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481 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris

Hey, im having a problem retrieving information about some files due to the fact either the file name or the extension is too long. For example i want to retrieve the size of a file only i call [CODE=Python]os.path.getsize("somelongfilename.txt")[/CODE] Note that it may not be a .txt extension, but it …

Member Avatar for rory jackson
Member Avatar for dseto200

create a list of which characters have been hinted and check the new hint doesn't match any of the previous. You can also limit people to X amounts of hints too Chris

Member Avatar for Akash_22
Member Avatar for OmniX

Firstly, don't use sysrtem. use the function given to you by AncientDragon. Secondly for an example, read the page it has a link to one. Thirdly, that page tells you what parameters are needed, what they could be and what they do. Also it tells you what headers you need …

Member Avatar for Alex_34
Member Avatar for guest7
Member Avatar for Dasun_1
Member Avatar for Narue

[QUOTE=AHUazhu;759197]cout.flush ????[/QUOTE] This is a discussion about flush the INPUT this is a completely pointless post, before making a suggestion at least make it a viable suggestion Chris

Member Avatar for Smn
Member Avatar for FruitPunch

Hi Fruit Punch, Welcome to DaniWeb :). Without any of your code as a starting point it is very difficult for us to give you a direct answer, but we prefer to give you the information you need to get your results anyway! @cool_zephyr's approach will work, however it is …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for hahanottelling

What do you mean by 'Text'? As in an editable text control? or just writing painted onto the windows? there is a big difference. Chris

Member Avatar for Nick_3
Member Avatar for tones1986
Member Avatar for giora88

On windows the following code will move the mouse cursor.[code=cplusplus]#include <windows.h> int main(void){ SetCursorPos(50, 50); return 0; }[/code]Of course you will want to play around with that. If you want more detail just ask Chris

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for UGndLord
Member Avatar for BMPaul

Can i suggest you store the value of BM outside of the structure and store it in a char array of size 2 then write each one to the file before calling write() on the structure. Chris

Member Avatar for gpyrounakis
Member Avatar for Nickair

Does w3schools even mentiod Java as far as im aware its a web programming site. Link number 5, didn't you read responses to this thread that suggested you do [I]not[/I] use an IDE like NetBeans. Read the sticky at the top and get started, a good link is [url][/url] Also, …

Member Avatar for Sonny101
Member Avatar for bangor_boy

In reply to your question bangor boy, [CODE=java]public void showFeelings(int howManyGoals) { switch (howManyGoals) { case 0: case 1: case 2: System.out.println("Oh dear, not very good"); break; case 3: case 4: case 5: System.out.println("Ive seen donkeys shoot better"); break; //and so on } }[/CODE] Also why is your name Bangor …

Member Avatar for JKP()
Member Avatar for Falkoner1

Can I draw your attention to this snipped post by [I]Narue[/I] in the input stream clearing thread [code=cplusplus]#include <istream> void ignore_line ( std::istream& in ) { char ch; while ( in.get ( ch ) && ch != '\n' ) ; }[/code] Chris

Member Avatar for burcin erek
Member Avatar for kutukak

[code=cplusplus]#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main(void){ bool updown = false; while(1){ if(!updown){ for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++){ for(int y = 0; y < x; y++) cout << endl; cout << " .---. "<< endl; cout << " /__\\__\\ "<< endl; cout << ".---------------."<< endl; …

Member Avatar for karthikeyanvani
Member Avatar for lucy1234

Lucy, What Adak is suggesting is that rather than us telling you the bet way to do things you should research the algorithm, see what searches are a possibility then decide whether you want to be CPU intensive or stack hungry. You make some descisions about it, try and write …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for ShadowOfBlood

A combination of modulus division and normal division will do this nicely for you. You have way to many steps, you can retreive each number in 1 line of code using both normal and modulus division. its all to do with 10^x in a way xD Chris

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for mark0420

Just to pop in as a reality check. Simple user input guessing game and such are simple to achieve and C++ perfectly capable. If however you are wanting to look into something not text based and a using graphics....more like a modern game for example Call of Duty. Then you …

Member Avatar for vxp
Member Avatar for zkelvin2010

Do you understand how to work with file streams? Do you understand how to implement a pow method? Either your own or the existing one?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for miskeen

You can define a class wide variable within your class. [code=cpp]class myClass { private: myStruct mS*; }[/code] Which will allow you to access mS in both functions, so you could allocate the memory to it in one function. Use it in a second function and then deallocate it in another …

Member Avatar for miskeen
Member Avatar for sandorlev

I dislike vsc++ but there we go. I just compiled it on MinGW with no problems what so ever, i was presented with a list of the address that your data was stored at. if you want the data to be printed you will need to use **it not just …

Member Avatar for sandorlev
Member Avatar for William Hemsworth

@CppBuilder I'd recommend getting an upto date compiler. You might find that they work properly then ;)

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for gregarion

@tintin, Recommending the use of a recursive solution is rather an obscure method of helping someone out. Since everyone knows that a recursive function isn't exactly the most efficient solution by any means, although in normally provides a neater looking solution that is easier to code. 99 times out of …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for tennis

No, if its type BO then it will be BO.m, if its type DO (derived object) then it would be DO.m But when a destructer is called, it would execute D constructor first (i beleive this is the order) then B destructor. The M method in the derived class masks …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for sana zafar

don't use eof() use file.is_good(); Also, the reason you are getting random numbers is because you don't initialise your array. [code=cpp] int count[N]; [/code] becomes [code=cpp] int count[N] = {0}; [/code] The reason it prints after everyline is because you call your function for each line, and it is your …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for wafie
Member Avatar for Amurka

alisn you should start up your own thread rather than reviving old threads. [code=java] System.out.printf("%1$10d%2$11.2f%3$10d%4$11.2f\n", i, QQ, d, inventory); [/code] Chris

Member Avatar for alisneaky
Member Avatar for gunjannigam

[code] JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser(); jfc.setDialogTitle("My Title"); [/code] Chris

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

Luke you are assuming the use of VC++, it might be unmanaged C++ he is using. Rather than passing what type of connection you wish to check, you should be passing a pointer to a data structure to hold the different connections that are avaliable to you. So you should …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for sjgman420

Have a read of the fisher-yates shuffle or perhaps the durstenfeld algorithm for shuffling. Chris

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris

The End.