81 Topics

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Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

So i have a java program running as a lib on a server. I need to just simply run a method within that library. In order to do so through J2EE, i need to get a call from a JSP -> EJB ->ResourceAdapter->Method. So i have the Reasource Adapter and …

Member Avatar for iRamble88

#//Here is my simple class for MyCar# public class MyCar { private int odometer; private int speed; private int gear; public MyCar() //send values to member variables in this default constructor { odometer = 0; speed = 0; gear = 0.0; } public MyCar(int od, int sp, int gr) //constructor …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for patrick1981

Hey fellows, I have three database tables AUCTIONS auction_id name description place date BIDDERS bidder_id firstname lastname email signupdate BIDS bid_id auction_id bidder_id biddate I want to create a drop down menu to select and display BIDDERS signed up for each AUCTIONS. I have coded the following in PHP to …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for jehlaipixy

HELP ME PLEASE. I AM A 1ST YR COLLEGE STUDENT :/ Define an interface Filter as follows: public interface Filter { boolean accept(Object x); } Modify the implementation of the DataSet class to use both a Measurer and a Filter object. Only objects that the filter accepts should be processed. …

Member Avatar for jehlaipixy
Member Avatar for mallikaalokam

[CODE]import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; interface Batm { final static int minbal=500; abstract void withdrawl(); } class Bal implements Batm { int amt,cbal; Bal(int amt,int cbal) { this.amt=amt; this.cbal=cbal; } void withdrawl() { if(cbal>minbal) { cbal=cbal-amt; System.out.println(amt+" "+"withdrawn"); } else { System.out.println("bal nt sufficient"); } } } class Atm …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng

Code attached in the attachment is not my own and was supplied by an instructor. I am to create a word morphing game. The computer will provide a starting word and an ending word. I am to enter a new word, that either adds or removes a letter from the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ThaiAmL

I'm writing an assignment for my introduction to programming class and we're supposed to implement the following interface: [CODE] public Interface Account{ //Calculates interest (1%) and adds to the account balance public void interest(); //Calculates the balance after a deposit public void payIn(double money); //Calculates the balance after a charge …

Member Avatar for ThaiAmL
Member Avatar for ThaiAmL

Hello! I'm doing my first homework assignment with abstract classes and interfaces. I have a few questions: (1) I know that a class must be saved on the computer as, for example, Class.java. Is this the same for abstract classes? How are interfaces supposed to be saved? Do they need …

Member Avatar for ThaiAmL
Member Avatar for ocamsrazor

Hi, im new to all this programming stuff and i am a total novice, so please treat me as such. By this friday (27th), i need to program a user interface for a driving simulator, including a picture box(or similar) with images to show basic direction or something, a gas, …

Member Avatar for lxXTaCoXxl
Member Avatar for akingcool

I am trying to design a file reader with some sort of GUI so I decided to use JOptionPane. I am a complete noob trying to learn java. So far, I have managed to make my program produce a pop up for the file location, and also an error message …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for surajrai

Hi, We have an 7 year old application which is in the maintainance phase. I have recently joined the project and I keep hearing "backward compatibility of inteface". Can someone explain to me with an example what does this means? Thank you. Regards

Member Avatar for surajrai
Member Avatar for happygeek

You might think that there's not much further for a high-end low budget home entertainment remote control unit to go than the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/home-theater-home-entertainment/reviews/324398"]One For All SmartControl that DaniWeb reviewed just over a year ago[/URL] now. However, One For All does not seem to agree as it has just launched the …

Member Avatar for schoolboy2010

Holler fellow programmers I have an error that's been bugging me for almost a day now: I keep getting 14 of this error: class, interface, or enum expected Yes, 14 different exact same error message basically for every line of code in the inputGetter method below. Can someone please help... …

Member Avatar for JeffGrigg
Member Avatar for vishal1949

I am new to programming and I don't know how to make interfaces. My code is : [CODE]public class CarsDescription { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { interface Domestic {} interface Import {} interface Japanese extends Import {} interface German extends …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for jordan0420

I am currently working on a project for my computer class and i am using it as an opportunity to learn pyobjc. i have a database file that includes a path to an image, reading this and getting the path to the image is no problem. my problem is, i …

Member Avatar for rayden150

If anyone could help this humble learner I would deeply appreciate it, Im trying to put this whole function, the couts in the middle but gotoxy() on a console application doesnt seem to work, im on windows vista and using codeblocks the latest version, Maybe I have a library wrong …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for yuvalm2

I am about to begin working on a program serving simultanuously a handfull of non-technical clients. I am still trying to select my user interface, and would like your suggestions, given that my main program would be written mainly in Python. I would suppose that most of the actions requested …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for lenzo

excuse me if this question has been asked before than i am sorry i couldn't find it. so i am ruining Ubuntu on my desktop computer and i have started c++ using code blocks i was wondering how do you make a GUI window for Linux or am i using …

Member Avatar for Celtrix
Member Avatar for bangor_boy

Learning about Abstract classes and interfaces, is there anything else I have forgotten about? [B]Abstract Class[/B] 1.Cannot be initated. 2.Can have concrete methods. 3.Abstract methods with no body 4.A class extending the abstract class does not need to use all the abstract methods from the abstract class. 5.A class can …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for UltimateKnight

Hey all. When you have the whole program running, and is executed it's running at the black console window. How are the programs made so that they run with GUI interface and stuff like that? Are they exported differently and where are the images and things put together ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for ichigo_cool
Member Avatar for bleedi

Hiya, I've got a small problem. I have an interface called "event", which represents a networking event. I have classes implementing this interface. Now, when my server app receives a new event, it checks the class of the event and acts accordingly. This works nicely when the implementing classes are …

Member Avatar for bleedi
Member Avatar for IndianaRonaldo

i need a command in c++ to scan the first keystroke the user enters ....(i.e) user doesnt have to press <enter> key...i need to scan as soon as he types....please help...thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for IndianaRonaldo
Member Avatar for akshayinbox

Hello. I've learned programming in Visual Basic 6 followed by turbo C++. I was able to make COMMERCIAL software using VB6 but not with C++. The thing is I need to learn a language (for software development) that has syntax and logic similar to C++ BUT COMES WITH AN INTERFACE …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for ovidiu_b13

Can someone please help me make a simple java program for my class. I am a beginner, and don't know how to make one. I know a fiew stuff, but not enough. The teachers requests are: Write a program in netbeans that contains 4 of the following: 1. Classes - …

Member Avatar for JDCyrus
Member Avatar for gazzatav

I'm reading a book called Beginning Algorithms by Harris and Ross, which gives code examples in Java. As an academic exercise I am trying to convert the code examples to C++. In the interface below the part that throws me is the return of the 'Object' by the 'current' method. …

Member Avatar for gazzatav
Member Avatar for Raihanorium

Hi everybody, I am a new user of this forum. I usually work with Visual Studio 2008 in C# .NET. I have some experience in C# and can freely meet my needs. But now-a-days, I am wondering with the design of The KMPlayer, Windows Media Player, Nokia PC Suite, Real …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for DevonParsons

Hi Daniweb, I've almost always found solutions for various problems before and have now decided to become a member so I can contribute as well. I would consider myself a so-so programmer (I understand classes, pointers, matrices, I/O, vectors, and of course structure). I am only able to make code …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for shiftee

Hi all, I have a simple question that I can't find the answer to i'm using the following Exam.java (interface) ExamImpl.java (implementation) ExamFactory.java (interface) ExamFactoryImpl.java (implementation) The ExamFactory interface says the newExam() method return type is "Exam" The ExamFactoryImpl code currently returns "ExamImpl" Is this a problem?? i.e. Are Exam …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I want to put my own "twang" to certain elements on my website. For instance I'd like to have a image for say the a file attachment, instead of the normal box with browse after it. Can I do this? How can I do this. I'd like to apply images …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for iamthwee

So blender 2.5 has a brand new slick interface. Enough to rival packages like modo and 3dmax. Any blender users here. What are your initial thoughts? [url]http://www.blender.org/[/url]

Member Avatar for ruleboy527

The End.