3,124 Topics

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I have a generic 17" VGA monitor that i got (assumingly brand new) from a guy about 3 or 4 years ago. Lately, it would become extremely bright, as if the brightness knob were turned up all the way, and then some. i tried to adjust the display settings on …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone's heard of a dual cable modem / tv tuner card? Has anyone heard of these, do they exist, or know where to find one? The way I figure, tv tuner cards just have a lil input for a tv cable line, so …

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Member Avatar for MAD_DOG

ATI has fired there old Driver crew finally! NOw no more driver problems, well lets hope. The CATALYST Crew just released IN june new ATI Drivers so far so good. I have a couple ATI cards so far so good. All work with DirectX9 fine no problems. ATI is starting …

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The End.