Hi i am developing Attendence mgt sys. and i have to insert name,section,class,status in database of n number of students. I am able to do listing by the code below:

$sessionName = $_SESSION['NAME'];
$sessionID = $_SESSION['UID'];

if($sessionName == "" && $sessionID == "")
    $class = $_REQUEST['class'];
    $section = $_REQUEST['section'];
    $_SESSION['class'] = $class;
    $_SESSION['section'] = $section;

    /*This is by me*/

    $infoArr = array();

    $sql = "SELECT tbl_name,tbl_gender,tbl_class,tbl_section FROM tbl_student_record WHERE tbl_class = '$class'            AND tbl_section = '$section'";       
    $res = mysql_query($sql);

    if(mysql_affected_rows() > 0){


        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){

            $infoArr[$i]['name'] = $row['tbl_name'];
            $infoArr[$i]['gender'] = $row['tbl_gender'];
            $infoArr[$i]['class'] = $row['tbl_class'];
            $infoArr[$i]['section'] = $row['tbl_section'];



    $count = count($infoArr);
    $newCount = $count - 1;
    // HTML 

    <form action="submitAttendence.php" method="post"/>
            <input name="cnt" id="cnt" type="hidden" value="<?=$newCount;?>"/>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:50px;">S.No.</div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:250px;">Name</div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:100px;">Student ID</div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:50px;">Class</div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:80px;">Section</div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:100px;">Gender</div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:100px;">Status</div>


            <div class="cBoth"></div>
                if($newCount > 0){

                    for($i=0; $i<=$newCount; $i++){

                        $name = $infoArr[$i]['name'];
                        $gender = $infoArr[$i]['gender'];
                        $class = $infoArr[$i]['class'];
                        $section = $infoArr[$i]['section'];

                <div class="vLine"></div>
                <div class="li-txt" style="width:50px;"><?=$i;?></div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-txt" style="width:250px;"><input type="hidden" id="name_<?=$i;?>" name="name_<?=$i;?>"/><?=$name;?></div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:100px;"><input type="hidden" id="stud_<?=$i;?>" name="stud_<?=$i?>"/>Student ID</div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:50px;"><input type="hidden" id="clas_<?=$i?>" name="clas_<?=$i;?>"/><?=$class;?></div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-label" style="width:80px;"><input type="hidden" id="sec_<?=$i?>" name="sec_<?=$i?>"/><?=$section;?></div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-txt" style="width:100px;"><input type="hidden" id="gen_<?=$i;?>" name="gen_<?=$i?>"/><?=$gender;?></div>
                <div class="sep"></div>
                <div class="li-txt" style="width:100px;">
                <select id="status_<?=$i;?>" name="status_<?=$i;?>"/>
                    <option value="Present" />Present</option>
                    <option value="Absent" />Absent</option>

            <div class="cBoth"></div>            

// submitAttendence.php

if(isset($_REQUEST['cnt']) && $_REQUEST['cnt'] > 0){

    $newCount = $_REQUEST['cnt'];

    //echo $newCount; exit;

    for($i=0; $i<=$newCount; $i++){

        $name = "name_".$i;
        echo $name; exit;
        $nameVal = $_REQUEST[$name];

        $stud = "stud_".$i;
        $studVal = $_REQUEST[$stud];

        $clas = "clas_".$i;
        $clasVal = $_REQUEST[$clas];

        $ins = "INSERT INTO tbl_attendence(fld_studentname, fld_class) VALUES('$nameVal', '$clasVal')";
        //echo $ins; exit;

I am not getting any error but i am not geting any value in my table. Please guide me , i highly appreciate your response.

Member Avatar for diafol

Couple of things:

1) Do not run multiple insert queries using a loop. Use the loop to build up a VALUES clause and submit a single INSERT query
2) Do not use mysql_* functions - they are deprecated, use PDO or mysqli instead and bind values instead of escaping input. BTW - you don't seem to escape input anyway, so you're open to SQL injection.

All references to the above points in '2' can be found in the php manual.

Hi diafol,

i will change mysql to mysqli , but please guide me how to achive this task, i really appreciate you, please help me

Hi, It is pretty simple to migrate from mysql_ to mysqli_ . You just need to replace all the mysql_ expressions with similar mysqli_ expressions.

Just refer PHP mysqli documentation to find the similar expression in mysqli_ that matches your mysql_ statement and replace it. That's it!

PS: If you have a really lengthy code, you could use mysql to mysqli converter tool.

Member Avatar for diafol

Hmm, I don't think I agree with the above. mysqli introduced prepared queries and binding parameters/values (and binding results!), so it's not the same as changing mysql for mysqli. Also prepared statements do away with the need for a mysqli_real_escape_string(), although this does exist.


Why all the hidden fields?
Why are you using REQUEST not POST? ARe you planning on letting users use GET etc too?

did you check the repository I posted above? It saves you from all the preparing and stuff. It automatically does the parameterization and has a nice syntax for insert queries. Check out these examples

Member Avatar for diafol

I did actually look at it, but I'm more inclined to use dependency injection rather than use statics or singletons. Without an OOP envirnoment, the PDO/mysqli obj is pretty straightforward anyhow, but a wrapper, I grant you, can be useful nonetheless.

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