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407 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

You can give [CG Textures]( a try. Their textures are free to use, with a few restrictions (see the license/FAQ). As for "free" professional game engines, there are a few: * Unity: Free for the basic license, and $1500 for the Pro version. From what I here, it is one …

Member Avatar for Tarık Can
Member Avatar for skatamatic

If `sock` is null, it would throw an `InvalidOperationException`. If there's no curly braces, it only executes the following statement.

Member Avatar for Alejandro_8
Member Avatar for naik.pranjal

You should show some effort in attempting this problem before asking for help. There's a good C++ tutorial at this site: [](

Member Avatar for Varun_8
Member Avatar for 47pirates

If you compare the syntax of the [GRANT]( and [REVOKE]( statements, GRANT requires **user_specification** and REVOKE only requires a **user**. The difference is that **user_sepcification** requires **user** plus the IDENTIFIED BY, while **user** is just that, a user. Try changing the REVOKE query to: String query ="REVOKE INSERT,SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE on hms.* …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for revertedlogic

You're initializing `visits[]` and `percentages[]` to have 39 elements. This means they will have indices of 0 through 38. Each of your for-loops iterate over the indices 0 through 39. So, 39 is going to cause an issue. Remember, the last index of a zero-based array, is the size minus …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for pittdaniweb

Seriously, take some courses (or better yet, get a degree). For and while loops are used in so many common languages. You are not ready for any kind of software development career.

Member Avatar for rajii93
Member Avatar for c1ockwerk

[icode]dir[/icode] isn't actually an executable; it is a command that Command Prompt understands. You could replace line 4 with: [code=C#]p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "/c dir";[/code] That should work for you.

Member Avatar for newdev
Member Avatar for Sh4dowz

I might take some grief for this, but I would recommend you start out with RPG Maker (if it's still in existance) or GameMaker. RPG Maker does not specifically allow coding (atleast back in 2000) but does have procedural algorithms, and does somewhat introduce OO design. I would recommend GameMaker …

Member Avatar for tuto.narahenpitiya
Member Avatar for Swapnil Palande

efficacious, You could just add a static List to a class. For example: [code=C#] public class Global { //instance variables static List<Global> CLASSES = new List<Global>(); public static Global this[int n] { get { return CLASSES[n]; } } public Global() { CLASSES.Add(this); } } [/code]

Member Avatar for Quezo
Member Avatar for schroaus

It is common for applications to prevent the user from interacting with other parts of the application, as **Reverend Jim** describes; however, I haven't really seen any applications that do this, aside from system processes. There are quite a few things that can get in the way of this, besides …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for laguardian

You should be using the indexer (i) to set the appropriate element of the string array, like so: `strArray[i] = str;`, but before that, you need to initialize the String array to be able to hold the number of elements you will need to store.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for harinath_2007

It's possible, although I have yet to see one that works well. A quick Google search turned up these: * * It wouldn't happen to be .NET by chance? It would be quite simple then, with a tool like ILSpy.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu
Member Avatar for new_developer

In C++, an unimplemented default constructor does nothing. If you declare and implement the default constructor, you can: class CheckGarbage { private: int rollNo; float cgpa; char* name; public: CheckGarbage() { rollNo = 0; cgpa = 0; name = NULL; } void checkValue() { cout<<"Roll no : " <<rollNo <<endl; …

Member Avatar for new_developer
Member Avatar for NyQii

You can use the `Debug` class to determine which is empty, like so: Debug.WriteLine("outter count: " + GetPageAccess.Count); foreach (CRMDocLib2012Model.GetPageAccess_Result lst in GetPageAccess) { Debug.WriteLine("inner count: " + gvPageAccess.Rows.Count); foreach (GridViewRow Item in gvPageAccess.Rows) { ... } }

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for anumash

It's for portability. The last paragraph of the link you posted explains it quite well. Given their example (the "I16LP32 processor"), let's assume we want to get the length of a C-string: unsigned int length; length = strlen(str); That's fine until the length of the string is greater than 65536 …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for nardoclya

> best host there is out there. That's a very bold statement. Do you have anything to back it up?

Member Avatar for santanfordfleet
Member Avatar for <M/>

[MonoDevelop]( is a free cross-platform IDE for .NET langauges. It can build applications for Mono, which is a cross-platform implementation of the .NET Framework (I believe it can also target .NET, which would support Windows only). I haven't used it in years, but it seemed pretty good then.

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for venus87

You can use the [double.ToString(string format)]( to specify the way a double is formatted. See [Standard Numeric Format Strings]( and [Custom Numeric Format Strings]( For example, `1e64` with the "custom" format string `0` returns the string `10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000`. This example doesn't account for decimal digits, but you could use the standard …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Fredszky

When you call `send()` in your client code, you're using the return value of `strlen()` as the number of bytes to send. Remember that `strlen()` does not include the terminating `\0` in its count. So you'll have to add 1 to compensate for the terminating character. Make sure you're doing …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for Kareem Klas

I'm using VS2010, so it may be different. But your subsystem is probably set to Windows. So open the project properties (right click on the project in Solution Explorer and click Properties). Then under Configuration Properties -> Linker -> System make sure it's set to Console. Basically, when Console is …

Member Avatar for Kareem Klas
Member Avatar for shaguftakhan
Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for mradzinski006

Using **Add Service Reference...** in the project's context menu, allows you to add a local WSDL file. Visual Studio can then generate the necessary classes, and you can specifiy the URL to use like so: new MyServiceClient("config", "remoteAddress"); Where you would replace "config" and "remoteAddress" with the appropriate config and …

Member Avatar for mradzinski006
Member Avatar for harishbansal90

A very simple service to use is []( It returns a very basic HTML page that is easy to parse, like (fake IP address): <html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>Current IP Address:</body></html> Then you could use the [HttpWebRequest]( and [HttpWebResponse]( classes to get the HTML file.

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for mayankjain05

It sure is possible, since C/C++ offers no built-in bounds checking. The 11th and 12th elements will refer to the memory location of the array (a) + 10 and + 11 respectively. What is in those memory locations would be difficult to say, and would be implementation specific. You could …

Member Avatar for mayankjain05
Member Avatar for tashiDuks

Might I recommond a read-through of: [User Input Validation in Windows Forms]( Also, Google "winforms validation"; you'll find some decent tutorials. There are a few issues I have with **Begginnerdev**'s suggestion: 1. Not focusing on the textbox, bypasses the validation (eg. click an OK button before clicking the textbox). There …

Member Avatar for azareth
Member Avatar for poojavb

You're calling `Exit Sub` in each iteration when the current item isn't a CD-Rom. You can use a boolean variable instead: Dim failed As Boolean failed = True For Each drive In DriveInfo.GetDrives() If drive.DriveType = DriveType.CDRom Then MessageBox.Show(drive.ToString()) CD_Targetpath = drive.ToString failed = False End If Next If failed …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for AquaNut

`Elements()` only retrieves direct child nodes. `XDocument` will only have child node, the root node (`main` in this case). You would have to use the `XDocument.Root` property to access the root node (you should **not** be loading that from the file as well; get rid of line 2 of your …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for

I don't see anything "missing", I also don't see where an exception would be thrown (other than not having a `Main()` method defined; which would be a compile-time exception anyways). Could you post the exception you are getting? Also, your execution order won't work... You're attempting to raise the event …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu

One option is to let the database (assuming you use one) handle the ID generation. Basically, you let the user enter all of the information, then let the database assign an ID when it is inserted into the table. This can be utilized by many database engines with a simple …

Member Avatar for nmaillet

The End.