import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
interface Batm
   final static int minbal=500;

    abstract void withdrawl();


 class Bal implements Batm
    int amt,cbal;
  Bal(int amt,int cbal)
    void withdrawl()
                 System.out.println(amt+" "+"withdrawn");
              System.out.println("bal nt sufficient");

 class Atm
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException

             Bal b=new Bal(2000,5000);


m getting an error dat
attempting to assign weaker access privilges.can not implement withdrawl in bal in batm

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;

interface Batm
final static int minbal=500;

abstract void withdrawl();


class Bal implements Batm
int amt,cbal;
Bal(int amt,int cbal)

void withdrawl()
System.out.println(amt+" "+"withdrawn");
System.out.println("bal nt sufficient");

class Atm
public static void main(String args[])throws IOException

Bal b=new Bal(2000,5000);


m getting an error dat
attempting to assign weaker access privilges.can not implement withdrawl in bal in batm

why have you got two withdrawl methods, one abstract(and no code) the other public(and has code)? also see here: and here: and this:, and this just for extra :):

[EDIT] or just:

interface Batm

abstract void withdrawl();


class Bal implements Batm
Bal(int amt,int cbal)

public void withdrawl()

public class ATM
public static void main(String args[])throws IOException


why have you got two withdrawl methods, one abstract(and no code) the other public(and has code)?

i want t knw how to implenet iterfaces
as interfaces cn nly have final static varibles nd abstarct methods
i took dat way
m a learner pls help me

i want t knw how to implenet iterfaces
as interfaces cn nly have final static varibles nd abstarct methods
i took dat way
m a learner pls help me

Please see my edited post added three links

Methods declared in an interface are automatically public and abstract, so the method definition in the class that implements must be declared public, as default access is more restricted

Methods declared in an interface are automatically public and abstract, so the method definition in the class that implements must be declared public, as default access is more restricted

yes got it
tq tq tq

Never thought about this before, bit it is a bit weird - you declare a method with default scope in an interface, implement that in a class also with default scope, and its an error. :-O

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