3,122 Topics
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My laptop screen does not showing any display..lights are blinking bt nothing on my screen | |
Hey there! I have a problem with my computer. When I start my pc, it loads fine, I can go to the BIOS, it passes the POST successfully and so on. I can run the Hiren's Boot CD with no problem and it doesn't lose signal or shuts down, but … | |
i have a problem in showing two columns which is reff_number and Name in a combobox/select box, and now i can only display one column with it, if i have 9000 customer(in bahasa = pelanggan) , it will take an effort to find for user, and it will be easy … | |
I'm working on an Anagram Finder program. One of the methods I'm writing introduces the concept of **recursive backtracking** which I'm completely new to. I'm hoping to get some suggestions of how this works/how to make it work. I'm trying to implement recursive backtracking in order to display a list … | |
For example, In VB 6.0 - Object Browser If we click on any Classes or Members down side it will show multi line text. How can i do that? | |
hi all, pls help... this is my code from where i can select multiple values and post... but it is not displaying the selected values in multiple dropdownlist... how can i solve this???? <?php $loc_con1 = array(1=>'ALL','Andaman and Nicobar Islands','Andhra Pradesh', 'Arunachal Pradesh','Assam', 'Bihar','Chandigarh','Chhattisgarh','Dadra and Nagar Haveli','Daman and Diu','Delhi','Goa','Gujarat','Himachal Pradesh','Jammu … | |
How can I tell if my emachines monitor is the problem or if it's the cord. The monitor (which is about1 1/2-2 years old) all of a sudden quit working so I bought a new power cord (in the meantime I used an older monitor) which worked for about a … | |
My computer currently fits a NVIDIA Geforce GT 720 1GB... but I want to upgrade it... here's the exact one I have(other than the fact that I have 16GB of RAM in it)...[Click Here](http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883230030&cm_re=NVIDIA_Geforce_GT_720_1GB-_-83-230-030-_-Product) What would be some of the best options that would fit in my computer for a … | |
XML - <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <Form name='Demo' id='DemoID' searchname='Demo' search='Demo' org='Yes' > <Field name='IdentificationNumber' datatype='String' control='InputText' length='10' search='Yes' /> <Field name='Country' datatype='String' control='InputText' length='50' search='Yes' /> </Form> PHP - <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $xml=simplexml_load_file("Demo.xml") or die("Error: Cannot create object"); echo $xml->FIELD . "<br>"; ?> </body> </html> | |
Hi I have an iframe on my website and it will load new content inside of the iframe when a user clicks on a link. You never navigate away from the page. Is there a way to display the source of the iframe or the html file that is being … | |
Hi folks. Some urgent help needed. I'm using an Acer V193W monitor out of a Nvidia GTX 960 card. DVI output to VGA input via a converter. I've used this configuration before and it used to work perfectly. Correct 1440x900 resolution. Since then I've only changed the cable and converter … | |
I was asked to come by a friends house to fix a monitor problem she had, but now I have one. She came to pick me up, and I put my monitor in her trunk for the ride, which was about 10 minutes. I forgot that she had a small … | |
I want to create a single profile page for members. The way I want it is when any user logs in he will automatically be taken to that single profile page. I am wondering if there is a way I can make the code IN PHP extract only the profile … | |
Public Class frmRadar Private Sub mnuClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles mnuClear.Click ' The mnuClear click event clears the ListBox object and hides ' the average speed label. It also enables the Enter Speed button ' Me.lstRadarSpeed1.Items.Clear() Me.ListBox1.Visible = False Me.btnEnterSpeed.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub mnuExit_Click(sender As … | |
To display specific pictures i've used the code below PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(FILEPATH") but how can I code it so a random file of a photo is displayed instaed? | |
Dear all! I am gonna devlop a launcher in android studio in which icons of all apps are created(app's original icon+some effects) at run time. Kindly provide me suggestion, what should i do? I am having problem in making it's logic. Thanks in advance...! | |
I am an amateur and I am trying to edit a theme that I have bought and I am not able to display the category name and link. Does anyone to resolve this problem. <div class="item-info">'; if($show_aut!='0'){ $author = get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ); $html .= '<span class="item-author"><a href="'.$author.'" title="'.get_the_author().'">'.get_the_author().'</a></span>';} … | |
my MacBook pro is old, 2011. it has 8gb ram 2.4ghz cpu and intel hd 3000. on the osx side it says 512mb of vram and on windows 10 i type dxdiag in command line it says i have 1.6gb. will i be able to run minecraft on the windows … | |
here i want to display images according to the numbers given here is my view page <div class="limiter hidden-xs"> <label>Show</label> <select> <option selected="selected" value="">9</option> <option value="">12</option> <option value="">24</option> <option value="">36</option> </select> per page </div> my controler section is this public function look_book() { $data['active_mn']='look_book'; $config['base_url'] = base_url().'roxcontrol/look_book'; $config['per_page'] = 9; … ![]() | |
Hello, all. I'm presenting you with an issue that's persisted for about a month now (started December 10 2015). I have an Pavilion 15 Notebook PC that I purchased on April 1 2015 with Windows 8.1 installed (warranty is good until March 31 2016), and up until the mentioned December … | |
I bought [Iiyama XB2783HSU-B1DP](http://www.iiyama.com/gb_en/products/prolite-xb2783hsu-b1dp/) monitor. However I'm not able to connect my MacBook Pro 2015 from HDMI with [DisplayPort to HDMI](https://www.alza.co.uk/roline-displayport-hdmi-connection-shielded-2-m-d504901.htm?catid=18848641) cable. From monitor menu I am able to select DisplayPort, but monitor will fail to receive any signal from laptop. I tried to connect monitor with Asus laptop, DisplayPort … | |
I recently invested in getting a samsung 245bw 24inch monitor and it was fine for the first few days. After those I started to get little blue stars (size of one pixel) in my games of counterstrike scattered randomly across the screen. These would also appear in the screenshots and … | |
I have 2 thunderbolt displays daisy-chained to my mac pro for the past 9 months. I have my sound output coming out of one of my 2 displays. I'm on El Capitan and recently had my displays freeze after waking them up from a lunch break then the sound didn't … | |
I've done some wonky research. So far I understood: *Particular questions that I'm asking are written in Italic hence Bold texts are not visible with this font.* "IPS is way better with color precision and contrast. But has problems with "ghosting", it generally looks like someone hasn't compiled video well. … | |
I have just finished putting my computer together. I was all excited that it was done. I turned the computer on and everything runs, the fans lights etc. but there is no display. I know its not the ram because i just replaced it with some that i know works. … | |
Hi everyone, I have this issue, currently am able to save the attachment name in mysql database. However, after saving it doesn't display the attachment name in the form and so unable to open the attachment. Below is the coding. Please advise how to display the attachment name and open … | |
I have a new Mac Mini but an old Dell monitor. A while back I had a monitor display problem, and I'm not sure what I did to correct it, but the issue went away. Now it's back. First of all, everything has taken on a green tinge. Secondly, the … | |
Hi. I need to be able to display each day of the current month excluding Sunday in a format: month/day (eg. 11/11). So I want the output to be: [CODE]11/11 11/12 //excludes Sunday 11/14 11/15[/CODE] etc. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks |
The End.