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I'm a web developer and marketing professional by day; database theory junkie by night. Born and raised in New England, I live in Concord, NH (just an hour or so outside of Boston) with my lovely wife and son. I'm a technologist, and thoroughly enjoy…

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76 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for vegaseat

*We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.* **Albert Einstein** I love this quote and feel it can be applied to most anything.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for LastMitch

I went and saw Skyfall in theaters last night. I'm not typically a James Bond fan but I enjoyed the movie.

Member Avatar for LoanHensley
Member Avatar for Magic8Computing

The example at Rproffitt's link is on the right track. You'll want to reference [PHP's Date/Time Supported Date & Time Formats list]( to ensure MySQL's *CURDATE()* function returns a date formatted in a manner that works. Thankfully *CURDATE()*'s standard output is YYYY-MM-DD is an OK format to work with. $format …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for Bob Hensley

# MySQL Stored Routines: Another Useful Scenario # [In a past guide]( I discussed MySQL stored routines within MySQL. Now I’m back with another guide on MySQL stored routines. And this time it’s a more concrete case; one that you may run into yourself in the future (or maybe you …

Member Avatar for batuzai04123
Member Avatar for robert_14

> Facebook is useful or not? > > Regards In what context? General usage? As a marketing platform? For sales?

Member Avatar for goodtaste
Member Avatar for Reapt

> Newbie programmer here. I want to really learn C#. Other than VS what other IDE's are there? Mono is probably the next most popular IDE after Visual Studio. It's not bad, I've used it sparingly over the years. But I think you'll find that you're better off sticking to …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for iAssistant

Hot and humid here in Lima, Peru. I recently moved here (wife is Peruvian) from New Hampshire, USA. Bit of a change, as I'm sure NH was high 40s/early 50s today.

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for ddanbe

> I'm not. > My idea is: if you want to stop a tsunami(a disease) you have to build a strong, huge concrete wall(a medication), a pebble(a dilution of a dilution?) will have little effect. I don't believe homeopathy has a place in modern medicine. When you're sick enough that …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for extjac

Typically speaking, it is very bad practice to store serialized (or JSON) data in a database. This is big, red flag that you are not normalizing your database. Thus you're going to have dependencies all over the place, and it will make maintaining your data an absolute nightmare. Could you …

Member Avatar for extjac
Member Avatar for adamchippy

Where are you defining the $row variable? And what is it defined as? Also, what data type is the *row* attribute in the table

Member Avatar for GliderPilot
Member Avatar for Siberian

The function *getElementsByClassName()* needs to be called on a DOM object. Simply put- you need to tell it what it should be searching through. Very often this is the *document*. But you could limit its scope to a table, a DIV, etc. etc. `var one = document.getElementsByClassName('orange')[0];`

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for junaid_5

> file.php?sub=3&main=10&date=2010-04-20 > sub value has max 3 and main has max 10 , can anybody tell me how many tables or columns this website has ? Even if this information is readily available in the query string, why is it important to you?

Member Avatar for junaid_5
Member Avatar for gogs85

> Table names and column names must not be surrounded by single quotes, but by backticks. Backticks are really unnecessary unless you are using reserved words as labels. Fact is, they're a MySQL construct and not defined by the ANSI SQL standard. Using the backticks will limit you strictly to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ahmedzahir

> i want to leanr SEO audit..plzz help me Can you expand on that, please? Do you want us to perform an SEO audit? Or are you trying to, as I'm assuming is the case, learn how to perform SEO audits yourself? And if that's the case, are you familiar …

Member Avatar for mamahadija
Member Avatar for ecleary

The directory containing the other images: [BLOG-ROOT]/wp-content/themes/simplegridtheme/images/ You're going to need to modify your own image though, I'm afraid. [LinkedIn provides their logo]( in numerous formats, just for this kind of situation. But you'll need to resize and greyscale it, to make it fit in per your theme.

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for Wisnu_1

> Hello, I've got an assignment where I'm told to create a chat room application. I have already created the application using Java. But I am also asked to research at least three different technologies to implement chat room application, but I only know one... that is using Java Sockets. …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for begueradj

> Howdy, > > I am looking to download a list of malicious JS code in order to test it on my localhost website I am developing. > Is there any place to download such a list ? > > Thank you in advance for your answer. > Begueradj What …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

> > I found it. > include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/filepath"; I'd just like to point out that there's a syntax error here: you omitted the terminating parenthesis. I would also recommend, if this file is critical to your application, you use the *require_once()* function instead.

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
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> hi > i want to make a form with html but i want get that information in a local database like access db or sql db in my pc. > how can i do it? plz help me with code or info about that. > tanx alot guys You're …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for saadi06

> Hi, > I have a question regarding php defined function. I want to see the logic implemented for all the php defined functions. How can I see that. For example I want to see what is the logic behing strstr or how strtolower works.Where can I see in wamp …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Muni123

> hi, > I need a few opinions on this, I am sort of new to web dev. I'm intending on building a website for > a charity, where the charity workers will be able to add charity events to their website. Vulnteers of the charity will then be able …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for rubai

> Hi all, > > I have a contact form. In the message text area the right border is not showing in chrome browser. It is cool in other browsers. > here is the link > > Thanks The issue is stemming from the *slideInLeft* class on the label …

Member Avatar for rubai
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

> I was just thinking about all of the unsolved threads, the ones that actually are solved, and I was thinking, maybe @Dani could add a 'Please Mark as Solved' button that users could click to notify the owner of the thread that they should mark it as solved. > …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for riahc3

> I would like to be able to store data in various files instead of one huge one to make remote backups easier on MySQL. How can I set this up? > > Thank you You asked this question a week ago. I even posted and you never responded. I'll …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for hapiscrap

> How do you create a spritesheet? You would use a graphics editing application. Adobe Fireworks is popular for this, Photoshop is always a viable option, GIMP would be a free option, and the list goes on. A spritesheet is simply one single image containing multiple sprites. Within the game …

Member Avatar for hapiscrap
Member Avatar for riahc3

> We have various databases on several offsite locations and we want to do a backup to here. Problem is that database is problably going to weigh GBs of data so it would be better to split it into several "files" so we can only get the updates in small …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for vitalisz

> hello all i have problem with time zone What is your problem? The code you posted does not hint at the issue. For that matter, code practically never speaks louder than a good explanation by the author. Please explain what problem(s) you're running into and what you've tried to …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for chaitu11

> Any source code available I'm assuming 93.5FM is a radio station local to your area? And that you want to stream that radio on your web page? If that's the case then check out the site for that station; it's possible they provide streaming options. The only way this …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for RikTelner

> Does it work? Nope. > What's wrong with it? A very good tool when writing front-end code is the developer console. Chrome and Firefox have this built in. I would encourage you to seek it out and use it religiously. You'll catch any and all JavaScript errors and where …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for stokie-rich

> Hope someone can help me, someone has suggested that i change sql to sqli That person gave you very valuable advice. The original MySQL extension, which you're using, has been deprecated as of PHP 5.5. Development on the MySQL extension ended years ago. Even if you disregard the deprecation …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley

The End.