I have an open source WAF in production. It's open source and free. It can be the alternative of Cloudflare, the open source edition. How can I find the potential users to try my WAF?

Here at DaniWeb we use Cloudflare, and it does a whole lot more than just be a WAF. We primarily use it for its caching abilities as a CDN.

How easy is it to set up and configure your WAF? Some people with shared hosting for their blog or that type of thing might not have the technical expertise to configure Cloudflare by changing the DNS their domain points to. If yours is simpler than that, perhaps that's a strategy you can use to convince people?

Otherwise, Cloudflare offers a free version (as you know) and has a LOT of other features and benefits besides just being a WAF.

Can you think of any specific reasons why your WAF might be better than Cloudflare's?

My company also has its own "firewall middle tier" call it WAF if you like. We build it many years ago when cloudflare wasn't an option , and it still requires maintenance, but the up side is that it is highly customized and we really know what is happening, and of course we don't pay for it. I can really see that custom WAFs or FMTs have a real usage , but most of it is that the code isn't known to others to exploit the loopholes, so what is the point to make a WAF public ?


I want to try to help you with this. But I have a question. Did you write this app firewall yourself, or are you hosting a firewall that was developed by a third party?


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