how to set the minvalue=today and max value=today+30 in javascript or how to do it in jquery what are the files i need to download .plz explain me i never used jquery before .

Member Avatar for diafol

Why not use a html5 input? No javascript required. Just min and max attributes.

You set min/max/value via php. Example. You need to get today and today+1 month. Have a look at the code I gave you in another thread.

min="<?php echo $min;?>"

If you really need these variables set in JavaScript then you might do the following:

var today = new Date(),
  nextMonth = new Date();

nextMonth.setDate(nextMonth.getDate() + 30);

Mr diafol, if i use html inputs it doesnt support in firefox ..and i need to change the date dynamically for every months na html does not help in that na ..

Member Avatar for diafol

OK, so use a js datepicker then. Hundreds to choose from on the internet. Pick one you like.

i am using jquery datepicker ..i want to change the size od datepicker .how to change ?it doesnot fit into my page .i have attached the file check and give me the solution

Member Avatar for diafol

i have attached the file check and give me the solution

No you haven't. This is not php anymore, so perhaps you should mark this thread solved and go to a more appropriate forum.

ok .thanks

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