Hello everyone. I have an Nvidea GeForce 4 Ti 4200 card with 64 MB. The core clock is 250 MHz and the memory is at the same frequency, as standard for this model. Does anyone know if it is possible to overclock the GPU and memory? If so, could you give me some clues as to how this is done? Any help would be appriciated. Thanks.


I dont think you want to do that. That card is old and probably does not support a lot of overclocking. best bet (asumming this card is agp) is to do an agp apetature(not sure how to spell it) which allows your video to borrow system memory so if your card runs out you can game for longer. It will take some googling to find out. Also if this Geforce is made by BFG it is probably already overclocked out of the box (overclocking things yourself isnt the best idea and can ruin your card).

You can install coolbits II. get it @ Guru3D, but as the above poster said do it at your own risk - if you don't know how to do it you really can easily fry your card. However, adjusting AGP apeture has nothing to do with being able to game longer. If the card runs ok as it is @ 64 or 128 leave it there.

If you have a geforce 4 you might as well cough up the $50-$100 to get an upgrade.

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