player class that counts how many times you win. you checker …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for bhavnaagrawal

actually I'm new to servlets too. but when I was doing a research I saw something about web services that those sites give. just google something like [TEX]"web services google maps"[/TEX] or [TEX]"web services"[/TEX] I'm sure you will find resources. good luck.

Member Avatar for yilmazhuseyin

The End.