Hi all,
I’m currently working on a WordPress website where I display daily prayer times. Right now, I’m using web scraping to fetch the prayer timings on this website salatalert.com, but I’m facing issues with reliability and accuracy. The scraped data sometimes fails to update correctly, and it’s also affecting the site’s performance.

I was wondering if there’s a way to replace the scraping method with an API for more accurate and reliable results? Are there any good APIs available for fetching daily prayer times, specifically for regions like Saudi Arabia? Ideally, I’m looking for an API that integrates easily with WordPress and allows for timezone adjustments.

Any recommendations or insights on how to implement this efficiently would be appreciated.

Way back when, Noon was as good as it got for what time it was. Think back to those times and don't fret about the exact time.

Thanks Dani for providing really helpful resource.

Switching to an API for prayer times is a great idea for accuracy and reliability. Consider using the Aladhan API, which provides accurate prayer times for various regions, including Saudi Arabia, and supports timezone adjustments. It integrates easily with WordPress, allowing for seamless implementation. Check their documentation for quick setup instructions!

The Aladhan API provides reliable prayer times based on location and supports time zone adjustments, so you can display accurate prayer times via API. You should follow the API documentation to integrate the API into your website for seamless data retrieval. The advantage of this approach is that it provides better accuracy and performance than web scraping.

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