i need code for insert multiple rows into database please help me


It would help, if you can show us your codes. It does not matter if it is working or not.

    echo "<br>Updating";

    $class = $_POST['class'];

    $sql="insert into student_mark (student_id,student_class,telugu,hindi,english,maths,science,social,gk) 
    VALUES ('$student_id','$class','$telugu','$hindi','$english','$maths','$science','$social','$gk')";



                 <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$class"; ?>" name="class"  />

                 <div class="bodytext4" id="table2">
                 <span class="bodytext9">
                  <?php   echo "$class";  ?>
                  </span><br />
                 <div class="bodytext4"  style="width:50px;" id="table2">
                 <span class="bodytext9"><input type="text" name="telugu" style="width:25px;"  /></span>                 </div>
                 <div class="bodytext4" style="width:50px;" id="table2">
                 <span class="bodytext9"><input type="text" name="hindi" style="width:25px;"   /></span>                 </div>
                 <div class="bodytext4" style="width:50px;" id="table2">
                 <span class="bodytext9"><input type="text" name="english" style="width:25px;"   /></span>                 </div>
                 <div class="bodytext4" style="width:50px;" id="table2">
                 <span class="bodytext9"><input type="text" name="maths" style="width:25px;"   /></span>                 </div>
                 <div class="bodytext4" style="width:50px;" id="table2">
                 <span class="bodytext9"><input type="text" name="science" style="width:25px;"   /></span>                 </div>
                 <div class="bodytext4" style="width:50px;" id="table2">
                 <span class="bodytext9"><input type="text" name="social" style="width:25px;"   /></span>                 </div>
                 <div class="bodytext4" style="width:50px;" id="table2">
                 <span class="bodytext9"><input type="text" name="gk" style="width:25px;"   /></span>                 </div>



          } ?>   

        <input type="submit" name="roll" value="insert" class="signin" />
Member Avatar for diafol

Your form seems to only support a single record post. I'd suggest a javascript-driven "add row" on the form which should enable you to dynamically add new rows.

Get the js to insert these into the form, e.g. on 'add' button press:

<input name="telugu[]" />
<input name="hindi[]" />

You then pick up the post data as an array of arrays. For example, say you posted 3 rows...

$val = array();
$count = count($_POST['telugu']);
    //make $_POST vars safe, e.g.
    //$telugu = trim(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['telugu'][$x]));
    $val[] = "('$student_id','$class','$telugu','$hindi','$english','$maths','$science','$social','$gk')";

Then you can implode the $val array to create your VALUES clause

There are a number of ways to do this. This is just one. I haven't included any validation.

you can use this code:

you just need to instantiate EE. So for your form targets a result page/template as normal html, for example: <form action="/form-result"> (or whatever), then the quick and dirty way would be simply to include PHP in the template receiving the form.

On that page (receiving the form), have the following (template must have PHP enabled):

$EE =& get_instance();
$postUsers = $EE->input->post('user');

foreach($postUsers as $user) {
    // Extra Cleaning
    $user = $EE->db->escape_str($user);
    $user = $EE->security->xss_clean($user);
    // Fields and values to save to DB
    $dbFields = array(
        'user' => $user['name'],
        'party' => $user['party'],
        'marks' => $user['marks'],
        'comments' => $user['comments']
    // Prefix variable used for good practice, but could hard code
    $EE->db->insert($EE->db->dbprefix . 'mytable', $dbFields);

I've shown the long method of recreating the array to send to the DB in case you want to modify or add more fields, but you could simply just pass $user (after cleaning) to the database as the array will have the same structure.

If it's multiple POST variables sent by the form (instead of the array you imply), you'd need something like:

foreach($_POST as $var) {
    $postUsers = $EE->input->post($var);

A more ideal solution would be developing a plugin that would be called from the resulting template to trigger the above, or an extension that 'listened' for the appropriate form to be submitted, possibly by using the ACT security ability built into EE. But that's probably added an unnecessary level of complexity for your requirement.

best of luck.

Member Avatar for diafol

Are you talkign about ExpressionEngine? If so, why would you need to implement that just in order to add a few records to a DB?

If I am having a table that contains 8 rows suppose. And from that 8 rows i want to select only 4 rows and these 4 rows has to get inserted to database. How to do this? Also I am having checkbox associated to every row. Please help me urgently!!!
Thanks in advance

commented: Just so you know, hiding a question under a 7 year old discussion usually isn't noticed. Make a new discussion. +16

No Actually You can say I am having one table which has 100 records. From that records if user selcts 8 records then that 8 records only should be send to database. I am using sql for database and jsp to insert recirds.

Thank you!

This is my connectivty code

<%@ page import = "java.sql.*"%>

String chk = "";
String a[]=request.getParameterValues("chk");
for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){
     Statement st = null;
     ResultSet rs = null;
     Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/katalystz?sessionVariables=sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'&jdbcCompliantTruncation=false", "root", "root");
     String updatecust = "insert into vouchers(chk) values('"+chk+"');";


         int i=st.executeUpdate(updatecust);

         out.print(" saved successfully....!!");
            out.print("Sorry..!! Got an exception.");
     catch(Exception e)
 catch(Exception e)

And this is my  Frontend Code

<table border="1" class = "mainTable">
                    <th><input type="checkbox" value="Service Description" id = "chk"/>Service Description</th>
                    <th>Standalone yes/no</th>
                    <th>Print at Service level</th>
                    <th>Service Group</th>
                    <th>Qualifier Priority</th>
                  connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl+database, userid, password);
                  String sql ="select * from Service_screen";
                  resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql);
                    <td name = "sDesc"><input type="checkbox" name = "chk"/><%=resultSet.getString("service_description")%></td>
                    <td ><input value = <%=resultSet.getString("standalone")%> name = "standalone" readonly> </td>
                    <td ><input type ="text" name = "patSer"></td>
                    <td ><input type ="text" name = "sGroup"></td>
                    <td ><input type ="text" name = "qual"></td>    
                    <td><select  name = "qualPrio">
                        <option value="Mandatory">Mandatory</option>
                        <option value="Optional">Optional</option>
                       } catch (Exception e) {
    <input type = "button"  value = "Add Service" class = "TransferRows">

        <a  class="button2" >Add Charge</a>
     <form action ="serCharg.jsp" method = "post">
     <table border = "1" class = "subtable">
                    <th>Service Description</th>
                    <th>Standalone yes/no</th>
                    <th>Print at Service level</th>
                    <th>Service Group</th>
                    <th>Qualifier Priority</th> 


               var  getselValue = $(".mainTable input:checked").parents("tr").clone().appendTo($(".subtable tbody").add(getselValue));


    This is my script for inserting new row
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